Trip Report: Israel, March 15-24, 1996

Harry J Lehto, Elotie 1 A 8, FI-20780 Kaarina, FINLAND;

Rob Goldbach March 13-24, Harry Lehto March 15-24, Kirsi Lehto March 15-17

Itinerary (Times indicate time of arrival in local SUMMER TIME)

13.3   Zikron Yakoov, Ma'agan Michael 
15.3   16.00-16.20 & 18.50-19.10 Zikron Yakoov, 16.30-18.30 Maga'an Michael
16.3   08.30-09.10 & 12.30-12.40 Zikron Yakoov, 9.30-12.30 Maga'an Michael-
       -14.30 Jerusalem - 15.30 -17.00 North End of Dead Sea - 
       -17.30-21.00 Ein Gedi
17.3   06.30-8.10 Ein Gedi - 10.30 Harzeva- Udva Airport - 
       - 14.00-14.20 Mount Yoash - 14.30-16.40 Wadi Shlomo
       17.00-19.30 Eilat(K19, North Beach)
18.3   07.00-19.15 Eilat(7.00WPS, 9.20LOP, 11.00MtKapanen, 11.30NS, 13.00NB, 
                         13.20PG, 15.20SF, 16.20K20, 18.50SP, 19.00NB )
19.3   07.10-19.25 Eilat(7.10WPS, 8.00NS, 9.00-11.30MtKapanen, 12.30 Red 
                         House 12.50 NB -> 15.00 K19, 15.30 K20, 
                         17.00 AP, 19.10 WPS)
20.3   07.00-19.00 Eilat(7.00K33, 11.00K40, 12.30K53, 17.10K33, 17.45NB+SP)
21.3   07.00-19.20 Eilat(7.00Cemetery, 8.15 Red House, 8.30-10.30 MtKapanen, 
                         11.30NB, 12.15RS, 13.00SF, 14.15K20, 14.50K50+53, 
                         18.00K19, 19.00 NB)
22.3   06.30-13.30 Eilat(6.30NB, 7.15PG, 7.40 RS, 8.30MtYoash, 10.00-10.30 
                         MtKapanen, 12.00K50, 13.00-13.30 K53) 
      - 16.10-17.30 Sede Boque 
      - 18.45-20.00 Nizzana (Airstrip, 19.30- Sewage Pond) 
23.3   07.00-14.40 Nizzana(07.00 Airstrip, 08.00 Sewage Ponds, 10.30 Airstrip
                           11.00 Wadi Nizzana, 12.00 Nizzana Airstrip,
                           13.20 Wadi at intersection of Nizzana Road 
                           and Road to Shivta)
       14.00-17.00  Urim Road 
       18.00-18.10  Ma'agan Zohar 
24.3   07.00-10.00  Lod -   -  Airport - No birding due to heavy rain.


       Temp        wind     clouds          visibility
15.3  15C -20C      2bf      0/8 Hazy       10km 
16.3  15C -27C     calm      0/8            10km(Coast), >30km Dead Sea
17.3  18C -30C   0-2bf N     0->2/8 Ci      >30km
18.3  14C -27C    0-3bf      2->4/8 Ci      >30km
19.3  12C -27C   1->4bf N    0->5/8 Ci, As  >30km
20.3  12C -32C   0-2bf N     0-1/8 Ci       >50km
21.3  13C -30C    2bf N      0-1/8 Ci       >50km
22.3  12C->25C    0->4bf W  2/8 Ci-7/8 Cb  >50km -> 500m  
22.3   ->10C       1bf       6/8 Ac, Cb     >20km         Nizzana
23.3   8C->24C     2bf      4-7/8 Ac, Cb    >20km
23.3    ->14C      0bf       Showers        <1km          Lod
24.3   15C-20C             Continuous Rain 


The area around EILAT appears to be under heavy development. Trip reports as recent as 1985 appeared to have old details. Particularly heavy development was sensed around the North Beach area and the North end of the Salt pans. Also it appeared from the city map that the area of the water pump station is under threat (Ring Road). This is why we thought of adding a summary of the locations we visited. We should also note that Hadoram Shirihai's booklet "Birdwatching in the Deserts of Israel" (BDI) is out of print and partially out of date. We will next list our intenerary in the order we visited the sites.

  1. MICHAEL MA'AGAN (MM) is located near the Coastal Highway from Tel Aviv to Haifa, about 100km from Ben Gurion Airport. Driving North along the coastal higway take the exit to Zikron Yakoov (ZY) and Tiberias. Drive East. At first trafic light (a couple of kilometers from coastal highway, before the first hills) take a right (South) towards Zikron Yakoov. Drive a further 2 km or so. About 200 meters before the intersection to Zikron Yakoov on the left side or 50 meters before a police station (also on your left) turn right onto what looks like a farm yard area. Turn immadiately a second time right to a dirt road due North. It goes into an Avocado plantation and turns soon West towards the shore. Follow this road as far West as you can. Find the bridge that crosses the highway. We had to park 50 meters west of the highway because of a closed gate. From there on we walked along the fish ponds (busy on Sabaths!) to the shore line. The reed beds on the left side held some Clamorous Reed warblers. On the right side shore birds and Gulls were plentiful. We did not pay much attention the the ponds East of the Coastal Highway, although they are supposed to be good too.
    The alfafla field mentioned in Shirihai's BDI was now a melon field, and obviously the Black Francolins were not present there any more. Seemed good for shirkes and warblers. The first sighting of a Namaqua dove was an elusive male bird located about 1km North of the T-intersection at the North End of Dead Sea.
  3. EIN GEDI (EG)
    The Oasis on the Dead Sea. Unfortunately we did not have much time here. We tried to find the Hume's Tawny Owl from the amphiteatre and the picnic area at the lower end of (the Canyon) Nahal David. In the picnic area we got some quick views of some large Bats and a nightjar.
    Some 140km N/NNE of Eilat. A good eating place right at the service station. Due to lack of time no birding done.


    We used the follwing points for migration:


    The following four sites are just outside the present city. The Water Pump Station area appears to be under threat. The four sites are listed from North to South. In most cases we saw no other birders in the morning while birding these sites.

    ROAD 90:

    Sites we did not visit thoroughly during our trip Canal, Date palm groves, Saltpans, Down Town or Hotel Area City Parks.

    About 145 N/NNW of Eilat and 40km S or Be'er Sheva as the Sandgrouse flies. Our first aim was to get to Canyon Avdat. Unfortunately we arrived at 16.30. The guard at the gate told us that nobody is let in after 4PM, and that after 5PM the canyon must be vacated. We saw some vultures both from the road descending down to Avdat and from Ben Gurion Field School.
    35km West of Sede Boquer and 55km SW of Be'er Sheva as the Saker flies. Our first experience with Nizzana was quite "exciting". Soon after Sede Boquer signs of "Firing range area" started appearing on both sides of the road. These signs appeared to be everywhere all the way from Massabe Sade to Nizzana. We were at the infamous airstrip (just south of the ruins) at sunset, and managed to see the Houbara Bustards. We had planned to stay overnight in the car at Nizzana. After turing off the car lights we saw a pair of Jeep headlights starting to approach us. We were soon told that A CURFEW STARTS AT 5PM, AND NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO MOVE AROUND IN NIGHT TIME. We ended up sleeping in the car at the Be'er Sheva Market place, where dog packs were fighting, wild cats marking their territories and rats trying to get into the car. After all this we ended up in Nizzana early next morning (SABATH!).

    If you visit NIZZANA do so at Sabath. First try to find the Houbara Bustard 50 meters South of the southern end of the airstrip, on both sides of the road WITHOUT LEAVING THE ROAD (to minimize disturbance) and after an hour from sunrise move to the Sandgrouse area closer to the Nizzana ruins. The sandgrouses can be seen flying over the road East of the Ruins to the waterholes located between the two military camps.

    A small pond on the way from Urim to Tel-Aviv on Road 352. Visible from the North East corner. From Road 40 (Beer Sheva-Tel Aviv) take the exit at Qirat Gat to Road 35. Drive west about 5km, the turn left to Road 352. Drive South 4-5km. We went along a small farm road to teh North Eastern corner of the reservoir.


We rented a car from Budget rent-a-car through a Finnish Travel Agent for 9 days March 15 to March 24 with unlimited mileage for 1692 FIM (380 USD) + 15 USD Airport tax for a compact 5 door CCMR type (second smallest size, air conditioned) FIAT. This was enough for 2 people, and temporarily for 3. We slept two nights in the car. We drove 1758 kilometers. The roads were of good condition (except for some 10 km of road under construction to Sede Boquer). General speed limit appears to be 90km/h, but you tend to slow down traffic if you drive 110km/h in the desert. Gasoline price was on average about 2.6 NIS (= 4 FIM = 0.90 $/liter), and gasoline consumption about 74 liters/ 1000km.

You will need an international driver's license. The license numbers of all drivers, as well as their names and birthdays, plus a credit card. Drivers under 25 years have to pay an extra daily charge. Before you sign the agreement make sure that you and they agree on what is paid and and what needs to be paid (eg. AIRPORT TAX). Get your signed credit card slip back when you return your car (unless you use it for paying some charges).


To find your way around Eilat: We first found the Tourtist Center (Behind the Burger King, 50 meters West from the central trafic light intersection of Eilat) on Derek Yotham. Here you can get a city map to get to the Birdwatching center at Sederot Ha Temarim (open 7AM-11AM, and sometime in the afternoon (3-7PM?))


English is spoken by most people. The official language is Hebrew, thus quite often vowels vary in translitterated names eg. ELAT and EILAT are the same thing, as are Avedat, Avdat and Avadat.


During our trip the exchange rate on street was 1 USD = 3 New Israeli Shekels, or 1 NIS = 1.5 FIM. To get cash exchanged, it was most convenient to walk close to the bank just 50 meters down the road from the birdwatching center and to look like as if you were searching for somebody. The street exchange fellows (1-3 at a time) changed also larger dollar notes for smaller ones with no commission. Exchange rates in the bank was 2.87 NIS for a dollar after commission. Stores and restaurants accepted dollars but at even lower rates (2.70-2.85 NIS/1 USD).


Many bird sites are very close to boarders or otherwise sensitive areas. Mind your actions near Nizzana (curfew after 5PM), Jordanian boarder and the North end of the Urim fields.


If there's a chance that you may enter Egypt or an Arab country (except Jordan) while your passport is still valid, you should ask for NO STAMPS at the entry port. You will be asked about this on your departure, but the above reason is a sufficient explanation upon departure. YOUR VISA NEEDS TO BE VALID FOR 3 MONTHS **AFTER** YOUR TRIP.


Any time you take a flight from Israel you will be crossexamined by at least 2 examiners. Be honest and reply to the questions only. Having a bird book and a bird note book in your pocket ready may be useful for "proving" of what you were doing in Israel.


We stayed one night at Ein Gedi Camping ($90/3 persons in a caravan), and 5 nights in a guest house (The Gardens) in Eilat at Sederot Ha-Temarim (80 NIS/night for the two of us) plus two nights in the car. There appears to be loads of youth hostels in Eilat.



* = Zikron Yakoov. $ = 3 isolated species on March 13 not seen otherwise. + = present but with no number estimate. sp = unidentified to species. 20+ = Lower limit estimate of 20. s = sound. K = thousands (2K = 2000). D = Only dead birds. ?= ID may not be final yet. MM Michael Ma'agan, -> To Jerusalem, -> To Ein Gedi, EG Ein Gedi -> To Eilat , -> To Nizzana, N Nizzana, U-MZ Urim and Ma'agan Zohar

DATE              15 <----16-----><-----17----> 18 19 20 21 22  22 22 23 23
                  MM MM MM->J->EG EG EG ->E  <----Eilat------>->N  N  N U-MZ
Little Grebe      20  4  4  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -    
Cormorant         50+ 4  2  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  6  3  2  2 | -  -  -  -  
White Pelican     2D  - 1D  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Striated Heron     -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  1  -  3  - | -  -  -  -  
Night Heron        - 60 30  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Squacco Heron      -  -  -  1  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  1  - | -  -  -  -  
Cattle Egret     10+200 10  +  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  2  - | -  -  - 43  
Western Reef Heron -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  2  1  -  5  1  3 | -  -  -  -  
Little Egret      50+ 8 10  +  -  -  - |  -  -  1  -  4  1  - | -  -  -  -  
Great Egret       30+ 5  6  +  -  -  - |  -  -  - 27  -  -  - | -  -  -  1  
Grey Heron        50+ 8 10  +  -  -  - |  -  1 35  - 18  - 40 | -  -  -  1  
Black Stork        -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  5  - 310 - 63 82 | -  -  -  8  
White Stork      200* -  - 800 -  -  - |  -  -  2  3  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Spoonbill          -  2  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Flamingo           -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  - 14 14  - 10  - | -  -  -  -  
Ruddy Shelduck     -  4  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Shelduck           -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  6  6  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Gadwall            -  -  2  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Common Teal       30 30 20  -  -  -  - |  -  - 13  -  -  -  - | -  - 30 10  
Mallard           20 10 15  -  -  -  - |  -  - 20  6  -  -  - | -  -  - 40  
Pintail            8  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  8  8  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Garganey          50 50 100 -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  - 20 20  3 | -  -  8 25  
Northern Shoveler200 25  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  6  -  - | -  -  2 400 
Pochard            -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  - 12  -  - 10  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Tufted Duck       60  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Black Kite        25+ 8  2 35  -  -  - |  1 13 20 920110250150| -  -   140  
Egyptian Vulture   -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  2  -  -  7  -  2  1 | 2  -  -  -  
Griffon Vulture    -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | 4  -  -  -  
Short-toed Eagle   1  -  -  1  -  -  - |  -  -  1  2  -  -  - | -  -  2  1  
Marsh Harrier     10  2  3  -  -  -  1 |  -  1  3  4  1  1  1 | -  -  7  -  
Hen Harrier        -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  3  - 
Pallid Harrier     -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  1  -  3  -  -  - | 1  -  4  1  
Goshawk            -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  1  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Sparrowhawk        1  -  -  -  -  -  - |  1  -  -  -  -  2  - | -  -  -  -  
Steppe Buzzard     -  2  1* 1  -  -  2 |  3 250380 5K100 2K 1K| 3  -  5  2  
Long-legged Buzzard-  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  5  -  -  - | 1  -  -  1  
L. Spotted Eagle   -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  4  1  1  - | 1  - 22 8+4sp
Spotted Eagle      1  1  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  1  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Steppe Eagle       -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  1 27 130 1 20  8 | -  -  1  -  
Imperial Eagle     -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  1  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Booted Eagle       -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  1  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  3  
Lesser Kestrel     2* -  3* -  1  -  - |  -  1  -  -  1  1  - | -  -  -  3  
Eurasian Kestrel  10 10 10 10  2  -  - |  3  -  -  3  1  2  - | 6sp-  -2+30sp 
Lanner             -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  1  -  
Barbary Falcon     -  -  -  -  -  -  - | 1sp -  -  -  1  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Chukar             5  -  -  -  -  -  2 |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | 7  - 110 -  
Sand Partridge     -  -  -  -  -  - 20 |  -  2  s  3  -  1  - | -  -  4  -  
Quail              1  2  -  -  -  -  - |  -  - 16  6  -  4  - | -  -  4  -  
Moorhen           15  8  4  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Eurasian Coot     15 10  6  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  1  -  
Common Crane       -  -  - 500 -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Houbara Bustard    -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  1  2  -  
Black-winged Stilt20 20 50  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  3  -  - | -  - 12  -  
Avocet             -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  1  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Stone-curlew       -  -  -  -  -  1  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  5  -  -  
Cream-col. Courser -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  2  -  
Collared Pratincole-  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  3  - | -  -  -  -  
Little Ring. Plover2  -  1  -  -  -  - |  - 10  - 10  s 12  - | -  -  -  -  
Ringed Plover     15  -  5  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  2  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Kentish Plover   100+ 6 10  -  -  -  - |  -  5 90 66  - 22 10 | -  -  -  -  
Greater Sand Plover-  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  1  -  6  2  2  3 | -  -  -  -  
Spur-winged Plover30+15 25  -  4  -  - |  -  4  1  6  -  2  - | -  s 20 25  
White-tailed Plover-  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  1  -  2  -  2  - | -  -  -  -  
Little Stint     150  3 10  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  8  -  2  - | -  -  2  -  
Temminck's Stint   5  3  4  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Dunlin            10  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  8  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Ruff              75 150 220-  -  -  - |  -  5  - 27  - 15  3 | -  - 50  -  
Snipe              5  2  -  -  -  -  - |  -  2  1  -  -  1  - | -  -  -  -  
Whimbrel           -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  1 | -  -  -  -  
Curlew             -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  1  1  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Spotted Redshank   -  2  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  2  4  -  3  - | -  -  1  -  
Redshank          20 10 10  -  -  -  - |  -  -  1  3  -  2  1 | -  -  -  -  
Marsh Sandpiper    3  8  +  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  1  -  -  - | -  -  1  -  
Greenshank         2  3 10  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  2  1  - | -  -  -  -  
Green Sandpiper    1  1  2  -  -  -  - |  -  -  s 22  1  2  - | -  -  1  -  
Wood Sandpiper     1  -  1  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  1  -  1  - | -  s  -  -  
Common Sandpiper 10+  6  +  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Shorebird sp       - 200 -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
White-eyed Gull    -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  - 14 12  - 19 15  - | -  -  -  -  
G. Black-Headed   12 14  6  -  -  -  - |  -  -  2  -  2  1  - | -  -  -  -  
Little Gull        2 22 30  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  1  - | -  -  -  -  
Black-headed Gull ++ 150 250-  -  -  - |  - 30 100 5 30 50 50 | -  -  -  -  
Slender-billed Gull1  -  3  -  -  -  - |  -  -200+ 5  5  8  2 | -  -  -  -  
Lesser BB Gull     1  4  5  -  -  -  - |  -  - 100 1 20 50 40 | -  -  -  -  
Heuglin's Gull     -  -  1  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Yellow-legged Gull+sp -  1  -  -  - 20M|  - 20 1 150 25 50  8 | -  -  -  -  
Armenian Gull+sp 200 80 100 +  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  4  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Caspian Tern       -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  2  -  -  1  - | -  -  -  -  
Sandwich Tern      2  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  2  -  5  5  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Common Tern        -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  1  -  -  1  3 | -  -  -  1  
Lichtenstein's SG. -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  - 41  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Crowned Sandgrouse -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  9  -  
Spotted Sandgrouse -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  - 735 -  
Black-bellied SG.  -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  - 325 -  
Pin-tailed SG.     -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  - 255 40sp  
Rock Dove          -  -  -  ++ 5  -  - |  5 30  + 10  3 4+ >1K| -  - 15  100
Eur. Collared Dove -  4* * 150 20 - 15 | 10  5 25 30 50 15 15 | 20 -  -  190
Turtle Dove        -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  1  - | -  -  -  6  
Laughing Dove      -  5* *  -  - 20 20 | 15 10 30 20 30 40 10 | -  -  -  -  
Namaqua Dove       -  -  -  -  1  -  - |  -  -  7  5  -  5  - | -  -  -  -  
Ring-neck. Parakeet-  -  -  -  -  -  1 |  -  -  -  -  - 1sp - | -  -  -  -  
Agapornis sp       -  -  -  -  -  -  1 |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Nightjar sp        -  -  -  -  -  1  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Little Owl         -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  2  2  
Striated Scops Owl -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  1  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Swift              -  2  -  - 100 -  - |30 100 50 20  1 10 30 |50  - 100 -  
Pallid Swift       -  -  -  -  -  -  - |a50  -  -  5  - 100 - | -  -  25 -  
Alpine Swift       2*$-  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  1  2  - 27  - |20  -  -  -  
Little Swift       2*$-  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
WB Kingfisher      6  3  1  1  -  -  2 |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Kingfisher         1  1  1  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Pied Kingfisher   25+12 10  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  2  1  1 | -  -  -  3  
Li Green Bee-eater -  -  -  -  -  -  2 |  -  -  4  1  4  5  2 | -  -  -  -  
Hoopoe             2  2  -  -  -  -  1 |  -  -  5  2  4  8  - | -  -  -  9  
Wryneck            -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  6  - | -  -  -  -  
Syrian Woodpecker  1* -  2  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
BT Desert Lark     -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  - 25  -  - | 3  -  -  -  
Desert Lark        -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  3 11 14 10  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Hoopoe Lark        -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  - >7  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Bimaculated Lark   -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  4  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Short-toed Lark    -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  - 60 20 95 25 20 |50 20 400 -  
Lesser ST Lark     -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  - 50  -  
Crested Lark       + 10  8  - 15  -  2 |  8  - 10  4 25 10  5 |10  -   100  
Rock Martin        -  -  -  -  -  - 10 |  4  -  1  8  -  8  2 | -  -  -  -  
Sand Martin        -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  1 10  -  - | -  -  2  -  
Barn Swallow       + 200100 + 20  -  - |  - 20 20 10 30 10 10 | -  -  5  5  
Red-rumped Swallow -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  1 50 10 20 20 30 | -  -  -  -  
House Martin       -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  - 10  1  5 10  3 | -  -  5  -  
Tawny Pipit        -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  3  1  - | 2  -  5  2  
Tree Pipit         -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  2  -  4  - | -  -  -  -  
Meadow Pipit       -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  2  -  1  -  1  - | -  -  -  -  
Red-throated Pipit20 15  6  -  -  -  - |  -  2  -  -  6  -  1 | -  -  1  -  
Water Pipit       15  4  3  -  -  -  - |  - 10  - 10  -  7  - | -  -  -  -  
Buff-bellied Pipit -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  1  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Yellow Wagtail     1  4  6  -  -  -  - |  - 30  s 80 4s 55  10| -  -  5  -  
Citrine Wagtail    2  2  1  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Grey Wagtail       1$ -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
White Wagtail     20 20 10  -  -  2  - |  -  2 20 100 25 50 10| -  - 50 15  
White-spec. Bulbul - 10*10*15  5 10 100| 20 20 70  30 40 40 20| -  -  -  -  
Wren               -  1* 2* -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Rufous Bush Robin  -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  1  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
European Robin     3* -  2* -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Nightingale        -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  1  1  3 | 3  -  -  -  
Bluethroat         2  -  2  -  -  -  - |  -  1 1s  -  1  1  - | -  -  -  -  
Black Redstart    3*  -  -  -  -  -  1 |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Redstart           -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  4  1  5 36  8 |10  -  3  -  
Blackstart         -  -  -  -  -  4  20| 20  4 15  7  1 32  5 | 3  -  1  -  
Stonechat         20  1  -  -  -  -  - |  -  1  -  -  -  2  1 | -  -  -  -  
Isabelline Wheatear4  -  1  -  -  -  - |  -  -  2  1  3  2  2 | 1  -  2  -  
Northern Wheatear  -  -  2  -  -  -  - |  -  2  5  5  7  8  11| 3  -  3  2  
Pied Wheatear      -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  1? - | -  -  -  -  
BE Wheatear        -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  1  - 21  7  5 15  18| 6  -  7  -  
Mourning Wheatear  -  -  -  -  1  -  - |  6  -  -  -  -  -  - | 2  -  -  -  
Hooded Wheatear    -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  1  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
WC Black Wheatear  -  -  -  -  -  1  - |  2  3  2  2  -  2  - | 2  -  -  -  
Blue Rock Thrush   -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  1  1  3  2  -  3  - | -  -  -  -  
Blackbird          -  4* 5* -  -  -  1 |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Song Thrush        3* -  1* -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Cetti's Warbler    3  1  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Graceful Prinia   40 15 25  - 10  -  - |  -  -  3  3  5  7  - | -  -  -  1  
Scrub Warbler      -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  1  
Sedge Warbler      -  -  1  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Reed Warbler      10 10 20  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Cl. Reed Warbler   5  -  4  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Olivaceous Warbler -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  4  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Spectacled Warbler -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | 3  -  1  -  
Subalpine Warbler  -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  1  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Sardinian Warbler ++* -  2* -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  3  4  - | -  -  1  -  
Rüppell's Warbler  -  -  -  -  -  -  1 |  -  - 10  7  1 11  6 |10  -  -  
Arabian Warbler    -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  2  -  -  -  1 | -  -  -  -  
Orphean Warbler    -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  1  -  -  -  1  - | -  -  -  -  
Lesser Whitethroat -  -  2  - 10  5 15 |  3  7 18 15 23 67 32 |30  -  4  -  
Whitethroat        -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  1  -  1  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Blackcap           2* -  -  -  1  -  4 |  -  -  1  -  4 17  9 | 8  -  2  -  
Ea Bon Warbler + sp-  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  4  3  7 36  8 | 4  -  -  -  
Chiffchaff         +  3 10  -  -  -  15|  -  1  -  1  1  2  - | 2  -  -  -  
SColl. Flycatcher  -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  1  -  - 1sp - | -  -  -  -  
Arabian Babbler    -  -  -  -  -  -  6 |  -  -  2  - 10  7  2 | 1  -  -  -  
Great Tit         10* -  1* -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Penduline Tit      -  -  1  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Palestine Sunbird  - 10* 5* 5  -  2  5 |  -  1  8  7  5 16 11 | -  -  -  -  
Great Grey Shrike  -  -  -  -  2  -  - |  -  -  -  -  2  1  - | 1  -   1    
Woodchat Shrike    -  -  -  -  2  -  1 |  1  -  1  4  6  6  1 | 2  -   4    
Masked Shrike      -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  3  2  -  3  - | -  -  -  -  
Jay               3*  - 1*  1* -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  2  
Jackdaw            -  -  -  5  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Indian House Crow  -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  - 16 14  7 31  2  4 | -  -  -  -  
Carrion/Hooded Crow+ 20  5 40  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  2  5 100 
Brown-necked Raven -  -  -  -  -  -  3 | 50  -  1  5  5 25  2 |35  - 15  -  
Common Raven       -  -  -  -  -  -  2 |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Fan-tailed Raven   -  -  -  -  -  2  2 |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Tristram's Grackle -  -  -  -  2  2 150| 10  - 12 10  s  -  - | -  -  -  -  
House Sparrow      + 15  5  - 15 20  15|30  6  >2 26 20 25 30 | -  -  - 30 
Spanish Sparrow    -  -  -  - 20 20  30|10 25 >15 16 20 25 20 | -  -  - 100 
Dead Sea Sparrow   -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  - 50  8  -  2  - | -  -  -  -  
Chaffinch          +  5 10  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  1  
Tristram's Serin   -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  4  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Greenfinch         +  5  5  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  - 10  1  
Goldfinch          +  3  5  -  -  -  - |  -  1  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  - 20  
Linnet             -  -  1  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  - 40  
Desert Finch       -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  - 15  4  - | -  -  -  7  
Trumpeter Finch    -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  2  1 10  3  -  1  - | 8  -  -  -  
Sinai Rosefinch    -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  1  -  8  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
House Bunting      -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  1  -  -  2  - | -  -  -  -  
Cinereous Bunting  -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  1  2  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Ortolan Bunting    -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  5  - | -  -  1  -  
Cretzschmar's Bun. -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  - 25 23 36 33 33 | -  - 10 10  
Reed Bunting       -  -  1  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  -  -  
Corn Bunting       -  -  -  -  -  -  - |  -  -  -  -  -  -  - | -  -  2  3  



The dominant race is feldegg. We saw two dombrowsii type yellow wagtails. These are birds from a stable hybrid feldegg x flava population breeding in Romania. Also 2 M.f.flava were seen at Magaan Michael.


Both white and red-spotted birds. Former possible cyanecula and the latter appeared quite dull, could have been pallidogularis or volgae.


Mostly curruca-type, and possibly minula. (A very dark headed bird was photographed.)


In apppearance quite similar to the Northern races. Possibly L.e. elegans.


Race: G g. atricapillus. head very contrasty.


Two types: P.p phoenicurus (33 birds in Eilat) and samamisus (12 birds in Eilat). The race of 9 birds was not noted. The nominate race is widespread and the latter race breeds in Greece and Turkey.


These sites indicated are just representative. For common species not all sites have been mentioned. ZY = Zikron Yakoov. E =Elat. WPS=Water Pumping Station. MM = Michael Ma'agan. LOP=Lower Observing Point. NB=North Beach. EG = Ein Gedi. MK =Mount Kapanen. SP=Salt Pans. SB = Sede Boquer. WS =Wadi(Nahal) Shlomo. SF=South Fields. Niz= Nizzana. NS =Nahal Shahmon. RS=Rigning station. MZ = Ma'agan Zohar. Cem=Cemetery. PG=Palm Date grove(s). Har= Harzeva. K50,K53=Yotvata. HB=Hay Bails. AP = Armar's Pillars .

Podiceps ruficollis     Little Grebe          MM          
Phalacrocorax carbo     Cormorant             MM,NB          
Pelecanus onocrotalus   White Pelican         MM only dead birds          
Buteroides striatus     Striated Heron        Red House          
Nycticorax nycticorax   Night Heron           MM
Ardeola ralloides       Squacco Heron         C, TelAviv - both flying over 
Bubulcus ibis           Cattle Egret          SF,Common in MM and North of Urim
Egretta gularis         Western Reef Heron    NB + Gulf of Aqaba
Egretta garzetta        Little Egret          MM,C,SP
Egretta alba            Great White Egret     MM + 1 flock at SP,MZ
Ardea cinerea           Grey Heron            MM,NB,SP,K20,MZ
Ciconia nigra           Black Stork           Migrating (MK,AP,LOP)   
Ciconia ciconia         White Stork           Migrating (MK,TelAviv,Urim)
Platalea leucorodia     Spoonbill             MM          
Phoenicopterus ruber    Flamingo              K20          
Tadorna ferruginea      Ruddy Shelduck        MM          
Tadorna tadorna         Shelduck              K20
Anas strepera           Gadwall               MM          
Anas crecca             Common Teal           MM,K20,NB,Niz,MZ      
Anas platyrhynchos      Mallard               MM,K20,NB,MZ          
Anas acuta              Northern Pintail      K20         
Anas querquedula        Garganey              MM,NB,MZ          
Anas clypeata           Northern Shoveler     MM,NB,Niz,MZ          
Aythya ferina           Pochard               NB          
Aythya fuligula         Tufted Duck           MM
Milvus migrans          Black Kite            MM,MK,AP,LOP,SF,WPS,Niz,Urim...
Neophron percnopterus   Egyptian Vulture      Sedom,MK,AP,SB,K55 
Gyps fulvus             Griffon Vulture       SB         
Circaetus gallicus      Short-toed Eagle      MK,migrating,Niz,Urim
Circus aeruginosus      Marsh Harrier         MM,EG,MK,K18.5,K20,PG,K53,Niz,Urim
Circus cyaneus          Hen Harrier           Niz,Urim  
Circus macrourus        Pallid Harrier        MK,AP,Niz       
Accipiter gentilis      Goshawk               MK         
Accipiter nisus         Sparrowhawk           Har,MK,migrating           
Buteo buteo             Steppe Buzzard        MM,MK,migrating,Niz,MZ          
Buteo rufinus           Long-legged Buzzard   MK,migrating                    
Aquila pomarina         Lesser Spotted Eagle  MK,K33,Niz
Aquila clanga           Spotted Eagle         MM,AP,Niz         
Aquila nipalensis       Steppe Eagle          MK+Eilat area in general,AP,K33
Aquila heliaca          Imperial Eagle        MK          
Hieraaetus pennatus     Booted Eagle          MK + Urim          
Falco naumanni          Lesser Kestrel        ZY,MK,K33,Niz-Urim  
Falco tinnunculus       Eurasian Kestrel      Coast,Eilat region,may unid'd
Falco biamircus         Lanner                Massabbe-Sade jct (40E of Niz)
Falco pelegrinoides     Barbary Falcon        K33 and one likely at Sedom
Alectoris chukar        Chukar                MM,EG,Mizpe-Ramon,Niz
Ammoperdix heyi         Sand Partridge        EG,Eilat deserts+hills to Niz
Coturnix coturnix       Quail                 MM,K20,SF,NS,Niz          
Gallinula chloropus     Moorhen               MM          
Fulica atra             Eurasian Coot         MM,Niz          
Grus grus               Common Crane          One migrating flock near Tel Aviv
Chlamydotis undulata    Houbara Bustard       Niz South end of Airstrip
Himantopus himantopus   Black-winged Stilt    MM,C,Niz         
Recurvirostra avosetta  Avocet                K20         
Burhinus oedicnemus     Stone-curlew          EG,Niz Airstrip
Cursorius cursor        Cream-colored Courser Niz South end of Airstrip
Glareola pratincola     Collared Pratincole   K18.5          
Charadrius dubius       Little Ringed Plover  MM,K18.5,SP         
Charadrius hiaticula    Ringed Plover         MM,K18.5,K20          
Char. alexandrinus      Kentish Plover        MM,NB,K18.5,K20,RS
Char. leschenaultii     Greater Sand Plover   NB,K18.5,K20 
Hoplopterus spinosus    Spur-winged Plover    MM,K18.5,K20,C,Niz
Chettusia leucura       White-tailed Plover   K18.5,K20          
Calidris minuta         Little Stint          MM,K20,Niz         
Calidris temminckii     Temminck's Stint      MM          
Calidris alpina         Dunlin                MM,K20        
Philomacus pugnax       Ruff                  MM,K20,K18.5,Niz        
Gallinago gallinago     Snipe                 MM,K18.5,K20         
Numenius phaeopus       Whimbrel              NB          
Numenius arquata        Curlew                K20          
Tringa erythropus       Spotted Redshank      MM,K20,Niz          
Tringa totanus          Redshank              MM,K20,NB          
Tringa stagnatilis      Marsh Sandpiper       MM,K20,Niz          
Tringa nebularia        Greenshank            MM,NB          
Tringa ochropus         Green Sandpiper       MM,K20,K40,C          
Tringa glareola         Wood Sandpiper        MM,K18.5,Niz          
Actitis hypoleucos      Common Sandpiper      MM          
Larus leucopthalamus    White-eyed Gull       NB          
Larus ichtyaetus        Great Black-H. Gull   MM,SP        
Larus minutus           Little Gull           MM,NB         
Larus ridibundus        Black-headed Gull     MM,NB,SP 
Larus genei             Slender-billed Gull   MM,NB,SP 
Larus fuscus            Lesser Black-B. Gull  MM,SP,NB       
Larus (arg) heuglini    Heuglin's Gull        MM
Larus cachinnans        Yellow-legged Gull    MM,SP (incl. unidd)
Larus armenicus         Armenian Gull         MM (incl. unidd),SP
Sterna caspia           Caspian Tern          SP
Sterna sandvicensis     Sandwich Tern         MM,NB         
Sterna hirundo          Common Tern           NB,SP,MZ        
Pter. lichtensteinii    Lichtenstein's Sandg. WPS    
Pterocles coronatus     Crowned Sandgrouse    Niz  (9.45) 
Pterocles senegallus    Spotted Sandgrouse    Niz  (8.35-9.45)
Pterocles orientalis    Black-bellied Sandg.  Niz  (8.44-9.45) +Urim(sp)
Pterocles alchata       Pin-tailed Sandgrouse Niz  (8.35-10.00)
Columba livia           Rock Dove             Jerusalem,E;Niz+MK (wild?)
Streptopelia decaocto   Collared Dove         EG,Eilat,K53
Streptopelia turtur     Turtle Dove           SF,North of Urim        
Stre. senegalensis      Laughing Dove         ZY,EG,E+K53 Near vegetation 
Oena capensis           Namaqua Dove          K20,North End of Dead Sea
Psittacula krameri      Ring-necked Parakeet  EG,MK(sp) 
Agapornis sp            Lovebird sp           EG
Caprimulgidae           Nightjar sp           EG       
Anthene noctuaa         Little Owl            Niz Airstrip+ruins
Otus brucei             Striated Scops Owl    K53
Apus apus               Eurasian Swift        Migrant        
Apus pallidus           Pallid Swift          MK(A few large flocks),Newe Zoham
Apus melba              Alpine Swift          MK,K53,SB
Apus affinis            Little Swift          ZY
Halcyon smyrnensis      White-br. Kingfisher  MM,EG       
Alcedo atthis           Kingfisher            MM       
Ceryle rudis            Pied Kingfisher       MM,NB-C,MZ        
Merops orientalis       Little Gr. Bee-eater  EG,NS,K18.5,K53        
Upupa epops             Hoopoe                MM,EG,SF,K18.5,PG,NS,K53,Urim
Jynx torquilla          Wryneck               PG,RS,K53
Dendrocopos syriacus    Syrian Woodpecker     ZY
Ammomanes cincturus     Bar-tail. Desert Lark K33,K94.5        
Ammomanes deserti       Desert Lark           WS,WPS,NS,LOP,AP,K33...
Alaemon alaudipes       Hoopoe Lark           K33        
Mela. bimaculata        Bimaculated Lark      K40         
Cala. brachydactyla     Short-toed Lark       SF,HB,K18.5-53,K94.5,Niz,Urim
Cala. rufescens         Lesser S.-t. Lark     Niz Airstrip        
Galerida cristata       Crested Lark          MM,EG,Eilat region,K12-40,Niz,Urim
Ptyonoprogne fuligula   Rock Martin           EG,Ovda,NS,MK,PG,K18.5,K50
Riparia riparia         Sand Martin           K18.5,K33,Niz
Hirundo rustica         Barn Swallow          MM,PG,migrating,K33,K40,Niz ...
Hirundo daurica         Red-rumped Swallow    migrating,K33,K40,Eilat,Niz ...
Delichon urbica         House Martin          MK,NB,K33,Niz        
Anthus campestris       Tawny Pipit           K33,RS,K94.5,Niz,Urim         
Anthus trivialis        Tree Pipit            WPS,MK,Cem,PG        
Anthus pratensis        Meadow Pipit          K18.5          
Anthus cervinus         Red-throated Pipit    MM,K18.5,K33,MZ        
Anthus spinoletta       Water Pipit           K18.5        
Anthus rubescens        Buff-Bellied Pipit    K18.5        
Motacilla flava         Yellow Wagtail        MM,K18.5,SF,RS,K33,K40,Niz,      
Motacilla citreola      Citrine Wagtail       MM        
Motacilla cinerea       Grey Wagtail          MM        
Motacilla alba          White Wagtail         MM,EG,RS,K18.5,K33,K40,Niz...
Pycnonotus xanthopygos  White-spectacled Bul. common... (not Niz)           
Troglodytes troglodytes Wren                  ZY        
Cercotrichas galactotes Rufous Bush Robin     WPS             
Erithacus rubecula      European Robin        ZY 
Luscinia megarhynchos   Nightingale           K53,PG,K94.5          
Luscinia svecica        Bluethroat            MM,Har,C,RS,K40        
Phoenicurus ochruros    Black Redstart        EG          
Phoenicurus phoenicurus Redstart              WPS,PG,K50,K53,RS,Cem,Niz
Cercomela melanura      Blackstart            EG,WS,WPS,NS,AP,MK,Cem,K50,K53
Saxicola torquata       Stonechat             MM,K18.5,K20,K50,Urim
Oenanthe isabellina     Isabelline Wheatear   MM,MK,WPS,PG,C,RS,K33,K40,Niz
Oenanthe oenanthe       Northern Wheatear     WPS,K18.5,Niz,Urim        
Oenanthe pleschanka     Pied Wheatear         K20,ID still open.          
Oenanthe hispanica      Black-eared Wheatear  Har,WPS,NS,PF,SF,K20,MK,K33,Niz..
Oenanthe lugens         Mourning Wheatear     EG, Odva to Eilat, K94.5         
Oenanthe monacha        Hooded Wheatear       WS       
Oenanthe leucopyga      Wh.-cr. Bl. Wheatear  MK,NS,Cem - mountains
Monticola solitarius    Blue Rock Thrush      WPS,NS,Cem,K18.5 - mountains
Turdus merula           Blackbird             ZY,EG
Turdus philomelos       Song Thrush           ZY
Cettia cetti            Cetti's Warbler       MM      
Prinia gracilis         Graceful Prinia       MM,SF,C,RS,K53,K40,MZ      
Scotocerca inquieta     Scrub Warbler         Wadi(beginning of road to Shivta)
Acro. schoenobaenus     Sedge Warbler         MM                 
Acrocephalus scirpaceus Reed Warbler          MM      
Acrocephalus stentoreus Clam. Reed Warbler    MM      
Hippolais pallida       Olivaceous Warbler    K53,RS          
Sylvia conspicilata     Spectacled Warbler    Niz 
Sylvia cantillans       Subalpine Warbler     NS,K94.5          
Sylvia melanocephala    Sardinian Warbler     K33,K50,K53,Cem,Niz
Sylvia rueppelli        Rueppell's Warbler    EG,WPS,NS,K33,K50,K53,Cem,K94.5
Sylvia leucomelaena     Arabian Warbler       NS,K53        
Sylvia hortensis        Orphean Warbler       WS,K50         
Sylvia curruca          Lesser Whitethroat    MM,EG,WPS,NS,MK,RS,K33-53,Cem,Niz
Sylvia communis         Whitethroat           K18.5,K20,Cem         
Sylvia atricapilla      Blackcap              EG,WS,K40,K50,K53,Niz         
Phy.(bon.) orientalis   Eastern Bonelli's War.WPS,NS,RS,SF,AP,K50,K53(inc unid)
Phylloscopus collybita  Chiffchaff            MM,EG,WS,SF,K53     
Ficedula semitorquata   Semi-coll. Flycatcher PG       
Turdoides squamiceps    Arabian Babbler       EG,SF,K53
Parus major             Great Tit             ZY
Remiz pendulinus        Penduline Tit         MM
Nectarinia osea         Palestine Sunbird     ZY,EG,WS,WPS,NS,E,K50,K53
Lanius excubitor        Great Grey Shrike     K33,Niz          
Lanius senator          Woodchat Shrike       EG,C,SF,RS,K19,K33,K40... 
Lanius nubicus          Masked Shrike         WPS,NS,Cem,RS,K53          
Garrulus glandarius     Jay                   ZY,MZ          
Corvus monedula         Jackdaw               Tel-Aviv rubbish tip        
Corvus splendens        Indian House Crow     Eilat Downtown,NB,WPS
Corvus corone           Carrion/Hooded Crow   MM,Niz,Urim          
Corvus ruficollis       Brown-necked Raven    EG,EG-E,NS,MK,K18.5-K53,AP,SB,Niz
Corvus corax            Common Raven          EG          
Corvus rhipidurus       Fan-tailed Raven      EG          
Onychognathus tristramii Tristram's Grackle   EG(Common),WPS,MK,NB,K33...
Passer domesticus       House Sparrow         MM,EG,K18.5,WPS,E,K53...   
Passer hispaniolensis   Spanish Sparrow       EG,Har,WPS,E,PG,K20,Urim...
Passer moabiticus       Dead Sea Sparrow      K20          
Fringilla coelebs       Chaffinch             MM,Urim                      
Serinus syriacus        Tristram's Serin      MK          
Carduelis chloris       Greenfinch            MM,Niz,Urim          
Carduelis carduelis     Goldfinch             MM,K18.5,Urim          
Carduelis cannabina     Linnet                MM,Urim         
Rhodospiza obsoleta     Desert Finch          K33(migrating),RS,Niz          
Bucanetes githagineus   Trumpeter Finch       K160,WS,WPS,MK,NS,AP,K33,K94.5,Cem
Carpodacus synoicus     Sinai Rosefinch       WS,AP          
Emberiza striolata      House Bunting         NS,Cem          
Emberiza cineracea      Cinereous Bunting     HB          
Emberiza hortulana      Ortolan Bunting       HB,Niz          
Emberiza caesia         Cretzschmar's Bunting HB,K18.5,WPS,K33-K53,Cem,Niz,Urim
Emberiza schoeniclus    Reed Bunting          MM          
Miliaria calandra       Corn Bunting          Niz,Urim

Birds seen by others and not by us:
Aquila verrauxi         Verraux's Eagle: 19.3 AP,20-21.3 MtYoash,24.3 MK 
Strix butleri           Hume's Tawny Owl - trips led by Hadoram
Stercorarius pomarinus  Pomarine Jaeger  - North Beach               
Gelochelidon nilotica   Gull-billed Tern - North Beach               
Clamator glandarius     Great Spotted Cuckoo - Road to 
Sylvia melanothorax     Cyprus Warbler   - In several Wadis


Mongoose Spec. (species not found in books) Magaan Michael
Musk rat 1                                  Magaan Michael
Bat Spec. several                           Ein Gedi
Rock Hyrax 20+4+1                           Ein Gedi
Capra ibex several herds                    Ein Gedi to the Eilat mountains
Dromedarius 3                               Harzeva
Fox 1                                       Near Ringing station
Mouse sp 1                                  Near Ringing station
Jackal  (2)                                 Nizsana

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This page served by Urs Geiser;; January 2, 1997