Trip Report: Japan, September 22-29, 200
Neil Money, Heathfield House, Dunnet, Thurso, Caithness, Scotland
KW14 8XP;
This was a fairly intensive business trip on to which I managed to add a
couple of days bird watching. The general notes and comments included in
my trip report of a similar visit to Japan in October
1999 are also relevant to this trip.
As last year, I relied upon A Birdwatcher's Guide to Japan by Mark Brazil
and The Field Guide to the Birds of Japan by the Wild Bird Society of
Japan. The Brazil guide is still very useful, but with the passing of time some
of the information is becoming dated. The Field Guide is dated and not up
to the standard of modern field guides available for other areas, particularly
Europe. There appears to be more up to date site guides and field guides in
Yatsu-Higata (Brazil Site 5)
An excellent site for shorebirds. The
directions in Brazil are still accurate, but there is now a large and good
information centre with extensive viewing facilities equipped with
telescopes and interpretive displays. It has a good café serving hot meals at
very reasonable prices. It is worth finding out about tides and timing a visit
to coincide with a rising tide.
Upper Tamagawa (Brazil Site 7)
Allow time if you wish to cover the
whole area; this is more extensive than appears from Brazil's description. If
you travel by train from Shinjuku you can save time by using a limited
express which cuts out a lot of the stations. I had no trouble in finding
Long-billed Plover by crossing over Sekito-bashi from Seisekisakuragaoka and
walking east along the riverbank to the first large area of shingle.
I had half a day to spare while in Kyoto. I took the subway from
Kyoto station north to Kokusaikaikan, the northern terminus. From there I
walked through Takaragaike Park (there are numerous paths through the less
well used parts) to the western gate. From there I turned left down the road
and by keeping to the right at all junctions, skirted round the hill and easily
found the small reserve at Midorogaike Pond. From there it was a
straightforward walk to the Botanical Gardens which are next to Kitayama
subway station giving an easy return back to Kyoto station.
22nd September | |
Arrived Tokyo via Narita. Afternoon visit to Tokyo Bay Wild Bird Park. |
23rd September | |
Visited Meiji Jingu arriving at about 8.00am and leaving at 9.30am.
Travelled to the upper reaches of the Tamagawa and then to Yatsu-Higata
arriving there at high tide. |
24th September | |
Returned in the morning to Yatsu-Higata for low tide and then across to
Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park. |
25th September | |
By Shinkansen to Kyoto for business meetings. |
26th September | |
In the morning travelled on subway to the terminus at Kokusaikaikan and
walked through Takaragaike Park and on to Midorogaike Pond and then to
Kyoto Botanical Gardens before returning to central Kyoto for business
meetings. |
27th September | |
Kyoto to Tsuruga for business meeting. |
28th September | |
Shinkansen from Kyoto to Tokyo. Business meetings. |
29th September | |
Business meetings followed by mid afternoon visit to Meiji Jingu. |
Species List
TPWBP = Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park
- Little Grebe - Tachybaptus ruficollis
4 TPWBP 22nd September; 3 TPWBP 24th September; 1 Takaragaike Park
26th September
- Great Cormorant - Phalacrocorax carbo
150 TPWBP 22nd September; 20 Upper Tamagawa River 23rd September;
25+ Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 30 Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 100+
TPWBP 24th September
- Eurasian Wigeon - Anas penelope
7 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 4 Yatsu-Higata 24th September
- Eurasian Teal - Anas crecca
5 TPWBP 22nd September; 8 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 30+ Yatsu-
Higata 24th September
- Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos
2 TPWBP 22nd September; 6 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 1 TPWBP 24th
September; 10 Takaragaike Park 26th September; 3 Kyoto Botanical
Garden 26th September
- Spot-billed Duck - Anas poecilorhyncha
50+ TPWBP 22nd September; 8 Upper Tamagawa River 23rd September;
12 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 28 Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 80+
TPWBP 24th September; 2 Midorogaike Pond 26th September; 3 Kyoto
Botanical Garden 26th September
- Northern Pintail - Anas acuta
2 TPWBP 22nd September; 72 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 100
Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 30+ TPWBP 24th September
- Little Egret - Egretta garzetta
12 TPWBP 22nd September; 40 Upper Tamagawa River 23rd September;
20 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 15+ Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 12
TPWBP 24th September; 2 Takaragaike Park 26th September
- Intermediate Egret - Mesophoyx intermedia
3 Yatsu-Higata 24th September
- Gray Heron - Ardea cinerea
5 TPWBP 22nd September; 1 Upper Tamagawa River 23rd September; 8
Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 10+ Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 10
TPWBP 24th September; 1 Takaragaike Park 26th September
- Great Egret - Ardea alba
3 TPWBP 22nd September; 6 Upper Tamagawa River 23rd September; 9
Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 15 Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 8 TPWBP
24th September; 1 Takaragaike Park 26th September
- Cattle Egret - Bubulcus ibis
1 Upper Tamagawa River 23rd September; 1 TPWBP 24th September
- Black-crowned Night-Heron - Nycticorax nycticorax
2 juv TPWBP 22nd September; 3 juv Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 2
adults Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 4 juv TPWBP 24th September
- Black Kite - Milvus migrans
1 Upper Tamagawa River 23rd September; 10 from Shinkansen 25th
September; 16 seen from the train between Kyoto and Tsuruga and 6 in
Tsuruga 27th September; 12 from Shinkansen 28th September
- Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo
1 from train between Kyoto and Tsuruga 27th September
- Raptor species
1 Tokyo 22nd September
- Common Moorhen - Gallinula chloropus
2 TPWBP 22nd September; 1 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 2
Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 1 TPWBP 24th September
- Eurasian Coot - Fulica atra
2 TPWBP 24th September
- Black-tailed Godwit - Limosa limosa
2 TPWBP 24th September
- Bar-tailed Godwit - Limosa lapponica
18 TPWBP 22nd September; 5 Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 18 TPWBP
24th September
- Whimbrel - Numenius phaeopus
2 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September
- Eurasian Curlew - Numenius arquata
3 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 1 Yatsu-Higata 24th September
- Far Eastern Curlew - Numenius madagascariensis
2 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 1 Yatsu-Higata 24th September
- Marsh Sandpiper - Tringa stagnatilis
1 TPWBP 22nd September
- Common Greenshank - Tringa nebularia
2 TPWBP 22nd September; 12 TPWBP 24th September
- Terek Sandpiper - Xenus cinereus
11 TPWBP 22nd September; 2 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 4
Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 10 TPWBP 24th September
- Common Sandpiper - Actitis hypoleucos
2 TPWBP 22nd September; 1 Upper Tamagawa River 23rd September; 1
Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 3 TPWBP 24th September
- Gray-tailed Tattler - Heteroscelus brevipes
4 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September
- Ruddy Turnstone - Arenaria interpres
3 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 2 Yatsu-Higata 24th September
- Red-necked Stint - Calidris ruficollis
15 Yatsu-Higata 24th September
- Dunlin - Calidris alpina
11 Yatsu-Higata 24th September
- Black-winged Stilt - Himantopus himantopus
10 TPWBP 22nd September; 9 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 9
Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 10 TPWBP 24th September
- Black-bellied Plover - Pluvialis squatarola
1 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 110+ Yatsu-Higata 24th September
- Long-billed Plover - Charadrius placidus
2 Upper Tamagawa River 23rd September
- Snowy Plover - Charadrius alexandrinus
4 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 6 Yatsu-Higata 24th September
- Mongolian Plover - Charadrius mongolus
17 Yatsu-Higata 24th September
- Gray-headed Lapwing - Vanellus cinereus
1 flushed by Black Kite and seen from train between Kyoto and Tsuruga
27th September
- Black-tailed Gull - Larus crassirostris
3 TPWBP 22nd September; 100+ Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 200+
Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 1 TPWBP 24th September
- Vega Gull - Larus vegae
1 Tsuruga 27th September
- Rock Dove/Feral Pigeon - Columbia livia
Common and widespread
- Oriental Turtle-Dove - Streptopelia orientalis
4 TPWBP 22nd September; 1 Meiji Jingu 23rd September; 2 Upper
Tamagawa River 23rd September; 3 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 1
Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 1 TPWBP 24th September; 1 Midorogaike Pond
26th September; 11+ Kyoto Botanical Garden 26th September; 1 Meiji
Jingu 29th September
- House Swift - Apus nipalensis
2 TPWBP 22nd September; 2 TPWBP 24th September; 1 Takaragaike Park
26th September
- Common Kingfisher - Alcedo atthis
1 TPWBP 22nd September; 1 Takaragaike Park 26th September; 2
Midorogaike Pond 26th September
- Pygmy Woodpecker - Dendrocopos kizuki
1 Kyoto Botanical Garden 26th September
- Azure-winged Magpie - Cyanopica cyana
2 Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 18 including one flock of 15 TPWBP 24th
- Carrion Crow - Corvus corone
5 Takaragaike Park 26th September; 2 Kyoto Botanical Garden 26th
- Large-billed Crow - Corvus macrorhynchos
15+ TPWBP 22nd September; 20+ Meiji Jingu 23rd September; 5
Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 10+ TPWBP 24th September; 20+ Takaragaike
Park 26th September; 6+ Kyoto Botanical Garden 26th September; 200+
Meiji Jingu 29th September
- Bull-headed Shrike - Lanius bucephalus
1 near TPWBP 24th September; 1 Midorogaike Pond 26th September
- White-cheeked Starling - Sturnus cineraceus
1 TPWBP 22nd September
- Asian Brown Flycatcher - Muscicapa dauurica
1 Kyoto Botanical Garden 26th September
- Long-tailed Tit - Aegithalos caudatus
6 Kyoto Botanical Garden 26th September
- Barn Swallow - Hirundo rustica
1 Midorogaike Pond 26th September
- Red-rumped Swallow - Hirundo daurica
10 Upper Tamagawa River 23rd September; 6 Midorogaike Pond 26th
- Asian Martin - Delichon dasypus
2 Midorogaike Pond 26th September
- Brown-eared Bulbul - Ixos amaurotis
4 TPWBP 22nd September; 10+ Meiji Jingu 23rd September; 1
Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 10+ Takaragaike Park 26th September; 3
Midorogaike Pond 26th September; 20+ Kyoto Botanical Garden 26th
September: 4 Meiji Jingu 29th September
- Japanese White-eye - Zosterops japonicus
2 Meiji Jingu 23rd September; 4+ Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 20+
TPWBP 24th September; 15+ Takaragaike Park 26th September; 4
Midorogaike Pond 26th September; 20+ Kyoto Botanical Garden 26th
September;10+ Meiji Jingu 29th September
- Black-browed Reed-Warbler - Acrocephalus bistrigiceps
2 TPWBP 22nd September
- Eastern Crowned-Warbler - Phylloscopus coronatus
1 TPWBP 22nd September
- Great Tit - Parus major
2 TPWBP 22nd September; 3 Meiji Jingu 23rd September; 2 TPWBP 24th
September; 2 Takaragaike Park 26th September; 3 Kyoto Botanical Garden
26th September; 9 Meiji Jingu 29th September
- Varied Tit - Sittiparus varius
2 Meiji Jingu 23rd September; 3 Meiji Jingu 29th September
- Eurasian Tree Sparrow - Passer montanus
3 TPWBP 22nd September; 100+ Upper Tamagawa River 23rd September;
3 Yatsu-Higata 23rd September; 3 Yatsu-Higata 24th September; 9 TPWBP
24th September; 4 Midorogaike Pond 26th September; 10 Kyoto Botanical
Garden 26th September; 30 Meiji Jingu 29th September
- White Wagtail - Motacilla alba
1 Yatsu-Higata 24th September
- Japanese Wagtail - Motacilla grandis
2 Upper Tamagawa River 23rd September; 3 Takaragaike Park 26th
September; 2 Midorogaike Pond 26th September; 5 Kyoto Botanical
Garden 26th September
- Gray Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea
1 Meiji Jingu 23rd September
- Oriental Greenfinch - Carduelis sinica
10+ TPWBP 22nd September; 6+ Meiji Jingu 23rd September; 4+ TPWBP
24th September; 3 Meiji Jingu 29th September
Return to trip reports.
This page served with permission of the author
by Urs Geiser;;
October 22, 2000