Trip Report: India, November 19 - December 10, 1990

Rob Goldbach, Hollandseweg 159, 6705 BC Wageningen, The Netherlands;

Report of some bird observations made between November 20 and December 8, during a trip to Southern India, including visits to agricultural institutes (a.o. ICRISAT) at Hyderabad.


19-11Air India flight, via London to Bombay
20-11Morning: Bombay, Juhu Beach. Afternoon flight to Bangalore. Taxi ride to Mysore (Karnataka).
22-11Mysore: Ranganathittoo Bird Sanctuary.
Evening: Brindavan Gardens.
23-11Mysore (lv. 8.45 h) - Bandipur Wildlife Sanctuary (arr. 22.00 h) by bus.
24-11Bandipur Wildlife Sanctuary.
25-11Mudumalai National Park (Tamil Nadu).
26-11Bandipur (lv. 09.30 h) - Mysore (arr. 11.30 h) by bus.
Afternoon Chamundi Hills near Mysore.
27-11Mysore (lv. 09.15 h) - Nagarahole (arr. 12.00 h) by bus. Transfer to Kabini River Lodge (Karapura) by jeep (arr. 15.00 h).
28-11Karapura: Kabini River Lodge.
29-11Morning: Kabini River Lodge, incl. coracle ride.
Afternoon (14.30h) transfer by taxi to Nagarahole (Government Lodge).
30-11/ 01-12Mysore (lv. 8.25 h) - Maddur (arr. 10.50 h) by bus. Visit to Pelicanry at Kokkere Bellur (10.50 - 13.00 h).
Afternoon transfer by bus to Bangalore (arr. 15.00 h).
02-12Flight to Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh).
03-12/ 08-12Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Visit to International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and experimental fields. Participation in an International Meeting on Biotechnology in Agriculture.
09-12Hyderabad downtown. Afternoon flight to Bombay.
10-12Bombay (lv. 7.30 h) - Paris - Amsterdam (arr. 20.00 h).

Records have been grouped into 6 geographical categories. See itinerary for dates.

Bo = Bombay, records mainly at Juhu Beach.
My = Mysore, including Ranganathittoo Bird Sy. and Brindavan Gardens.
Ba = Bandipur Wildlife Sanctuary, including Mudumalai Nat. Park.
Na = Nagarahole Nat. Park, incl. area around Kabini River Lodge (Karapura).
KB = Kokkere Bellur (Pelicanrynear Maddur).
Hy = Hyderabad and ICRISAT expl. fields.


+ = species present, no counts
n = actual number of species observed
A = 1 - 5 specimen per day
B = 6 - 20 per day
C = 21 - 100 per day
D - 101 - 1000 per day
E = _ 1000 per day

SPECIES                  NAME                         Bo   My   Ba   Na   KB   Hy    

Podiceps ruficollis      Little grebe                  .    .    3    .    5    .
Phalac.carbo             Great Cormorant               .    D    .  150    .    .
Phalac fuscicollis       Indian Shag                   .    .    .   40    .    .
Phalac. niger            Little Cormorant              .    C    B   20   10   40
Anhinga rufa             Darter                        .    C    .    2    .    .

Pelecanus philippensis   Spotbilled Pelican            .    .    .    .  100    .

Egretta garzetta         Little Egret                  .    B   15   10  100   10
Egretta intermedia       Intermediate Egret            .    D    B    B   30    D
Egretta alba             Great Egret                   .    1    .    A   10    .
Egretta gularis          Reef Heron                    3    .    .    .    .    .
Ardea cinerea            Grey Heron                    .    1    .    2    1    .
Bubulcus ibis            Cattle Heron                  B    +    C    .    A    C
Ardea purpurea           Purple Heron                  .    2    .    1    .    1
Nycticorax nycticorax    Night Heron                   .    B    .    .    .    3
Ardeola grayli           Paddybird                     1    B    B    B   10   20
Ardeola striatus         Green-backed Heron            .    1    .    .    .    .

Anastomus oscitaus       Openbill Stork                .    B    3    .    1    .
Mycteria leucocephalus   Painted Stork                 .    2    .    .    1    .
Ciconia episcopus        White-necked Stork            .    .    .    .    1    .

Thresk. orientalis       Oriental Ibis                 .    D    .    1   40    .
Pseudibis papillosa      Black Ibis                    .    1    .    .    .    .

Anser indicus            Bar-headed Goose              .    .    .    .   30    .
Dendrocygna javanica     Whistling Duck                .    .    .   25    .    .
Nettapus coromandelianus Cotton Teal                   .   20    .    .    .    .
Anas poccilorhyncha      Spotbill Duck                 .  100    .   50   50    1

Anas penelope            Wigeon                        .    .    .    .  200    .
Anas clypeata            Shoveler                      .    .    .    .   10    .
Anas acuta               Pintail                       .    .  150   50    .    .
Anas crecca              Common Teal                   .    .   10    .    .    .
Aythya ferrina           Pochard                       .    .    .    .  100    .
Tadorna ferruginea       Ruddy Shelduck                .    .    .    .   12    .

Gyps bengalensis         White-b. Vulture              .    1   20    6    1    1
Neophron percnopterus    Egyptian Vulture              .   20    .    .    .    1
Elanus caeruleus         Bl.-shouldered Kite           .    .    4    1    .    .
Haliastur indus          Brahminy Kite                 .    C    B    C    5    2
Milvus migrans           Black Kite                    B    C   10    1    5    C
Circus aeruginosus       Marsh Harrier                 .    .    .    .    .    2
Circus pygargua          Montagu's Harrier             .    .    .    .    .    5
Circus macrourus         Pallid Harrier                .    .    .    .    .    1
Circus spec.             Ring-tailed Harrier           .    .    .    .    .   20
Pernis ptilorhyncus      Crested Honeybuzzard          .    .    2    3    .    1

Aquila rapax             Tawny Eagle                   .    .    .    .    1    1
Ictinaetus malayensis    Black Eagle                   .    .    1    1    .    .
Spilornis cheela         Crested Serpent Eagle         .    .    .    1    .    .
Ichthyopaga ichthyaetus  Greyh.Fishing Eagle           .    .    .    2    .    .
Pandion haliaetus        Osprey                        .    .    .    4    .    .
Accipiter badius         Shikra                        .    4    2    2    .    1
A. virgatus              Besra                         .    .    1    .    .    .
Falco tinnunculus        Ketrel                        .    1    .    .    .    4
Falco peregrinus         Shaheen Falcon                .    .    1    2    .    1

Gallus sonneratii        Grey Junglefowl               .    .   25   50    .    .
Pavo cristatus           Peafowl                       .    .   50    A    .    .
Galloperdix spadicea     Red Spurfowl                  .    .    5    .    .    .

Amourornis phoenicurus   White-br.Moorhen              .    2    2    1    .    .
Gallinula chloropus      Moorhen                       .    .    .    .    .    3
Fulica atra              Coot                          .  200    .    1   10    .
Hydrophasianus chirurgus Pheasant-t. Jacana            .    6    .    .    2    .

Gallinago gallinago      Common Snipe                  .    .    .    .    .    1
Tringa ochropus          Green Sandpiper               .    .    1    2    3    1
Tringa stagnatilis       Marsh Sandpiper               .    .    .    .    1    .
Tringa nebularia         Greenshank                    .    1    .    .    1    .
Tringa glareola          Wood Sandpiper                .    .    .    .   20    .
Tringa hypoleucos        Common Sandpiper              .    1    .    1    3    .
Philomachus pugnax       Ruff                          .    .    .    .   20    .
Vanellus indicus         Redwattled Lapwing            .    4    4    A    .   50
Charadrius leschenaultii Great Sand Plover             C    .    .    .    .    .
Charadrius mongolus      Lesser Sand Plover            B    .    .    .    .    .
Esacus magnirostris      Great Stone Plover            .    6    .    .    .    .
Himautopus himautopus    Stilt                         .    .    .    .  200    1
Calidris alba            Sanderling                    B    .    .    .    .    .

Larus ridibundus         Black-headed Gull             B    .    .    .    .   20
Larus brunnicephalus     Brown-headed Gull             .    .    .    1    .    .
Larus cachinans          Yellow-legged Gull            3    .    .    .    .    .
Stercorarius parasiticus Arctic Skua                   1    .    .    .    .    .
Sterna aurantia          Indian River Tern             .    B    .    2    .    .
Gelochelidon nilotica    Gull-billed Tern             20    .    .    .    .    .
Sterna albifrons         Little Tern                   C    .    .    .    .    .

Treron phoenicopotera    Green Pigeon                  .    .    5   21    .    .
Strept. decaocta         Collared Dove                 .    +    +    +    .    +
S. senegalensis          Palm Dove                     .    4    .    .    .    .
S. chinensis             Spotted Dove                  .    +    +    +    +    +
Columba livia            Blue Rock Pigeon              .    .    .    6    .   20

Loriculus vernalis       Indian Lorikeet               .    .    .    2    .    .
Psittacula alexandri     Rose-r. Parakeet              +    C    D    B    B    .
Psittacula eupatria      Alexandrine Parakeet          .    .    .    7    .    2
Psittacula cyanocephala  Blossom-h. Parakeet           .    .    B    C    .   20
Psittacula columboides   Blue-winged Parakeet          .    .   10    B    .    .

Eudynamys scolopace      Koel                          .    B    B    2    2    .
Centropus senensis       Coucal                        .    .    .    3    .    .
Cuculus varius           Brainfever Bird               .    .    .    1    .    .

Bubo zeylonensis         Brown Fish Owl                .    .    .    2    .    .
Athene brama             Spotted Owlet                 .    .    .    4    .    1
Glaucidium radiatum      Jungle Owlet                  .    .    .    2    .    .
Otus bakkamoena          Collared Scops Owl            .    .    1    .    .    .

Cypsiurus parvus         Palm Swift                    A    .    .    .    .    4
Apus affinis             House Swift                   .    B    .    .    .    .
Collocalia unicolor      Ind. Edible-nest Swiftlet     .    .    .    D    .    .
Hemiprocne longipennis   Crested Tree Swift            .    .    2    .    .    .

Alcedo atthis            Common Kingfisher             .    2    1    1    1    .
Halcyon smyrnensis       Whitebr. Kingfisher           .    B    A    A    3    5
Ceryle rudis             Pied Kingfisher               .    2    .   10    .    2

Merops philippinus       Blue-t. Bee-eater             .    .    .   10    .    .
M. orientalis            Ltle. Green Bee-eaater        B    B    B    B    A    .

Anthracoceros coronatus  Malabar Pied Hornbill         .    .    .    2    .    .
Upupa epops              Hoopoe                        .    3    2    3    .    .
Coracias benghalensis    Indian Roller                 .    4    2    .    2    2

Megalaima haemacephala   Coppersmisth                  .    .    .    2    .    .
Megalaima viridis        Small Green Barbet            .    .    4    A    .    .
Megalaima rubricapilla   Crimson-thr. Barbet           .    .    1    .    .    .

Dinopium mahrattensis    Mahratta Woodpecker           .    .    3    .    .    .
Dinopium benghalense     Lesser Gold.b. Woodp.         .    1    3    2    .    .
Chrysocolaptes lucidus   Large Golden-b. Woodp.        .    .    .    2    .    .
Picus chlorolophus       Sm.Yellow-naped Woodp.        .    .    1    .    .    .
Dendrocopos moluccensis  Brown-capped Woodp.           .    .    2    .    .    .
Hemicircus canente       Heartspotted Woodp.           .    .    1    1    .    .

Mirafra assamica         Bush Lark                     .    .    1    .    .    .
Alauda gulgula           Small Skylark                 .    .    .    .    .    2

Hirundo concolor         Dusky Crag Martin             .    B    .    .    .   30
Hirundo fluvicola        Ind.Cliff Swallow             .    C    .    .    .    .
Hirundo rustica          Barn Swallow                  C    +    +    +    +    +
Hirundo smithii          Wire-tailedSwallow            .    .    .    .    .    4
Hirundo daurica          Red-rumped Swallow            .    .    .    4    5    4

Anthus novae-seelandiae  Richard's Pipit               .    .    .    .    .   10
Anthus hodgsoni          Olive-backed Pipit            .    .    .    .    .    B

Motacilla alba           White Wagtail                 .    .    .    .    .    1
M. maderaspatensis       Large Pied Wagtail            .    4    3    1    .    .
M. indica                Forest Wagtail                .    .    3    .    .    .

Motacilla cinerea        Grey Wagtail                  .    3    A    A    .    .
M. flava                 Yellow Wagtail                2    .    .    .    3    +

Coracina novaehollandiae Large Cuckoo-shrike           .    .    1    .    .    1
Coracina melanoptera     Blackh. Cuckoo-shrike         2    1    2    .    .    .
Tephr. pondicerianus     CommonWood Shrike             .    .    B    .    .    .

Pericrocotus cinnamomeus Small Minivet                 .    .    B    2    .    .
Pericrocotus flammeus    Scarlet Minivet               .    .    1   10    .    .
Pycnonotus cafer         Red-vented Bulbul             .    .    B    B    B    +
Pycnonotus jocosus       Red-whisk. Bulbul             .    .    B    B    .    .

Chloropsis aurifrons     Goldenfr. Leaf Bird           .    6    2    8    .    .
Aegithina tuphia         Common Iora                   .    1    4    5    .    .

Copsychus saularis       Magpie Robin                  .    1    5    4    .    2
Monticola solitarius     Blue Rock Thrush              .    .    .    .    .    2

Saxicola torquata        Stone Chat                    .    .    .    .    .    5
Saxicola caprata         Pied Bush Chat                .    1    A    1    1    2
Saxicoloides fulicata    Indian Robin                  .    1    .    .    .    2
Erithacus svecicus       Bluethroat                    .    .    .    .    .    1
Phylloscopus collybitta  Chiffchaff                    .    .    A    .    .    .
Ph. trochiloides         Greenish Warbler              .    B    B    B    .    A
Ph. magnirostris         L.billed Leaf Warbler         .    .    .    1    .    .
Hippolais caligata       Booted Warbler                .    A    A    A    .    .
Acrocephalus agricola    Paddyfield Warbler            .    .    .    .    .    3
Orthotomus sutorius      Tailor Bird                   .    3    1    1    .    .

Prinia socialis          Ashy Prinia                   .    .    .    .    .    1
Prinia subflava          IndianPrinia                  .    .    A    .    .    4
Zosterops palpebrosa     IndianWhite-eye               .    .    2    1    .    .
Turdoides striatus       Jungle Babbler                .    .    3   20    B    .
Pellorneum ruficeps      Spotted Babbler               .    .    .    2    .    .
Turdoides affinis        White-h. Babbler              .    .   15    .    .    .

Parus major              Great Tit                     .    .    B    3    .    .
Sitta castanea           Chestnut-br. Nuthatch         .    .    4    1    .    .
Sitta frontalis          Velvet-fr. Nuthatch           .    .    .    8    .    .

Nectarinia asiatica      Purple Sunbird                .    B    A    A    .    A
N. zeylonica             Purple-r. Sunbird             .    3    2    A    .    A

Dicaeum erythrorhynchos  Tickell's Flowerpecker        .    2    3    .    .    .

Artamus fuscus           Ashy Swallow Shrike                .    .   10    .    .
Lanius cristatus         Brown Shrike                  .    .    .    3    .    1
Lanius schach            Long-tailed Shrike            .    B    1    1    .    3
Lanius vittatus          Bay-backed Shrike             .    A    5    2    .    .
Hemipus picatus          Pied Flyc.Shrike              .    .    8    .    .    .

Terpsiphone paradisi     Paradise Flycatcher           .    .    .    2    .    .
Muscicapa latirostris    BrownFlycatcher               .    .    1    3    .    .
Muscicapa muttui         Brownbr. Flycatcher           .    .    1    .    .    .

Muscicapa subrubra       Kashmir Redbr. Flyc.          .    .    1    1    .    .
Muscicapa tickelliae     Tickell's Blue Flyc.          1    .    .    .    .    .
Hypothymis azurea        Blacknaped Flyc.              .    .    .    1    .    .

Rhipidura aureola        White-browed Fantail          .    .   15    .    .    .
Rhipidura albicollis     White-spotted Fantail         .    2    .    1    .    .

Lonchura punctulata      Spotted Munia                 .    .    .   15    .    .
Lonchura malabarica      White-thr. Munia              .    .    .    .    .    2

Ploceus philippinus      Baya Weaver                   .    .    .    .    B    .

Petronia xanthocollis    Yellow-thr. Sparrow           .    5    .    .    .    .
Passer domesticus        House Sparrow                 +    +    +    .    .    +

Acridotheres tristis     Common Myna                   +    D    D    C    C    C
Acridotheres fuscus      Jungle Myna                   .    B    B    A    .    .
Sturnus pagodarum        Brahminy Myna                 .    .    C    B    .    5
Sturnus malabaricus      Grey-headed Myna              .    .   40   10    .    .
Gracula religiosa        Hill Myna                     .    .    .   20    .    .

Dendrocitta vagabunda    Indian Tree-pie               .    .    6    4    .    .
Oriolus oriolus          Golden Oriole                 .    .    .   15    .    1

Corvus macrorhynchos     Jungle Crow                   B    B    B    B    B    B
Corvus splendens         House Crow                    C    C    B    B    A    B

Dicrurus adsimilis       Black Drongo                  .    B   40    B    4    B
Dicrurus leucophaeus     Grey Drongo                   .    1    .    7    .    .
Dicrurus caerulescens    White-bellied Drongo          .    .    6    4    .    .
Dicrurus paradiseus      Large racket-t. Drongo        .    .   10    .    .    .
Dicrurus aeneus          Bronzed Drongo                .    .    .    3    .    1

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