Trip Report: Peninsular Malaysia, March 8-31, 1998
David Geale;
March 8: arrive Kuala Lumpur (KL) 1200
March 9-11 (am): Kuala Selangor
March 11 (pm) - 14 (am): The Gap
March 14-17 (am): Fraser's Hill
March 17 (pm) - 24 (am): Taman Negara
March 24 (pm): Sungai Batu Mining Pools
March 26-28 (am): Kuala Selangor
March 29: Templer Park
March 30: Taman Pertanian, Shah Alam
March 31: Lake Gardens, KL
- Birds of SE Asia, Ben King et al. -- The only guide I started with,
but I was frustrated by the lack of quality and quantity of
illustrations. The text was useful.
- Birds of Thailand, Boonsong Lekagul et al. -- A much better
illustrated guide and the most useful book in the field. Note that a
few species are not covered. I purchased it at Kuala Selangor for
about RM160.
- A Birdwatcher's Guide to Malaysia, John Bransbury. --
Nice to have,
but not a necessity. Most useful for sites in the KL area.
Site Accounts
Kuala Selangor; March 9-11, 26-28
Trail D was best for secondary forest birds, but A, B and C were also
productive. The "middle hides" (in the center of the loop of
embankments surrounding the lake) were unpredictable -- they could
either be excellent or dead, depending mostly on the tide. At high tide,
many waders came to the ponds, but at low tide, there was virtually
nothing at these hides. The tower hides at the NW and SW corners of
the lagoon were useful with a scope, but most bird were usually too far
away. There was only one mangrove boardwalk open during my visits,
at the end of Trail D. The biggest problem was the lack of access to
mudflats. The manager, Rajan, was very helpful. Ask him about any
birds you want to find.
Accommodation and Food
Hotel Selangor is reasonable (RM40/night), but you are locked in until
roughly 7:15 am, which isn't great. It is located across the street from
the bus station, above the 99 Restaurant and Waterfall Café. The
A-Frame huts in the reserve were better for convenience, but had only
a fan for air conditioning. That was not a major problem. The huts are
small, with two mattresses on the floor, and block toilets are nearby.
They cost RM25/night. I didn't look at the chalets and don't know
their prices. For food, I ate only at the 99 Restaurant, which was
There were virtually no insects around, but this may have been due to
the dry weather conditions. The only problem was the oppressive heat
from about 8:00 am to 5:00 pm -- and only slightly cooler outside those
times. On the whole, a very pleasant place to birdwatch.
Species Recorded
- Little Egret
Common in the lagoon.
- Intermediate Egret
Just one in the lagoon on the 28th.
- Grey Heron
Very common.
- Purple Heron
Up to 3 of these skinny guys in the lagoon.
- Great Egret
Usually a few present in the lagoon.
- Chinese Pond-Heron
There were many pond-herons in non-breeding plumage, just one of
this species in full breeding dress.
- Javan Pond-Heron
Exactly like the previous species. Both pond-herons in the lagoon.
- Striated (Little) Heron
- Yellow Bittern
One immature seen occasionally at the north end of the lagoon.
- Black Baza
Common in the secondary forest, often in small groups. Great birds,
with a very silly crest.
- Black-shouldered Kite
Just one sitting on a stump in the lagoon on the 26th.
- Brahminy Kite
Whatever these eat (fish?), there must be lots of it! Very common
overhead and perched.
- White-bellied Sea-Eagle
The king of Kuala Selangor, one almost always sitting atop the tower on
Bukit Melawit. It took me a while to notice that there was a nest up
- Crested Serpent-Eagle
Seen a few times around the lagoon and in the secondary forest. All
were singles, perhaps 3 or 4 in the area.
- Japanese Sparrowhawk
One bird causing panic among the Pink-necked Pigeons on the 28th.
- Black-thighed Falconet
Just one of these tiny birds of prey sitting above the parking lot of the
- Red Junglefowl
Yes, it's a chicken. Great birds, heard often and seen occasionally in the
secondary forest, particularly along Trail D.
- Slaty-breasted Rail
Seen twice in the same place along the trail to the middle hides, also
once along the north embankment.
- White-breasted Waterhen
Very common, but for a bird like this that's okay.
- Watercock
Two seen regularly from the middle hides during my second visit.
- Common Snipe
Looked without success for pintails, but just two commons seen from
the middle hides.
- Common Redshank
Same as the previous species, but change the "pintails" to "spotteds".
- Marsh Sandpiper
The second most numerous sandpiper, many among the Greenshanks
in the lagoon.
- Common Greenshank
The commonest sandpiper, at least a few present at all times; large
flocks at high tide.
- Terek Sandpiper
Just one at high tide on the evening of the 27th, seen from the middle
- Common Sandpiper
Yes, it was common; many individuals in the lagoon.
- Ruddy Turnstone
A few birds in the lagoon during my second visit.
- Rufous-necked Stint
One from the middle hides on the evening of the 27th at high tide.
- Curlew Sandpiper
The third most common wader, usually a few with the Greenshanks
and Marsh Sandpipers.
- Mongolian Plover (Lesser Sandplover)
Two from the middle hide at high tide on the 27th.
- Rock Dove
Only in town, happily.
- Zebra Dove
Common in small flocks along the embankments.
- Pink-necked Pigeon
Large numbers were obviously present, but inconspicuous as they are
green and sit concealed in the foliage.
- Rusty-breasted Cuckoo
This was the only typical cuckoo I could see, but many were calling.
Just seen once in the mangroves.
- Asian Koel
Hard to see, but quite common -- listen for its whistled "woo-eee-ooo"
and you'll realize that they're everywhere.
- Chestnut-bellied Malkoha
Gorgeous and rather clumsy -- a typical malkoha. Just one in the
- Chestnut-breasted Malkoha
One in the secondary forest.
- Greater Coucal
Often heard, seldom seen, but common along the edges of
embankments. Couldn't find a lesser!
- Collared Scops-Owl
One roosting in a box outside the visitor's center. Be sure to ask Rajan
about other owls. I had no success.
- Large-tailed Nightjar
Common -- listen at dusk for its "chonk, chonk, chonk" etc. call. To see
them, try spotlighting in the parking lot at dusk.
- Asian Palm-Swift
There were many swifts over the park, including many I didn't
identify. Quite a few of these flying around.
- Little Swift
Common in the town, also seen occasionally over the park.
- Common Kingfisher
Kuala Selangor proved to quite good for kingfishers. This one was not
particularly common, but there was usually one or two around the
- Stork-billed Kingfisher
It sounds ridiculous, but it makes sense when you see one! Probably
just one pair around, seen at various points around the lagoon.
- White-throated Kingfisher
Not often seen in the park itself, but more frequently in the town area.
- Black-capped Kingfisher
Probably the second most common kingfisher; a striking bird most
easily seen along the drains outside the embankments.
- Collared Kingfisher
Definitely the most common kingfisher, with a very loud, obnoxious
call. Quite pretty though, seen everywhere from the mangroves to the
secondary forest.
- Blue-throated Bee-Eater
Seen rather infrequently, but very nice. Check the sky for flying birds
or exposed perches at the top of trees.
- Blue-tailed Bee-Eater
Another beautiful bird, seen only during my second visit.
- Dollarbird
Amazing, and common as well. Usually seen flying floppily around the
lagoon area.
- Lineated Barbet
Just seen once atop Bukit Melawati.
- Coppersmith Barbet
Only recorded once as well, this one near the visitor's centre.
- Sunda Woodpecker
Very small and easy to overlook, but not rare. Seen a few times in the
mangroves and secondary forest.
- Laced Woodpecker
Common and very noisy, often in pairs in all habitats.
- Common Flameback
A few records in the mangroves and secondary forest.
- Greater Flameback
One very co-operative bird in the mangroves which sat still. Others
seen only in flight could have been this or the previous species.
- Golden-bellied Gerygone (Flyeater)
Flyeater is a much nice name. You'll hear it a lot, but perhaps not see it
much. Its wheezy whistle sounds like part of "Street Rat" from
- Mangrove Whistler
Very well named -- many whistling sounds in the mangroves turned out
to be this bird.
- Pied Fantail
Lively, cheerful and common in the mangroves and secondary forest.
- Ashy Drongo
Beware of the illustration in King et al. -- the resident race is quite black
above, but distinctively grey on the belly. Fairly common on the edges
of secondary forest.
- House Crow
Common, both in town and in the park.
- Large-billed Crow
Outnumbered by the previous species, but also common in the park.
- Common Iora
Very nice. Common in the secondary forest and along the
- Black-naped Oriole
Exactly like the previous species.
- Ashy Minivet
Seen just once along the A Trail.
- Brown Shrike
One bird regularly along the path to town during my first visit, but it
had apparently left by the time I returned the second time.
- Asian Glossy Starling
Common in town, also in the fruiting trees near the visitor's centre.
- Daurian Starling
Just two birds near the visitor's centre on the 27th.
- Common Myna
Appropriately named.
- Jungle Myna
Not appropriately named. Common around the lagoon. Check all the
Common Mynas, and you'll almost certainly turn up a few of these.
- Hill Myna
Another poor name. A great bird though, especially vocally. Just one
flock in the secondary forest.
- Mangrove Blue-Flycatcher
At first a bit confusing -- it hardly looks blue. However, fairly common
in the mangroves.
- Oriental Magpie-Robin
Very common, with a nice song and lively demeanour. Seen
everywhere except the mangroves.
- Barn (European) Swallow
Common over the lagoon.
- Pacific Swallow
Like the previous species, but outnumbered by it.
- Red-rumped Swallow
Two over the lagoon on the 28th, but not seen otherwise.
- Yellow-vented Bulbul
One of the most abundant birds throughout Malaysian lowlands. Seen
particularly often along the embankments, but just about anywhere
will do for these guys.
- Olive-winged Bulbul
Seen just twice in the secondary forest. The second most common
bulbul here!
- Oriental White-eye
Particularly in the mangroves.
- Yellow-bellied Prinia
Quite shy, but sings loudly and often conspicuously, something like
"chick! oubli-oubli-oubli." Sometimes snapped its wings in flight.
- Pallas's Warbler
The skulker of the trip, even beating out Taman Negara pittas! Seen
just once along the south embankment.
- Common Tailorbird
A bit of confusion -- when this bird sings, they show a dark neck! The
undertail coverts are the best clue. Quite common in open areas.
- Dark-necked Tailorbird
See comment under the previous species. Also common, generally in
denser vegetation.
- Ashy Tailorbird
Not a confusing bird, and extremely common. The call is surprisingly
loud for such little guys.
- Arctic Warbler
Seen a few times in the mangroves and secondary forest.
- Abbott's Babbler
Very common, but a skulker. When you clue in to its song (it took me
a while!) you'll realise it's common -- "teeoo-tee-tooweet".
- Striped Tit-Babbler
Common also, especially in secondary forest.
- Great Tit
Common and talkative in the mangroves. Very pale in comparison to
the European ones.
- Eurasian Tree Sparrow
If there's a building, there will be one, but you won't feel like checking.
- White-rumped Munia
A pair seen on my second visit, not recorded on my first.
- Scaly-breasted Munia
Very common in the grass along the embankments.
- Forest Wagtail
Common on my first visit, but only a few on my second until about 70
flew over on the evening of the 27th. Great birds, usually in secondary
- Plain(Brown)-throated Sunbird
The throat is the only plain part of this bird! Common along the
embankments, often quite tame.
- Ruby-cheeked Sunbird
Just one pair seen at the beginning of the mangrove boardwalk on the
inland side of the coastal bund. Very nice!
- Olive-backed Sunbird
The dullest sunbird here, but still quite nice, and common along the
- Little Spiderhunter
Seen just once in the secondary forest.
The Gap; March 11-14
Unless you want to bushwhack, the birding is restricted to three
roads. These are commonly known as the Fraser's Hill road, KKB road
and the Raub road, based on where they go. I found the KKB road
quieter than the other two, but others report just the opposite. There
is a track off the road a km or two up the Fraser's Hill road, but it made
birding much more difficult. The birding motto at The Gap could be
"quality not quantity", as you can go a long way and see nothing, then
get a real thriller. It is worth spending time just sitting on the front
terrace (or back, for that matter) of the Resthouse and scan the
surrounding trees. A scope is very useful here, especially from the
Accommodation and Food
There isn't much choice, but The Gap Resthouse is great for both. The
rooms are large, with two beds and somewhat unreliable electricity.
There was a sign that said that electricity would only be available at
certain times, but the actual schedule was unpredictable. The menu is
rather limited but the food is decent, if somewhat overpriced.
Not many, but I had two leeches and half an hour of rain. An
annoyance was the volume of the cicada buzzing all day, but especially
at dusk and before rain, as birds were much harder to hear when they
turned it up.
Species Recorded
- Bat Hawk
Seen one evening (7:25 pm) flying over the Resthouse. Try waiting on
the front terrace at dusk.
- Crested Serpent-Eagle
One over the Resthouse.
- Little Cuckoo-Dove
Probably quite common, but inconspicuous. Seen perched on the KKB
road and flying by the Resthouse at dusk.
- Emerald Dove
One about 2 km down the Raub road.
- Thick-billed Pigeon
Fairy numerous at fruiting trees.
- Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot
Common; often seen flying, occasionally perched.
- Drongo Cuckoo
A stumper at first, but it really does look like a cross between its
name-sakes. One just below The Gap on the Raub road.
- Green-billed Malkoha
What a tail! One seen at the Fraser's Hill gate, a pair about 1 km down
the Raub road.
- Glossy Swiftlet
Common -- often flying low down, occasionally going under the road
through culverts!
- Fork-tailed Swift
Commonly seen overhead, especially at dusk from the front terrace.
- Little Swift
Seen just once at the Resthouse; possibly overlooked.
- Red-bearded Bee-Eater
Wow! Two birds together on the Fraser's Hill road -- one had a huge
cicada in its bill.
- Rhinoceros Hornbill
Magnificent views of two birds on the Fraser's Hill road. Great bird!
- Gold-whiskered Barbet
Almost missed! I heard them often, but only seen once at the fruiting
tree 15 minutes before I left for Fraser's Hill.
- Red-throated Barbet
Like all barbets, heard more often than seen. Just one sight record near
the beginning of the Fraser's Hill road.
- Black-browed Barbet
This one was seen twice! One from the front terrace and one about 2
km down the Raub road.
- Blue-crowned Barbet
The most often seen barbet, always in fruiting trees.
- Brown Barbet
One pair high up in a dead tree 500 m down the Raub road.
- Bamboo Woodpecker
Well named. Seen twice in bamboo along the Fraser's Hill road.
Frustratingly, no other woodpeckers here were identified.
- Dusky Broadbill
This was our first broadbill. A group of about 7 down the Raub road
moving somewhat clumsily through the foliage.
- Silver-breasted Broadbill
Two birds building a nest in a bamboo patch about 2.5 km down the
Raub road. Amazing birds!
- Bronzed Drongo
Common, often near the Fraser's Hill gate.
- Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
A few birds around the Resthouse, occasionally along the roads as
well. Many did not have a full quota of rackets.
- Scarlet Minivet
A lone female on the KKB road, a flock of about 10, including many
brilliant males, on the Fraser's Hill road.
- Bar-winged Flycatcher-Shrike
Seen just once on the Fraser's Hill road.
- Asian Fairy-Bluebird
Very common at fruiting trees, particularly near the Resthouse.
- Blue-winged Leafbird
Like the previous species. The male's head is much more yellow than
illustrated, except in the photographic guide.
- Tiger Shrike
One immature bird at the base of the new Fraser's Hill road, about 500
m below The Gap on the Raub road.
- Brown Shrike
One seen regularly near the Fraser's Hill gate.
- Verditer Flycatcher
Very nice; pale blue with a pleasant song, and usually a few near the
back terrace.
- Grey-headed Canary -Flycatcher
Get rid of the "canary" bit! A nice flycatcher seen just once on the
Fraser's Hill road.
- Oriental Magpie-Robin
A pair living around the Resthouse.
- White-rumped Shama
The last bird before I left for Fraser's Hill, right at the Fraser's Hill gate.
- Slaty-backed Forktail
Don't miss this one! Great birds; a pair seen twice above the road on
Sungai Terranum, about 2 km down Raub road.
- Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
Seen twice, once on the KKB road, once on the Fraser's Hill road.
Colourful, but inconspicuous and possibly overlooked.
- Pacific Swallow
A couple of pair around, seen regularly at the Resthouse.
- Striated (Red-rumped) Swallow
Powerful flyers, beautiful birds. Seen often flying around the
- Black-crested Bulbul
Very pretty and very common, seen along all the roads, all the time.
- Scaly-breasted Bulbul
My favourite bulbul, seen a few times from the front terrace.
- Stripe-throated Bulbul
Another common bulbul seen along every road.
- Ochraceous Bulbul
Very common on the Fraser's Hill road, also seen on other roads.
- Ashy Bulbul
Yet another common bulbul on all the roads.
- Dark-necked Tailorbird
A few in the resthouse area, perhaps also some Common Tailorbirds; I
didn't check very closely.
- Yellow-bellied Warbler
Often heard, but seen only once about 2 km down the Raub road.
- Black Laughingthrush
A flock (family?) of about 8 seen a few times near the Fraser's Hill
- Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush
Seen just once here, at the base of the Fraser's Hill road with some
Black Laughingthrushes.
- Chestnut-backed Scimitar-Babbler
Seen just once on the Fraser's Hill road.
- Grey-throated Babbler
Common but skulking; seen especially on the Raub road.
- Striped Tit-Babbler
Just seen once, just above the Fraser's Hill gate.
- Sultan Tit
Spectacular birds, seen regularly on the Fraser's Hill road, once on the
KKB road.
- White-rumped Munia
Seen at the Resthouse and at the base of the new Fraser's Hill road.
- Grey Wagtail
One bird often seen from the back terrace.
- Yellow-vented Flowerpecker
Seen just once from the front terrace.
- Orange-bellied Flowerpecker
One male of his species chased away the Yellow-vented Flowerpecker.
There were several female flowerpeckers that I think were of this
species near the Resthouse.
- Fire-breasted Flowerpecker
One male from the back terrace.
- Black-throated Sunbird
A pair just above the Fraser's Hill gate.
- Streaked Spiderhunter
What a bill! One bird often around the Resthouse; several other
spiderhunters seen in flight were probably this species.
Fraser's Hill; March 14-17
Obviously Fraser's Hill birding means bird waves. I found these
virtually everywhere; the Bishop's Trail and Valley road (along the
south side of the golf course) were the most consistent. The time
between bird waves can be dull, but that's when some of the most
exciting birds show up -- like trogons and hornbills. The newest Fraser's
Hill hot spot is the "new road". It is planned to finally open to traffic
in 1999, but another delay might keep the birding good a little longer. I
personally did not find this road especially good, but there were some
different birds there, and other groups saw many woodpeckers on it.
Overall, the birding was highly variable and unpredictable but very
exciting. Try to contact Durai at the new Nature Education Centre -- he
was very useful.
Accommodation and Food
I stayed at Rasa -- at the far end of the Telecom Loop -- for one night, as
I hadn't booked, and most other places were full. The birding there was
good, but it was a rather long walk into town and beyond to other
sites. For the rest of my stay, I slept at the Temerloh chalets, which
were convenient and reasonable. For food, I ate only at "Spices", which
was great. I met some German birders who had been warned not to eat
"at the Chinese place". I don't know where that is, and remained
satisfied with "Spices".
Fraser's Hill is notorious for leeches, and I met some, but the weather
had been dry and they were not a serious problem.
Species Recorded
- European (Crested) Honey-Buzzard
2 soaring over the town area. Somehow missed Blyth's Hawk-Eagle.
- Black Eagle
One low over the canopy behind Rasa.
- Little Cuckoo-Dove
Common, especially at High Pines.
- Mountain Imperial-Pigeon
Common; most often seen flying or heard in the distance.
- Red-billed Malkoha
2 seen about 2 km down the "new road". Beautiful birds.
- Jungle (Grey) Nightjar
Seen along the High Pines road at dusk.
- Silver-rumped Needletail
2 flying around about 2 km down the "new road".
- Fork-tailed Swift
Common overhead, especially over the town.
- Little Swift
Nesting in the town, common overhead.
- Red-headed Trogon
A stunning pair on the Bishop's Trail.
- Red-bearded Bee-Eater
Great looks at one bird in a bird wave near Allan's Water.
- Great Hornbill
Spectacular! Just one individual seen along the Bishop's Trail.
- Fire-tufted Barbet
Very common in bird waves. Listen for an accelerating series of
- Black-browed Barbet
Often heard, seen just once on the Telecom Loop.
- Speckled Piculet
One at Maybank Lodge. I heard it drumming, but it took for ever to
spot, although it turned out to be quite close. Great bird!
- Greater Yellownape
Common in bird waves. Inexplicably, I couldn't find a Lesser
Yellownape anywhere!
- Bay Woodpecker
One at Maybank Lodge, just before the piculet.
- Long-tailed Broadbill
Wow! Probably my favourite bird at Fraser's Hill; two seen separately
on the Telecom Loop.
- White-throated Fantail
Common in bird waves.
- Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo
About one per bird wave. Their tail must take quite a beating -- I only
one had a full pair of rackets out of the dozens I saw.
- Green Magpie
Gorgeous and common. The first one I saw was a fledgling which was
almost pure white.
- Large-billed Crow
Seen at a rate of about one or two per day; often in town.
- Black-and-crimson Oriole
Common in bird waves. I know I'm overusing that comment, but it's
always true.
- Large (Black-faced) Cuckoo-Shrike
Common, but usually seen flying, rarely perched.
- Grey-chinned Minivet
Common in pairs or flocks, but no grey chin on the male in this part of
the world!
- Bar-winged Flycatcher-Shrike
Just one in a bird wave on the "new road".
- Brown Shrike
A few seen around the town. Definitely not in bird waves.
- Malayan Whistling-Thrush
Get to the gate at the Gap road before dawn and wait. Almost a
guaranteed bird, but also almost guaranteed to be in bad light.
- Mugimaki Flycatcher
Apparently quite numerous during my visit, but I saw just two
beautiful males on the Telecom Loop.
- Rufous-browed Flycatcher
Very nice! Quite tame, and seen on almost any forest trail. Often in
bird waves.
- Little Pied Flycatcher
Like the previous species.
- Large Niltava
Common; seemed to prefer more open areas. A nest was found in the
roadside bank on the high pines road. Again, bird waves usually had
- Grey-headed Canary-Flycatcher
Seen a couple of times along the Bishop's Trail. Yes, in bird waves.
- Oriental Magpie-Robin
Common, obviously the town was the place for this one.
- White-tailed Robin
Another species seen in a bird wave -- just once though, on the Bishop's
- Blue Nuthatch
Common. Yes, in bird waves. Wonderful birds!
- Barn (European) Swallow
In town; I didn't check closely enough to say common or not.
Combined with the next species, they were common.
- Pacific Swallow
See Barn Swallow, also in town.
- Striated (Red-rumped) Swallow
A few seen over the Old Zoo at the end of the Bishop's Trail.
- Black-and-white Bulbul
A very nice pair, and obliging too, on the Telecom Loop.
- Yellow-vented Bulbul
A surprise sighting of one on the golf course.
- Ochraceous Bulbul
Seen only on the "new road".
- Mountain Bulbul
Common in bird waves. If you thought I said that a lot up until now,
believe me, it gets worse (better?).
- Mountain Tailorbird
The prettiest tailorbird I saw, very common in bird waves.
- Inornate (Yellow-browed) Warbler
A few sightings along the Bishop's Trail and Telecom Loop.
- Arctic Warbler
Like the previous species, but often in bird waves.
- Eastern Crowned-Warbler
Just one in a bird wave on the "new road".
- Chestnut-crowned Warbler
Common... you guessed it, in bird waves.
- Chestnut-capped Laughingthrush
Very common, in their own waves or with others.
- Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush
Fairly common in bird waves. Quieter and less obtrusive than
"capped". Who made these confusing names?!
- Pygmy Wren-Babbler
Seen in just one bird wave on the Bishop's Trail.
- Golden Babbler
Yes, another abundant in bird waves. The crown streaking is not as
conspicuous as illustrated in all field guides.
- Grey-throated Babbler
Seen in a few bird waves, possibly overlooked.
- Silver-eared Mesia
What stunning birds! Happily common too, often in small parties in
bird waves.
- White-eared Shrike-Babbler
Seemed to be the less common shrike-babbler, just one pair on the
Telecom Loop.
- Black-eared Shrike-Babbler
Usually a pair per bird wave.
- Blue-winged Minla
Common. In bird waves. The "blue-winged" part is not obviously
applicable to all birds.
- Mountain Fulvetta
Excessively common in bird waves.
- Long-tailed Sibia
Equally excessively common, but usually in their own waves.
- Sultan Tit
Just one of these magnificent birds in the town.
- Eurasian Tree Sparrow
As expected.
- Grey Wagtail
Just one seen in town.
- Fire-breasted Flowerpecker
A few males on the Telecom Loop. Many high-flying flowerpeckers
were probably this species.
- Black-throated Sunbird
Common in town, even seen during lunch at Spices.
- Streaked Spiderhunter
Very common, but often refused to perch.
Taman Negara; March 17-24
This was my favourite birding place in Malaysia. Some stats -- 6
partridge/pheasants, 8 kingfishers, 10 woodpeckers, 4 pittas, 5
broadbills, 14 bulbuls, 21 babblers and 5 spiderhunters. Obviously any
trail in the forest can be good; these were my favourites:
Swamp Loop -- Rename it the "shy and elusive ground-bird loop".
Great for pheasants and partridges, also Banded Pitta. Otherwise not
too active, but usually at least one other bird of interest. A bit hard to
find by following sign posts -- the Bransbury map is good. Starts off
the trail to Bumbun (hide) Tahan.
Jenut Muda Trail -- Babbler city! Many other birds as well -- especially
broadbills and bulbuls. Waiting a while at each of the creeks was
productive. Just what "Jenut Muda" is I didn't find out, but it's 700 m
from one end and 800m from the other.
Tahan Trail -- Good for general activity, many babbler flocks
Hides (bumbuns) were typically not very productive for birds, but
were a good place for lunch in the field (forest!). Bumbun Tabing was a
good -- I saw several nice birds, such as Scarlet-rumped Trogon and
Finsch's Bulbul from it. Bumbun Kumband itself was not great, but the
surrounding area was amazing -- a good overnight hike.
Boat trips were also productive for different birds. The one up the
river to the park from Tembeling was good for kingfishers, but the one
to take is the trip to Lata Berkoh for Masked Finfoot (apparently only
February - June) and Lesser Fish-Eagle. The cost was RM80, and the
boat took a maximum of four people. Book at the wildlife office and
make sure the driver knows you're looking for birds (burung).
The canopy walkway was not particularly useful, but did get a better
view into the canopy.
Accommodation and Food
Very interesting! One night in a chalet was RM201.25, but 8 nights
camping was RM164.00, mostly for the rental of a tent. Staying in a
hide (book at the wildlife office) cost RM5. Camping was hot, but
bearable. Some Brits were staying in a hostel across the river for
RM10/night. For food, the floating restaurants were amazing. For less
than RM10, you could get a reasonable meal, or pig out for below
RM20. A buffet at the resort cost RM40 -- I didn't try it, but other said
the food wasn't as good anyway. Besides, the boat trip across the river
is fun!
No leeches, no rain (or very little of the latter). These two
non-problems were probably related. The heat wasn't bad either -- the
canopy blocked out the sun. The trails were definitely in need of
maintenance -- the resort obviously cares more about the money making
business in the resort itself -- but most were quite walkable.
Species Recorded
- Cattle Egret
One seen on the boat ride in to the park.
- Striated (Little) Heron
Like the previous species.
- Lesser Fish-Eagle
2 on the Sungai Tahan boat trip near the "waterfall".
- Crested Serpent-Eagle
Again, like the previous species.
- Black-thighed Falconet
One hunting cicadas in the resorts area; seen just once.
- Black Partridge
One seen en route to Bumbun Kumbang via the Tahan Trail.
- Crested Partridge
Common, especially on the Swamp Loop. Also seen on Jenut Muda.
- Crestless Fireback
One male en route to Bumbun Kumbang, one female in the area of that
- Crested Fireback
Common all around the resort, and on all trails. Much too easy for a
- Malayan Peacock-Pheasant
Very common, but hard to see -- listen for its call -- like a strangled duck,
accelerating. You'll know when you hear it. Seen on the Swamp Loop,
heard everywhere.
- Great Argus
Heard often -- a whistled "oh-wow" -- but just one female seen near the
canopy walkway.
- White-breasted Waterhen
Just one seen scurrying around on the resort lawn.
- Masked Finfoot
What a bird! Some people had seen them from the Tahan Trail, but it
was more original and exciting to take a boat trip. Great looks at a male
who was quite unconcerned by the boat.
- Common Sandpiper
One seen one the way in to the park, one on the way out.
- Emerald Dove
Seen just once on the Tahan Trail near the old pumphouse.
- Little Green-Pigeon
Common at fruiting trees in the resort area.
- Thick-billed Pigeon
Like the previous species.
- Large Green-Pigeon
One pair seen at dusk from Bumbun Kumbang.
- Blue-rumped Parrot
Just one pair seen from the canopy walkway.
- Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot
Very common; the easiest views were at fruiting trees in the resort.
- Hodgson's Hawk-Cuckoo
One bird surprised me by perching in front of nose and calling about 5
km out of the resort on the Tembeling Trail.
- Raffles's Malkoha
Small and pretty and common, particularly on the Tahan Trail.
- Chestnut-breasted Malkoha
Big and pretty, but not so common, seen once each near Gua Telinga
and on the Tembeling Trail.
- Greater Coucal
Common along rivers, but usually heard and not seen.
- Malaysian Nightjar
Probably common -- people had seen them over the Sungai (River)
Tembeling. On my last evening, I went up to Lubok Simpson at dusk
and saw at least five. Their call is similar to Olive-sided Flycatcher; a
whistled "What to do!"
- Grey-rumped Treeswift
Common along the Sungai Tembeling. The shape might throw you (like
it did me) at first if you've not seen a treeswift before.
- Whiskered Treeswift
Seen twice -- once from the canopy walkway and once from Bumbun
Kumbang. Probably common above the canopy.
- Silver-rumped Spinetail
Common along rivers. There were many swiftlets that I wasn't sure
about that were probably Edible-nest.
- Brown(-backed) Needletail
Only positively identified at Lubok Simpson, but I think they flew
over the Sungai Tembeling every evening.
- Cinnamon-rumped Trogon
One gorgeous male between Bumbun Kumbang and Kuala Trenggan.
- Scarlet-rumped Trogon
A male seen from Bumbun Tabing and a beautiful pair at the creek just
before Bumbun Kumbang.
- Common Kingfisher
Taman Negara was kingfisher paradise. I had 8 species here. This one
lived up to its name along larger rivers.
- Blue-eared Kingfisher
Probably seen twice near Bumbun Kumbang, one on a quiet backwater
of the Sungai Tembeling on the return boat trip. Given good views, it
was not the identification problem I was expecting.
- Blue-banded Kingfisher
Seen just once along the Sungai Tahan from the Tahan Trail.
- Rufous-backed (Oriental Dwarf) Kingfisher
The commonest kingfisher in the forest, always along small streams.
Brilliant. Jenut Muda consistently had one.
- Banded Kingfisher
My favourite kingfisher, seen twice; a lone male on Jenut Muda and a
pair en route to Bumbun Kumbang. Unfortunately missed
- Stork-billed Kingfisher
Two sighting from the resort jetty, also seen on both Sungai Tembeling
boat trips.
- White-throated (-breasted) Kingfisher
Common along the Sungai Tembeling.
- Black-capped Kingfisher
Common along the larger rivers.
- Red-bearded Bee-Eater
Wonderfully strange birds. Two birds croaking at Bumbun Kumbang
and one doing the same on the Tahan Trail.
- Blue-throated Bee-Eater
Common along rivers, also in clearings (in front of hides).
- Oriental Pied-Hornbill
Seen a few times in the resort area.
- Black Hornbill
3 flying across the Sungai Tembeling on the return boat trip.
- Bushy-crested Hornbill
I think I heard these all over the place -- rising "whoop" notes -- but I
only saw them en route to Bumbun Kumbang.
- Gold-whiskered Barbet
Barbets were difficult here, but there were lots calling. This species
was relatively easy in the resort area and on Jenut Muda.
- Red-throated Barbet
Heard often, seen only on Jenut Muda sharing a fruiting tree with the
previous species.
- Yellow-crowned Barbet
"Took-took-took trrrr..." -- they're everywhere! It took me a while to
see one though; one near Bumbun Kumbang.
- Blue-eared Barbet
Common in fruiting trees in the resort area.
- Coppersmith Barbet
Nesting in a dead tree at the Tembeling jetty; not seen in the park
itself, but... you guessed -- heard regularly. No Brown Barbets here,
- Malaysian Honeyguide
Seen once in a bird wave (not Fraser's Hill quality, but not bad) along
the Tahan Trail.
- Rufous Piculet
Taman Negara is also woodpecker paradise. I saw 10 species. This one
was quite common on trails near the resort, also at Bumbun Tabing.
- Rufous Woodpecker
Seen once at the campsite, a few times on the Tahan Trail.
- Banded Woodpecker
Taman Negara was also the place for "Banded" birds -- I saw four. This
one on the Swamp Loop.
- Crimson-winged Woodpecker
One pair being noisy on the trail to Gua Telinga.
- Checker-throated Woodpecker
Another gorgeous woodpecker seen on the Tahan Trail.
- Maroon Woodpecker
Not quite as beautiful as some of the others, but common along the
Tahan Trail.
- Orange-backed Woodpecker
A spectacular bird! One pair seen on the Tembeling Trail.
- Buff-necked Woodpecker
Probably the commonest woodpecker, seen on most trails.
- Grey-and-buff Woodpecker
Probably my favourite woodpecker. Incredibly ill-proportioned with a
relatively huge crest. I saw just one male on the Gua Telinga Trail. The
tapping recalls a piculet.
- Great Slaty Woodpecker
Another amazing bird -- the biggest Old World Woodpecker. Seemed
quite common, seen on Jenut Muda (4 birds) and near Bumbun
Kumbang (3).
- Banded Pitta
Now this is why to come to SE Asia -- PITTAS! The problem is
expressing your excitement in a whisper to whoever you're birding
with! For this one I said "I see it! I see it! Wow!" Fairly easily the
"bird of the trip". Shyer than the other pittas, seen just once on the Swamp
Loop, heard in the area of Bumbun Kumbang.
- Hooded Pitta
This one got "It's a pitta pitta pitta!" The commonest pitta in the
resort area during my visit -- from the 19th onwards everyone was
seeing them. Seen often on the Tembeling Trail and once on the Tahan
- Garnet Pitta
For this one I was along and simply said "Wow!" under my breath.
My second favourite bird for the trip. Apparently it was a "stake-out"
where I saw it -- about 300 m from Bumbun Kumbang towards Kuala
Tranggan in a relatively open, palm filled gully.
- Blue-winged Pitta
This one was interesting. Returning on the Tembeling Trail at dusk, I
met some British birders who asked to look in my field guide and told
me they had just seen one! I scanned the understorey for a while, but
the light was bad and I gave up. I took two steps back toward the
resort when a Brit spotted it around the corner on the trail. Great looks
in the end! During my stay at Taman Negara, I saw a pitta each day,
ensuring that it was my favourite birding place.
- Dusky Broadbill
Another one of my favourite families. I saw all of Malaysia's
broadbills, five of them here. This one just once on the Swamp Loop.
Odd birds!
- Black-and-red Broadbill
Beautiful and common. Seen on the Swamp Loop and along rivers.
- Banded Broadbill
The final "banded" bird and the last broadbill. Seen just once on Jenut
Muda, but heard elsewhere.
- Black-and-yellow Broadbill
My favourite broadbill here with a wonderful clown face. Seen twice
on Jenut Muda.
- Green Broadbill
A very interesting and distinctive shape. Great birds, seen on Jenut
Muda and from the canopy walkway.
- Golden-bellied Gerygone
Seen just once from the canopy walkway.
- Spotted Fantail
Common, often in bird waves on the Tahan Trail.
- Black-naped Monarch
Very attractive little birds, and common, often in bird waves.
- Asian Paradise-Flycatcher
Reasonably common along the Tahan Trail, just one long-tailed male
seen on Jenut Muda.
- Bronzed Drongo
Seen often in clearings.
- Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
Common; makes so many different sounds I was often sure I had
something different only turn up on of these.
- Black Magpie
Two birds along the Tembeling Trail. Looked without luck for Crested
- Slender-billed Crow
Seen with certainty just once on the Tembeling Trail.
- Large-billed Crow
Along rivers; not all crows identified certainly.
- Dark-throated Oriole
Two individuals -- one male on the Tahan Trail and one female near
Bumbun Kumbang.
- Black-naped Oriole
Common in the resort area.
- Bar-bellied Cuckoo-Shrike
Seen only at the Tembeling Jetty.
- Black-winged Flycatcher-Shrike
Like the previous species.
- Asian Fairy-Bluebird
Common, especially on the Tahan Trail.
- Greater Green Leafbird
A pair in the campsite area. Most surprisingly I missed Lesser -- must
have been looking at the ground for pittas too much!
- Blue-winged Leafbird
Common on most trails.
- Rufous-winged Philentoma (Flycatcher)
Seen often on the Tahan Trail, Swamp Loop and Jenut Muda.
Definitely the most common philentoma.
- Maroon-breasted Philentoma (Flycatcher)
Seen just once each on Jenut Muda and the Swamp Loop.
- Daurian Starling
A lone bird at the Tembeling Jetty.
- Common Myna
Common indeed in the resort area. I heard what I know to be Hill
Mynas, but could not see them.
- Asian Brown Flycatcher
Just one on Jenut Muda.
- Grey-headed Canary-Flycatcher
Seen a few times on the Tahan Trail.
- Siberian Blue Robin
Just one splendid male near Bumbun Kumbang.
- Oriental Magpie-Robin
Common in the resort area, also at Bumbun Kumbang.
- White-rumped Shama
Very common and vocal along all trails. Great birds -- in spite of their
abundance I did not get bored of them.
- Chestnut-naped Forktail
Gorgeous birds; seen twice -- once at a Jenut Muda stream and also on
the Sungai Tahan boat trip. Could not find a White-capped, but one
had been seen at Bumbun Kumbang.
- Barn Swallow
Common along major rivers.
- Pacific Swallow
Like the previous species.
- Straw-headed Bulbul
Bulbuls... well, there are lots -- I saw 14 and probably missed a few.
This one is relatively colourful and has an incredible song. Fairly
common along rivers.
- Black-and-white Bulbul
Rare? No, seen regularly at both Jenut Muda streams.
- Black-headed Bulbul
Common along trails, especially near the resort.
- Grey-bellied Bulbul
Very nice; not as common as some of the others. Seen twice, once at
Bumbun Tabing, once on the Tahan Trail.
- Puff-backed Bulbul
Definitely one of the drabber ones. Seen just once on Jenut Muda.
- Stripe-throated Bulbul
Common in the resort area.
- Yellow-vented Bulbul
Like the previous species, but more common.
- Cream-vented Bulbul
Seen just once on the Tahan Trail.
- Red-eyed Bulbul
Common; probably the most non-descript bulbul I saw.
- Spectacled Bulbul
Just one, with the Cream-vented Bulbul.
- Finsch's Bulbul
A nice bulbul; a pair seen from Bumbun Tabing.
- Grey-cheeked Bulbul
Common at the resort and on most trails.
- Yellow-bellied Bulbul
A brighter version of the pervious species.
- Hairy-backed Bulbul
One of the commonest bulbuls away from the resort; seen on all trails.
- Common Tailorbird
Seen at Bumbun Tabing and also in the resort area.
- Dark-necked Tailorbird
Common, especially near streams, not seen in the denser forest areas.
- Arctic Warbler
Just one on the Tahan Trail.
- Eastern Crown-Warbler
Like the previous species.
- White-chested Babbler
Babblers! You'll get to like them -- there are so many options and
they're great fun. This on was seen just once on the Tahan Trail.
- Ferruginous Babbler
Well named. Seen just once in the Bumbun Kumbang area.
- Abbott's Babbler
Common on trails, also in the resort area. Check them closely for the
next species.
- Horsfield's Babbler
Beware of young Abbott's! Seen with certainty only once near
Bumbun Kumbang.
- Short-tailed Babbler
One of my favourite babblers; seen only near Bumbun Kumbang.
- Puff-throated Babbler
Just one en route to Bumbun Kumbang.
- Black-capped Babbler
Seen on Jenut Muda and Tembeling Trails. Behaves like a pitta.
- Moustached Babbler
Seen on the trail to Gua Telinga, also en route to Bumbun Kumbang.
- Sooty-capped Babbler
Not a very contrasting crown -- see the photographic guide. Quite
common on Jenut Muda.
- Scaly-crowned Babbler
Common, particularly near Bumbun Tabing.
- Rufous-crowned Babbler
Common also; breast streaking more distinct than I was expecting from
the field guides.
- Grey-chested Babbler
Just one on the Tembeling trail.
- Chestnut-backed Scimitar-Babbler
One on the Tahan Trail -- a nice twist on the babbler theme.
- Striped Wren-Babbler
A pair on the Swamp Loop. Reminded me vaguely of White-throated
Sparrows from home.
- Black-throated Babbler
One of the commoner babblers, especially on Jenut Muda.
- Chestnut-rumped Babbler
A nice one; seen just once on the Tahan Trail.
- Chestnut-winged Babbler
Probably the commonest babbler; seen on all trails, especially Jenut
- Striped Tit-Babbler
One group seen at Lubok Simpson.
- Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler
A what?! Nice bird, though, seen just once on that good old Jenut
Muda Trail.
- Brown Fulvetta
Still a babbler. It would be hard to imagine a plainer bird. Seen certainly
just once on the Tahan Trail.
- White-bellied Yuhina
A very distinctive and silly babbler, seen on the Tahan and Tembeling
Trails. That's 21 babblers!
- Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Common around the resort and floating restaurants.
- White-bellied Munia
A few seen in the clearing in front of Bumbun Kumbang.
- Crimson-breasted Flowerpecker
A beautiful bird; seen on the Swamp Loop and at the campsite.
- Orange-bellied Flowerpecker
A pair at Lubok Simpson -- another gorgeous bird.
- Plain-throated Sunbird
Seen only in the resort area in the park; common at the Tembeling
- Purple-naped Sunbird
One nesting (actually a pair, I guess) on the Tahan Trail. Seen
commonly along that trail and Jenut Muda.
- Olive-backed Sunbird
Seen only at the Tembeling Jetty.
- Little Spiderhunter
Common along any trail. Listen for its song (call?) -- a series of
upwards inflected whistles.
- Long-billed Spiderhunter
Well named, but it could apply to any spiderhunter. Fairly common in
the resort area.
- Spectacled Spiderhunter
In spite of the comment with the last species, this one has rather a
short bill (everything's relative). A few seen in the resort area.
- Yellow-eared Spiderhunter
Also in the resort area regularly.
- Grey-breasted Spiderhunter
Common in the resort area. Most of these spiderhunters were visiting
flowering trees.
Tanjong Karang; March 27
This site is best visited as a day trip from Kuala Selangor, preferably
arriving at the beach about an hour or two before high tide. I arrived
half an hour before and had limited time before the shorebirds vanished.
Still, the visit was worthwhile because waders were otherwise hard to
come by in Malaysia. To get to the beach, I took a bus from Kuala
Selangor to the town of Tanjong Karang (regular buses from the main
terminal) and walked to the coast. The walk took about an hour.
Directions: the bus stop (actually a terminal, not one of the roadside
stops) is on a road just off the main road from Kuala Selangor.
Continue walking away from the main road. There are two right turns,
but the road is always obvious. After about 2 km, you arrive at a
T-intersection. Turn left (make note of a landmark at the intersection
for the return trip) and walk for about 1 km until the road ends at a
canal. The road actually becomes a rough vehicle track which crosses a
bridge and forms a T-intersection. Turn left again and look for a good
place to cross the mangrove belt (one good spot is roughly 200 m from
the bridge).
Species Recorded
- Striated Heron
Common along the beach.
- Black-shouldered Kite
One hovering inland from the beach.
- Bar-tailed Godwit
A few along the beach.
- Whimbrel
Like the previous species.
- Eurasian Curlew
One flew by the beach.
- Common Greenshank
Common, yes, along the beach.
- Terek Sandpiper
A few along the beach.
- Common Sandpiper
A few on the beach and in the mangroves.
- Red Knot
One or two on the beach.
- Curlew Sandpiper
Common on the beach.
- Pacific Golden-Plover
Like the previous species.
- Black-bellied Plover
Same again.
- Mongolian Plover (Lesser Sandplover)
A few on the beach; it was nice to see it along side the next species.
- Greater Sandplover
A pair on the beach.
- Whiskered Tern
Common off the beach.
- Gull-billed Tern
Like the previous species but usually farther offshore.
- Little Tern
A few sitting on the beach. Keep an eye out for Saunders's; they have
been seen but are notoriously hard to separate.
- Spotted Dove
One, in the mangroves, surprisingly.
- Little Swift
Common in town.
- Common Kingfisher
One near the canal inland from the beach.
- White-throated Kingfisher
Several along the road in to town.
- Common Iora
One on the walk to the beach.
- Brown Shrike
Like the previous species.
- Common Myna
Common in town.
- Asian Brown Flycatcher
One along the road into town.
Kuala Lumpur Area; March 8, 28 - 31
Sites Visited
1. Lake Gardens
A typical urban park with more people than birds or understory. Not
worth more than a few hours' visit. Interestingly, I saw a pair of
Golden-fronted Leafbirds here, but I suspect they were escapees.
2. Sungai Batu Mining Pools (shortened to Sg. Batu in species
recorded section)
Also not worth more than a few hours' visit, but definitely worth
checking for bitterns and open country birds which are harder to find at
the more popular sites. 3 bitterns, 3 munias and Baya Weaver made
this a worthwhile site. The map in Bransbury shows bridges across
Sungai Batu, but they were gone. Cross at the old (disused) railway
bridge, also shown on the map.
3. Templer Park
Very disappointing, but the forest trail looked like it had potential. I
may have just hit a bad day.
4. Taman Pertanian
I arrived at 7:45 on Monday morning, my taxi left, and I found out that
the park was closed on Mondays! The man at the gate was very
friendly, and gave me directions to get into some forest at the back end
of the park. If you need to get there, here is what he told me: Just
before arriving in the park, you cross a bridge over a freeway. Soon
after you get off the bridge, the main road turns right and a smaller road
turns left and goes up a hill. Take this small road. It goes up over the
hill and down the other side. At the bottom of the hill, walk perhaps
100 m. Look on the right for a path through the woods. This path
eventually comes to a clearing. Birding along the clearing was good for a
few hours. Long-tailed Parakeets were notably abundant.
Species Recorded
- Yellow Bittern
Several flushed at Sg. Batu.
- Cinnamon Bittern
Two birds flushed at Sg. Batu.
- Black Bittern
One flushed at Sg. Batu -- obviously this is bittern paradise.
- Brahminy Kite
One seen regularly at Lake Gardens.
- Crested Serpent-Eagle
One over Lake Gardens, one at Taman Pertanian.
- Black-thighed Falconet
Two birds at Taman Pertanian. Great birds!
- White-breasted Waterhen
Fairly numerous at Sg. Batu and Lake Gardens.
- Common Moorhen
Just one at Sg. Batu.
- Pintail Snipe
Like the previous species.
- Rock Dove
- Spotted Dove
Recorded at Lake Gardens and Sg. Batu.
- Zebra Dove
Like the previous species.
- Pink-necked Pigeon
A few flying over at Taman Pertanian.
- Blue-crowned Hanging-Parrot
Abundant at Taman Pertanian.
- Long-tailed Parakeet
Again, like the previous species.
- Chestnut-winged Cuckoo
Probably my favourite bird in the KL area; one seen at Taman
- Asian Koel
Heard all over the place, even in central KL trees. Seen infrequently,
but obviously widespread and common.
- Black-bellied Malkoha
Fairly common at Taman Pertanian.
- Lesser Coucal
Just once at Sg. Batu.
- Stork-billed Kingfisher
I was rather surprised to find one at Taman Pertanian.
- White-throated Kingfisher
Common; seen at Lake Gardens, Sg. Batu and Taman Pertanian.
- Black-capped Kingfisher
Seen just once at Lake Gardens.
- Blue-throated Bee-Eater
Seen once at Taman Pertanian.
- Blue-tailed Bee-Eater
Common at Lake Gardens.
- Dollarbird
One seen at Taman Pertanian.
- Coppersmith Barbet
Quite common at Lake Gardens, but hard to see; heard often.
- Brown Barbet
One pair at Taman Pertanian.
- Rufous Woodpecker
Like the previous species.
- Common Flameback
Seen just once at Lake Gardens.
- Golden-bellied Gerygone (Flyeater)
Heard singing at Taman Pertanian.
- White-throated Fantail
Seen once at Taman Pertanian.
- Ashy Drongo
Fairly numerous at Taman Pertanian.
- Bronzed Drongo
Just one at Taman Pertanian.
- House Crow
- Large-billed Crow
Only recorded at Lake Gardens; I may have seen it elsewhere but not
noted it.
- Black-naped Oriole
Like the previous species, but also recorded at Taman Pertanian.
- Pied Triller
Seen just once in Lake Gardens.
- Brown Shrike
One at Templer Park.
- Long-tailed Shrike
Strikingly beautiful; seen just once at Sg. Batu.
- Rufous-winged Philentoma (Flycatcher)
One on the forest trail at Templer Park.
- Asian Glossy Starling
Abundant, especially in KL itself.
- Common Myna
Like the previous species.
- Jungle Myna
Common; recorded at Templer Park, Taman Pertanian.
- White-vented Myna
One seen at Sg. Batu.
- Hill Myna
A few whistling away at Taman Pertanian.
- Yellow-rumped Flycatcher
One beautiful male at Lake Gardens.
- Grey-headed Canary-Flycatcher
Very common at Templer Park.
- Oriental Magpie-Robin
Common at every site.
- Pacific Swallow
Only recorded in KL; probably common.
- Barn Swallow
Recorded only at Sg. Batu; like the previous species, probably
- Red-whiskered Bulbul
A pair at Lake Gardens.
- Yellow-vented Bulbul
Very common and widespread.
- Olive-winged Bulbul
Common at Taman Pertanian.
- Cream-vented Bulbul
One at Taman Pertanian.
- Red-eyed Bulbul
Like the previous species.
- Yellow-bellied Prinia
Common at Sg. Batu and Taman Pertanian.
- Black-browed Reed-Warbler
One in the reeds at Sg. Batu; responded briefly to pishing.
- Oriental Reed-Warbler
One at Sg. Batu.
- Yellow-bellied Warbler
One at Templer Park.
- Black-capped Babbler
Like the previous species.
- Eurasian Tree Sparrow
- Scaly-breasted Bulbul
Common at Sungai Batu.
- Chestnut Munia
A few small flocks at Sg. Batu.
- White-headed Munia
Also a few at Sg. Batu.
- Richard's Pipit
Seen at Lake Gardens, Templer Park and Sg. Batu.
- Baya Weaver
Common in flocks at Sg. Batu.
- Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
Two males at Templer Park, one at Lake Gardens.
- Plain-throated Sunbird
Common at Lake Gardens.
- Little Spiderhunter
One at Templer Park.
N.B. Because of the difficulty of compiling lists from various places
into one list, the KL Area section is probably an incomplete report.
A Few Statistics
Total species -- 315
12 herons, 10 hawks, 1 falcon, 7 pheasants, 4 rails, 1 finfoot, 14
sandpipers, 4 plovers, 3 terns, 10 pigeons/doves, 3 parrots, 11 Old
World cuckoos (including 6 malkohas), 2 coucals, 1 owl, 1
eared-nightjar, 2 nightjars, 2 treeswifts, 6 swifts, 3 trogons, 9
kingfishers, 3 bee-eaters, 1 roller, 5 hornbills, 9 barbets, 1 honeyguide,
18 woodpeckers, 4 pittas, 7 broadbills, 1 gerygone, 1 whistler, 5
monarch flycatchters, 4 drongos, 5 corvids, 1 iora, 8 cuckoo-shrikes, 4
leafbirds, 3 shrikes, 2 bushshrikes, 1 thrush, 6 starlings, 15 Old World
flycatchers, 2 nuthatches, 3 swallows, 21 bulbuls, 1 white-eye, 1
prinia, 13 Old World warblers, 33 babblers, 2 tits, 1 Old World
sparrow, 5 munias, 3 wagtails, 1 weaver, 5 flowerpeckers, 11
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This page served with permission of the author
by Urs Geiser;;
June 5, 1998; updated July 9, 2000