Trip Report: Kenya & Uganda, July 19 -
August 11, 1997
José Tavares, Ankara, Turkey;
Itinerary Summary
Arrived in Nairobi on 19 July, and stayed there 2 days. On the 21st
July travelled by bus to Kampala (Uganda) (10 hours). Stayed 1 day in
Kampala, and then travelled 2 whole days by matatu to Bwindi
National Park (mountain rain forest habitat), in western Uganda, on
the border with Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire), via
Fort-Portal, Kasese, Queen Elisabeth NP (unfortunately we didn't stop
here), Ischaka, Rukungiri and Bwindi. We wanted originally to go to
the Ruwenzori mountain range near Fort Portal, but when we arrived in
Fort Portal we found out that the national park there was closed due
to ongoing fighting between the Ugandan army and rebels, so we
decided to continue to Bwindi. Stayed three days in this National Park
(25-27 July), and then travelled to Mgahinga National Park to the
south, on the borders with Rwanda and DR Congo, via Kabale (1 day
travel). Stayed 2 days in Mgahinga NP (29-30 July). Then travelled
back to Kabale, and from then to Lake Mburo National Park
(Savannah), where we stayed one day (1 August). We returned to
Kampala later, and visited Lake Victoria at Entebbe for one day (2
August). Travelled by bus from Kampala to Nairobi the next day, and
the following day we started a 3 day safari at Masai-Mara National
Park (Savannah), on the border with Tanzania (4-6 August). We then
travelled to Mombassa by train, and stayed 4 days at the south end of
Diani beach (coast) (7-10 August). We returned to Nairobi by train on
the night of the 10th, and flew out of Africa on the 11th.
I travelled all the time with Fausto Brito e Abreu (another bird
watcher). From Fort Portal until Mgahinga we also travelled with
Antónia Monteiro (a lepidopterist), Christoph Haag (bird watcher)
and Patricia Salgueiro (biology student).
As field guides we used mostly Ber Van Perlo's Birds of Eastern
Africa, but we also had Williams and Arlott's A field guide to the
birds of East Africa.
- Secretarybird, Sagittarius serpentarius - Masai-Mara NP.
- Ostrich, Struthio camelus - Masai-Mara NP.
- Long-tailed Cormorant, Phalacrocorax africanus - Lake
Victoria/Nile at Jinja, Lake Victoria at Entebbe.
- Little Egret, Egretta garzetta - Lake Victoria/Nile at Jinja, Lake
Victoria at Entebbe, road Malaba (border)-Nairobi (western Kenya).
- Cattle egret, Bubulcus ibis - Road Nairobi-Kampala (western
Kenya), Kampala, Entebbe.
- Probable Squacco Heron, Ardeola raloides - Lake Mburo NP.
- Grey Heron, Ardea cinerea - Road Nairobi-Narok (rift valley),
Masai-Mara NP, Mombassa/Diani.
- Black-headed Heron, Ardea melanocephala - Common and
widespread. Heronries near road Fort Portal-Kasese.
- Woolly-necked Stork, Ciconia episcopus - Mombassa/Diani.
- Hamerkop, Scopus umbretta - Road Nairobi-Kampala (western
Kenya), Bwindi NP, Kabale, Lake Mburo NP, Entebbe, Nairobi.
- Marabou, Leptoptilos crumeniferus - Common in Uganda: road
Nairobi-Kampala (eastern Uganda), Kampala, road Kampala-Fort
Portal, Fort Portal, road Fort Portal-Kasese, Kasese, Ischaka,
Rukungiri, Lake Mburo NP. In Kenya only at Masai-Mara NP.
- Yellow-billed Stork, Mycteria ibis - Road Nairobi-Kampala
(eastern Uganda), Kisoro, road Malaba (border)-Nairobi (western
- African Open-billed Stork, Anastomus lamelligerus - Road Lake
Mburo NP-Kampala, Entebbe.
- Hadada, Bostrychia hagedash - Kampala, road Bwindi-Kabale, Lake
Mburo NP. The brown ibises seen on the Nairobi-Kampala road may
have been this species.
- Sacred ibis, Threskiornis aethiopica - Nairobi, road
- Probable Glossy iIbis, Plegadis falcinellus - Road Kampala-Fort Portal.
- Flamingo species, Phoenicopterus sp. - Many thousands on Lake
Nakuru and Lake Elmenteita (seen from the road Nairobi-Kampala).
- Egyptian Goose, Alopochen aegyptiacus - Road Masai-Mara
- Bat Hawk, Macheiramphus alcinus - Kampala.
- Black-shouldered Kite, Elanus caeruleus - Road Kampala-Fort
Portal, 2 on road Fort Portal-Kasese, Masai-Mara NP. Another
probable on road Nairobi-Kampala, between Jinja and Kampala
(eastern Uganda).
- Probable Scissor-tailed Kite, Chelictinia rioccourii - Road
Nairobi-Kampala (western Kenya).
- Black Kite (Yellow-billed Kite), Milvus migrans parasiticus -
Common and widespread, mostly near big towns, e.g. Nairobi,
Kisumu, Kampala, Fort Portal, Kabale. + 20 on road from Bwindi to
Kabale, flying high above the highlands. Also at Mgahinga NP, Lake
Mburo NP, Entebbe, Mombassa/Diani.
- African Fish-eagle, Haliaeetus vocifer - Lake Mburo NP, Entebbe,
- Palm-nut Vulture, Gypohierax angolensis - Kampala, Entebbe.
- Hooded Vulture, Necrosyrtes monachus - Kampala, Fort Portal,
Entebbe, Masai-Mara NP. Probably also on road Nairobi-Kampala,
near Busia (border) and near Kampala.
- Bateleur, Terathopius ecaudatus - Lake Mburo NP, Masai-Mara NP,
Road Masai-Mara NP-Narok.
- African White-backed Vulture, Gyps africanus - Masai-Mara NP.
- Rueppell's Griffon, Gyps rueppellii - Masai-Mara NP.
- Lappet-faced Vulture, Aegypius tracheliotus - Masai-Mara NP.
- White-headed Vulture, Aegypius occipitalis - Masai-Mara NP.
- Vulture species, Gyps sp. - Lake Mburo NP.
- Harrier species, Circus sp. - Masai-Mara NP.
- Gabar Goshawk, Micronisus gabar - Lake Mburo NP.
- Lizzard-Buzzard, Kaupifalco monogrammicus - Entebbe.
- Augur Buzzard, Buteo rufofuscus - Bwindi NP, Kabale, Mgahinga
NP, road Malaba (border)-Nairobi (western Kenya and rift valley),
road Nairobi-Narok.
- Buzzard species - 2 on road Kasese-Rukungiri.
- Probable Tawny Eagle, Aquila rapax - Masai-Mara NP.
- Wahlberg's Eagle, Aquila wahlbergi - Mgahinga NP.
- Long-crested Eagle, Lophaetus occipitalis - +5 on road
Nairobi-Kampala (Kenya and Uganda), road Fort Portal-Kasese, Bwindi NP,
Mgahinga NP, Road Masai-Narok.
- Martial Eagle, Polemaetus bellicosus - Mgahinga NP, Masai-Mara
- Lanner, Falco biarmicus - Mgahinga NP.
- Common Quail, Coturnix coturnix - Mgahinga NP.
- Helmeted Guineafowl, Numida meleagris - Lake Mburo NP,
Masai-Mara NP.
- Grey Crowned-Crane, Balearica regulorum - Road
Kasese-Rukungiri, Bwindi NP, 10 on road Bwindi-Kabale, Lake Mburo NP,
road Malaba (border)-Nairobi (western Kenya), Masai-Mara NP, Road
Masai-Mara NP-Narok.
- White-bellied Bustard, Eupodotis senegalensis - Masai-Mara NP.
- Water Thicknee, Burhinus vermiculatus - Masai-Mara NP.
- Greater Sandplover, Charadrius leschenaultii - 2 at
- Grey Plover, Pluvialis squatarola - 3 at Mombassa/Diani.
- African Wattled Lapwing, Vanellus senegallus - Lake Mburo NP,
Masai-Mara NP.
- Crowned Lapwing, Vanellus coronatus - Masai-Mara NP, Road
Masai-Mara NP-Narok.
- Whimbrel, Numenius phaeopus - +25 in small groups flying south
at Mombassa/Diani.
- Greenshank, Tringa nebularia - 3 at Mombassa/Diani.
- Ruddy Turnstone, Arenaria interpres - Mombassa/Diani.
- Common Sandpiper, Actitis hypoleucos - Mombassa/Diani.
- Unidentified gulls - Road Nairobi-Kampala (near Lake Naivasha).
- Probably Grey-headed Gulls, Larus cirrocephalus.
- Crested Tern, Sterna bengalensis - 5 at Mombassa/Diani.
- Roseate Tern, Sterna dougallii - +50 at Mombassa/Diani.
- White-cheeked Tern, Sterna repressa - 1 at Mombassa/Diani.
- Small tern species, Sterna sp., either S. albifrons
or S. saundersi - Mombassa/Diani.
- Speckled Pigeon, Columba guinea - Road Nairobi-Kampala
(western Kenya), Eldoret, Nakuru.
- Blue-spotted Wood Dove, Turtur afer - Entebbe.
- Red-eyed Dove, Streptopelia semitorquata - Nairobi, Kampala, Fort
Portal, road Fort Portal-Kasese, Lake Mburo NP.
- Ring-necked Dove, Streptopelia capicola - Entebbe,
Mombassa/Diani. Probably also at Lake Mburo NP (could they be
Vinaceous Dove?).
- Laughing Dove, Streptopelia senegalensis - Road Nairobi-Narok,
Masai-Mara NP.
- Brown Parrot, Poicephalus meyeri - Kampala, Lake Mburo NP.
- Eastern Grey Plantain-eater, Crinifer zonurus - Kampala,
- Bare-faced Go-away Bird, Corythaixoides personata - Lake Mburo
- White-bellied Go-away Bird, Corythaixoides leucogaster - Lake
Mburo NP.
- Great Blue Turaco, Corythaeola cristata - Bwindi NP.
- Ross's Turaco, Musophaga rossae - Kampala.
- Yellowbill, Ceuthmochares aureus - Bwindi NP.
- White-browed Coucal, Centropus superciliosus - Mombassa/Diani.
- African emerald Cuckoo, Chrysococcyx cupreus - Kampala.
- African palm Swift, Cypsiurus parvus - Mombassa/Diani.
- White-rumped Swift, Apus caffer - Kasese, Lake Mburo NP,
- Little Swift, Apus affinis - Common and widespread. Present in
most towns (e.g. Nairobi, Kampala, Entebbe, Tororo (border),
Mombassa/Diani). Also at Masai-Mara NP.
- Blue-naped Mousebird, Urocolius macrourus - Lake Mburo NP,
road Nairobi-Narok.
- Speckled Mousebird, Colius striatus - Nairobi, Kampala, road Fort
Portal-Kasese-Rukungiri, Bwindi NP, Lake Mburo NP,
- Woodland Kingfisher, Halcyon senegalensis - Road
Nairobi-Kampala (eastern Uganda), road Kampala-Fort Portal. A kingfisher
seen in Kampala was probably from this species.
- Striped Kingfisher, Halcyon chelicuti - Lake Mburo NP.
- Pied Kingfisher, Ceryle rudis - Lake Victoria/Nile at Jinja, Lake
Mburo NP, Lake Victoria at Entebbe (extremely common, e.g. 15
perched in one bush!).
- Bar-tailed Trogon, Apaloderma vittatum - Bwindi NP.
- Little bee-eater, Merops pusillus - Lake Mburo NP.
- Cinnamon-chested Bee-eater, Merops oreobates - Bwindi NP.
- Lilac-breasted Roller, Coracias caudata - Lake Mburo NP,
- Broad-billed Roller, Eurystomus glaucurus - Mombassa/Diani.
- White-headed Wood-hoopoe, Phoeniculus bollei - Bwindi NP.
- Green Wood-hoopoe, Phoeniculus purpureus - Lake Mburo NP.
- Hoopoe, Upupa epops - Road Nairobi-Narok, Masai-Mara NP.
- Black-and-white-casqued Hornbill, Ceratogymna
subcylindricus - Road Nairobi-Kampala (near Mabira forest, eastern
Uganda), Bwindi NP, Entebbe.
- Silvery-cheeked Hornbill, Ceratogymna brevis -
- African Pied Hornbill, Tockus fasciatus - Entebbe.
- Crowned Hornbill, Tockus alboterminatus - Mgahinga NP,
- African Grey Hornbill, Tockus nasutus - Lake Mburo NP.
- Yellow-rumped Tinkerbird, Pogoniulus bilineatus - Bwindi NP,
- D'Arnaud's Barbet, Trachyphonus darnaudii - Masai-Mara NP.
- Double-toothed Barbet, Lybius bidentatus - Kampala.
- Spot-flanked Barbet, Tricholaema lacrymosa - Lake Mburo NP.
- Angola Swallow, Hirundo angolensis - Road Kabale-Mgahinga NP,
Mgahinga NP, Masai-Mara NP, Mombassa/Diani. Also probably on
road Kasese-Rukungiri.
- Wire-tailed Swallow, Hirundo smithii - Masai-Mara NP, Road
Masai-Mara NP-Narok, Mombassa/Diani.
- Lesser Striped Swallow, hirundo abyssinica - Lake Mburo NP.
- Rock Martin, Hirundo fuligula - Road Naivasha-Nairobi (rift valley
escarpment), feeding fully grown young.
- Black Saw-wing, Psalidoprocne pristoptera - Bwindi NP, Mgahinga
- White-headed Saw-wing, Psalidoprocne albiceps - Road
Kasese-Rukungiri, Lake Mburo NP, Masai-Mara NP.
- Richard's Pipit, Anthus novaeseelandiae - Mgahinga NP, feeding
- Yellow-throated Longclaw, Macronyx croceus - Queen Elisabeth
NP, Masai-Mara NP.
- Cape Wagtail, Motacilla capensis - Bwindi NP.
- African Pied Wagtail, Motacilla aguimp - Nairobi, several places
along road Nairobi-Kampala, road Kampala-Fort Portal, road
Kasese-Rukungiri, Bwindi NP, Mgahinga NP, Lake Mburo NP, Masai-Mara
NP, road Naivasha-Nairobi, Mombassa/Diani.
- Mountain Wagtail, Motacilla clara - Bwindi NP.
- Black Cuckooshrike, Campephaga flava - Road Malaba
(border)-Nairobi (western Kenya).
- Common Bulbul, Pycnonotus barbatus - Nairobi, Kampala, road
Kasese-Rukungiri, Bwindi NP, road Bwindi NP-Kabale, Mgahinga NP,
Lake Mburo NP, Entebbe, Masai-Mara NP, Mombassa/Diani.
- Fischer's Greenbul, Phyllastrephus fischeri - Mombassa/Diani.
- Honeyguide-greenbul, Baeopogon indicator - Bwindi NP.
- Northern Anteater-chat, Myrmecocichla aethiops - Masai-Mara
- Sooty Anteater-chat, Mymecocichla nigra - Road Kampala-Fort
Portal, road Kasese-Rukungiri, Lake Mburo NP, Masai-Mara NP.
- Common Stonechat, Saxicola torquata - Road Kampala-Fort Portal,
Bwindi NP, Mgahinga NP.
- Brown-backed Scrub-robin, Cercotrichas hartlaubi - Bwindi NP.
- Red-throated Alethe, Alethe poliophrys - Bwindi NP.
- African Thrush, Turdus pelios - Entebbe.
- Olive Thrush, Turdus olivaceus - Nairobi.
- Chubb's Cisticola, Cisticola chubbi - Bwindi NP, Mgahinga NP.
- Winding Cisticola, Cisticola galactotes - Entebbe.
- White-chinned Prinia, Prinia leucopogon - Bwindi NP.
- Banded Prinia, Prinia bairdii - Bwindi NP.
- Black-faced Rufous Warbler, Bathmocercus rufus - Bwindi NP.
- Yellow-breasted Apalis, Apalis flavida - Lake Mburo NP.
- Masked Apalis, Apalis binonata - Bwindi NP.
- Spotted Flycatcher, Muscicapa striata - Mombassa/Diani.
- Ashy Flycatcher, Muscicapa caerulescens - Bwindi NP.
- Northern Black Flycatcher, Melaenornis edolioides - Bwindi NP.
- Yellow-eyed Black Flycatcher, Melaenornis ardesiacus - Bwindi
- Crested Shrike-flycatcher, Bias musicus - Bwindi NP.
- Banded Wattle-eye, Platysteira cyanea - Bwindi NP.
- African Paradise Monarch, Terpsiphone viridis - Bwindi NP,
Masai-Mara NP.
- White-tailed Blue Monarch, Elminia albicauda - Bwindi NP.
- Black-lored Babbler, Turdoides melanops - Lake Mburo NP.
- Northern Black Tit, Parus leucomelas - Bwindi NP.
- Yellow White-eye, Zosterops senegalensis - Kampala, Bwindi NP.
- Variable Sunbird, Nectarinia venusta - Nairobi.
- Little Purple-banded Sunbird, Nectarinia bifasciata - Lake
Mburo NP.
- Red-chested Sunbird, Nectarinia erythrocerca - Entebbe.
- Malachite Sunbird, Nectarinia famosa - Mgahinga NP.
- Scarlet-tufted Malachite Sunbird, Nectarinia johnstoni - Only at
altitudes over 3500m at Muhabura volcano peak, Mgahinga NP.
- Bronze Sunbird, Nectarinia kilimensis - Bwindi NP, Mgahinga NP.
- Golden-winged Sunbird, Nectarinia reichenowi - Road
Masai-Mara NP-Narok.
- Green-headed Sunbird, Nectarinia verticalis - Bwindi NP.
- Scarlet-chested Sunbird, Nectarinia senegalensis - Kampala,
Lake Mburo NP, Entebbe.
- Amethyst Sunbird, Nectarinia amethystina - Nairobi.
- African Golden Oriole, Oriolus auratus - Mombassa/Diani.
- Black-backed Puffback, Dryoscopus cubla - Mombassa/Diani.
- Brown-crowned Tchagra, Tchagra australis - Bwindi NP.
- Grey-green Bush-shrike, Malaconotus bocagei - Bwindi NP.
- Mackinnon's Fiscal, Lanius mackinnoni - Bwindi NP.
- Grey-backed Fiscal, Lanius excubitoroides - Lake Mburo NP.
- Long-tailed Fiscal, Lanius cabanisi - Road Nairobi-Kampala
(western Kenya).
- Common Fiscal, Lanius collaris - Road Nairobi-Kampala (western
Kenya), road Kampala-Fort Portal, road Fort Portal-Kasese-Rukungiri,
Bwindi NP, Mgahinga NP, Masai-Mara NP.
- Pied Crow, Corvus albus - Common and widespread everywhere.
- House Crow, Corvus splendens - Mombassa/Diani.
- White-necked Raven, Corvus albicollis - Road Kabale-Kisoro,
Mgahinga NP.
- African Rook, Corvus capensis - Road Nairobi-Kampala (western
Kenya), road Nairobi-Narok.
- Lesser Blue-eared Glossy Starling, Lamprotornis chloropterus -
Lake Mburo NP.
- Rueppel's Long-tailed Starling, Lamprotornis purpuropterus -
Lake Mburo NP, Entebbe, Masai-Mara NP.
- African Drongo, Dicrurus adsimilis - Bwindi NP, Lake Mburo NP,
Masai-Mara NP, Mombassa/Diani.
- Yellow-billed Oxpecker, Buphagus africanus - Masai-Mara NP.
- Superb Starling, Spreo superbus - Road Nairobi-Kampala (western
Kenya), road Nairobi-Narok, Masai-Mara NP.
- Grey-headed Sparrow, Passer griseus - Nairobi, Kampala, Kasese,
Bwindi NP, Entebbe.
- House Sparrow, Passer domesticus - Mombassa/Diani.
- Rufous Sparrow, Passer motitensis - Road Masai-Mara NP-Narok.
- Speckle-fronted Weaver, Sporopipes frontalis - Masai-Mara NP.
- Black-headed Weaver, Ploceus cucullatus - Kasese, Lake Mburo
- Vieillot's black Weaver, Ploceus nigerrimus - Bwindi NP.
- Palm Golden Weaver, Ploceus bojeri - Mombassa/Diani.
- Yellow-backed Weaver, Ploceus melanocephalus - Entebbe.
- Black-necked Weaver, Ploceus nigricollis - Bwindi NP.
- Black-billed Weaver, Ploceus melanogaster - Bwindi NP.
- Baglafecht Weaver, Ploceus baglafecht - Nairobi, Bwindi NP,
Mgahinga NP.
- Black-winged Red Bishop, Euplectes hordeaceus -
- Red-billed Firefinch, Lagonosticta senegala - Mgahinga NP.
- Red-cheeked Cordon-bleu, Uraeginthus bengalus -
- Common Waxbill, Estrilda astrild - Mgahinga NP.
- Black-headed Waxbill, Estrilda atricapilla - Bwindi NP, Mgahinga
- Yellow-bellied Waxbill, Estrilda melanotis - Mgahinga NP.
- Pin-tailed Whydah, Vidua macroura - Bwindi NP, Mgahinga NP.
- Bronze Mannikin, Lonchura cucullata - Mombassa/Diani.
Probably also at Bwindi NP.
- Bicoloured Mannikin, Lonchura bicolor - Entebbe.
- Yellow-crowned Canary, Serinus cacnicollis - Road Masai-Mara
- African Citril, Serinus citrinelloides - Bwindi NP.
- Yellow-fronted Serin, Serinus mozambicus - Bwindi NP,
Mgahinga NP.
- Streaky Serin, Serinus striolatus - Mgahinga NP, road
- Squirrel species - Entebbe.
- Crawshay's Hare, Lepus crawshayi - Masai-Mara NP (could it be
Cape Hare, Lepus capensis ?).
- Lesser Galago, Galago senegalensis - Mombassa/Diani.
- Anubis Baboon, Papio anubis - Road Jinja-Tororo (eastern
Uganda), Masai-Mara NP.
- Black-cheeked White-nosed Monkey (Red-tailed Monkey),
Cercopithecus ascanius - Bwindi NP.
- Blue Monkey (Syke's Monkey), Cercopithecus mitis - Bwindi NP,
- L'Hoest Monkey, Cercopithecus l'hoesti - Bwindi NP.
- Green Monkey (Vervet Monkey), Cercopithecus aethiops - Lake
Mburo NP, Entebbe, Masai-Mara NP, road Masai-Mara NP-Narok.
- Abyssinian Black-and-white Colobus, Colobus abyssinicus -
Entebbe, road Naivasha-Nairobi (rift valley escarpment). Probably
the black-and-white colobus seen on the road Kampala-Fort Portal
were from this species.
- Angolan Black-and-white Colobus, Colobus angolanus -
- Chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes - 1 seen, heard at least twice, at Bwindi
- Black-backed Jackal, Canis mesomelas - Masai-Mara NP.
- Genet species, probably Civet, Viverra civetta - Road Kabale-Mbarara.
- Spotted Hyena, Crocuta crocuta - Masai-Mara NP.
- Lion, Panthera leo - Masai-Mara NP.
- Cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus - Masai-Mara NP.
- Burchell's Zebra, Equus burchelli - Road Nairobi-Kampala (near
Aberdares NP), Lake Mburo NP, road Nairobi-Narok, Masai-Mara NP,
Athi plains (from train).
- African Elephant, Loxodonta africana - Masai-Mara NP.
- Black Rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis - Masai-Mara NP.
- Hippopotamus, Hippopotamus amphibius - Lake Mburo NP,
Masai-Mara NP.
- Warthog, Phacochoerus aethiopicus - Lake Mburo NP, road
Nairobi-Narok, Masai-Mara NP.
- Giraffe, Giraffa camelopardis - road Malaba (border)-Nairobi (near
Turbo, western Kenya), road Nairobi-Narok, Masai-Mara NP, Athi
plains (from train).
- Cape Eland, Taurotragus oryx - Road Nairobi-Kampala (near
Naivasha), Masai-Mara NP.
- Kob, Kobus kob - Queen Elisabeth NP.
- Defassa Waterbuck, Kobus defassa - Lake Mburo NP, Masai-Mara
- Bubal Hartbeest, Alcelaphus buselaphus - Masai-Mara NP, road
- Topi, Damaliscus korrigum - Lake Mburo NP, Masai-Mara NP.
- Blue Wildebeest, Connochaetes taurinus - Road Nairobi-Narok,
Masai-Mara NP.
- Grant's Gazelle, Gazella granti - Road Nairobi-Narok, Masai-Mara
NP, road Masai-Mara NP-Narok, Athi plains (from train).
- Impala, Aepyceros melampus - Lake Mburo NP, Masai-Mara NP.
- Thompson's Gazelle, Gazella thomsoni - Road Nairobi-Narok,
Masai-Mara NP, Athi plains (from train).
- Pygmy antelope species, probably dikdik (scientific name?) -
Masai-Mara NP.
- African Buffalo, Syncerus cafer - Masai-Mara NP.
- Also saw two bat species, a large one in Kampala and a small, redish
one in the savannah of Lake Mburo NP.
- Crocodile - Masai-Mara NP.
- Monitor lizard - Masai-Mara NP.
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This page served with permission of the author
by Urs Geiser;;
November 25, 1998