Trip Report: India, January 31 - February 19, 1989

Rob Goldbach, Hollandseweg 159, 6705 BC Wageningen, The Netherlands;

Report of some bird observations made between January 31 and February 19 1989, during a trip to a series of agricultural institutes in New Delhi (IARI), Hyderabad (ICRISAT), and Shimla (CPRI).


31-01 Delhi. Surroundings of YMCA and Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI).
01-02 Delhi. Visit to IARI.
02-02 Delhi. Morning, zoological gardens and Purana Quila.
Afternoon, visit to IARI.
03-02 Delhi (lv. 12.00 h) - Sultanpur BS (arr. 13.45 h)
Afternoon, vicinity of lodge and of Western shore of Sultanpur jheel.
04-02 Sultanpur BS. W. and E. shores and arid plain E. of jheel.
05-02 Sultanpur BS (lv. 12.00 h) - Delhi. Evening flight to Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh).
06-02/09-02 Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Visits to International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and experimental fields.
09-02 Hyderabad (lv. 07.45 h) - Delhi - Agra (by air).
Transfer to Bharatpur by taxi (arr. 16.00 h). Late afternoon, Bharatpur Keoladeo NP.
10-02/12-02 Bharatpur NP.
13-02 Bharatpur, via Fatehpur Sikri and Taj Mahal to Agra.
Agra - Delhi by air (arr. 20.00 h).
14-02 Delhi (lv. 06.00 h) - Shimla (arr. 17.10 h) by train.
15-02 Shimla (Himachal Pradesh), Central Potato Research Institute (CPRI).
16-02 Shimla, visits to CPRI expl. fields at Kufri and Fagu (altid. 2500 - 2600 m) and to Mashabra (Reg. Fruit Research Institute, Univ. of Horticult. and Forestry).
17-02 Shimla, CPRI. Night train to Delhi (arr. 06.30 h).
18-02/20-02 Delhi. Visits to IARI plus expl. fields, and to zoological gardens.
21-02 Delhi (lv. 03.30 h) - Amsterdam (arr. 08.30 h).

Records have been grouped into five geographical categories. See itinerary for dates.

DEL = Delhi; records mainly at IARI, Zoo, Purana Quila.
SUL = Sultanpur Bird Sanctuary (Haryana).
HYD = Hyderabad and ICRISAT expl. fields (Andhra Pradesh).
BHAR = Bharatpur or Keoladeo Ghana N.P. (Rajasthan), incl. Agra.
SHIM = Shimla (Himachal Pradesh), CPRI, field stations in Kufri, Fagu and Mashabra.


+ = species present, no counts n = actual number of species present A or 1 = 1 specimen recorded on at least 1 day B = 2 - 10 per day C = 11 - 100 per day D = 101 -1000 per day E = >1000 per day H = heard only

SPECIES                     NAME                  DEL  SUL  HYD BHAR SHIM

Podiceps ruficollis         Little grebe           15    C    .    C    .
Phalac. carbo               Great Cormorant         5    D    .  300    .
Phalac. fuscicollis         Indian Shag           300    .    .    1    .
Phalac. niger               Little cormorant       30   10   10    C    .
Anhinga rufa                Darter                  .    5    .    D    .

Ardea cinerea               Grey Heron              .    B   20    C    .
A. purpurea                 Purple heron            .    B    1   30    .
Ardeola grayii              Paddy Bird             10    C   10    D    .
Bubulcus ibis               Cattle Egret            B    4    C    B    2
Egretta alba                Great Egret             2    C    .    C    .
E. intermedius              Intermediate Egret      B   10    .    C    .
E. garzetta                 Little Egret            C    C    C    C    .
Nycticorax nycticorax       Night Heron           100   25    .   20    .
Butorides striatus          Green-backed Heron      1    .    .    .    .

Ibis leucocephalus          Painted Stork        1000    .    .    D    .
Anastomus oscitaus          Openbill Stork          .    1         2    .
Ciconia episcopus           White-necked Stork      .    2    7    3    .
Xenorh. asiaticus           Black-necked Stork      .    2    .    C    .

Thresk. orientalis          Oriental Ibis           .   30    .    D    .
Pseudibis papillosa         Black Ibis              .   18    .    .    .
Plegadis falcinellus        Glossy Ibis             .    .        40    .
Platalea leucorodia         Spoonbill               .   80    .  400    .

Phoenicopt. ruber           Greater Flamingo        .  250    .   15    .

Anser anser                 Greylag Goose           .  200    .    D    .
Anser indicus               Bar-headed Goose        .   70    .  500    .
Dendrocygna javanica        Whistling Duck          .    .    .  100    .
Tadorna ferruginea          Ruddy Shelduck          4    6    2    C    .
Anas acuta                  Pintail                 D 1000  200    E    .
A. augustirostris           Marbled Teal            .    1    .    .    .
A. clypeata                 Shoveler                D    D    .    E    .
A. crecca                   Common Teal            10    D    .    D    .
A. penelope                 Wigeon                  .  200    .    C    .
A. poccilorhyncha           Spotbill Duck           C 1000    .    C    .
A. querquedula              Garganey                .    2   30   40    .
A. strepera                 Gadwall                 .  100    .   10    .
Aythya ferina               Pochard                 .  200    .  100    .
A. fuligula                 Tufted Duck             .   50    .   20    .
A. nyroca                   Ferruginous Duck        .    .    .    C    .
Netta rufina                Red-crested Pochard     .    .    .   35    .
Nettapus coromandelianus    Cotton Teal             .    .    .  200    .
Sarkidiornis melanotos      Comb Duck               .    .    .    7    .

Elanus caeruleus            Black-shouldered Kite   1    8    2    5    .
Milvus migrans              Black (= Pariah) Kite   D    C    C    1    C
Haliaetus leucoryphus       Pallas' Sea Eagle       .    .    .    5    .
Neophron percnopterus       Egyptian Vulture        B    2    .    D    .
Gypaetus barbatus           Lammergeyer             .    .    .    .    1
Gyps bengalensis            White-backed Vulture    D    D    B    D    B
Gyps fulvus                 Griffon Vulture         .    .    .    1    .
G. indicus                  Long-billed Vulture     .    B    .    B    C
Torgos calvus               King Vulture            .    .    .    5    .
Aegypius monachus           Black Vulture           .    .    .    1    .
Circus aeruginosus          Marsh Harrier           .    3    2    B    .
C. cyaneus                  Hen Harrier             .    .    .    1    .
C. macrourus                Pallid Harrier          .    1    2    .    .
Accipiter badius            Shikra                  1    2    .    2    .
Buteo buteo                 Common Buzzard          .    .    .    2    .
B. rufinus                  Long-legged Buzzard     .    1    .    .    .
Aquila clanga               Spotted Eagle           .    3    .   10    .
A. heliaca                  Imperial Eagle          .    .    .    4    .
A. rapax                    Tawny/Steppe Eagle      4    3    1    C    4
Hieraetus pennatus          Booted Eagle            .    .    .    1    .
Falco tinnunculus           Kestrel                 2    .    .    .    .

Francolinus pondicerianus   Grey Francolin          H    C    .    C    .
Pavo cristatus              Peafowl                 B    1    .    B    .

Grus grus                   Common Crane            .  200    .   60    .
G. antigone                 Sarus Crane             .    4    .   20    .
G. leucogeranus             Siberian White Crane    .    .    .    9    .

Rallus aquaticus            Water Rail              .    1    .    .    .
Porzana fusca               Ruddy-breasted Crake    .    2    .    .    .
Amaurornis phoenic.         White-br. Waterhen      3    5    2    C    .
Gallinula chloropus         Moorhen                 .    C    .    D    .
Porphyrio porphyrio         Purple Moorhen          .   75   35    C    .
Fulica atra                 Coot                    .    D   10    D    .

Hydroph. chirurgus          Pheasant-tailed Jacana  .    .    1    B    .
Metopidius indicus          Bronze-winged Jacana    .    .    .    C    .
Rostratula benghalensis     Painted Snipe           .    .    .   7(1o) .
Vanellus vanellus           Northern Lapwing        .   10    .    2    .
V. indicus                  Red-wattled Lapwing     C    C    .    C    .
V. malabaricus              Yellow-wattled Lapwing  .    .    4    .    .
V. leucurus                 White-tailed Lapwing    .    C    .    C    .
Charadrius dubius           Little Ringed Plover    .    .    .    B    .
Ch. alexandrinus            Kentish Plover          .    .    1    .    .
Limosa limosa               Bl.-tailed Godwit       .    6    .    .    .
Tringa erythropus           Spotted Redshank        .    2    .    5    .
T. totanus                  Redshank                .    3    .    4    .
T. glareola                 Wood Sandpiper          .   20    .    C    .
T. hypoleuca                Common Sandpiper        1    2    .    B    .
T. nebularia                Greenshank              .    5    1    C    .
T. ochropus                 Green Sandpiper         1    3    .    B    .
T. stagnatilis              Marsh Sandpiper         .   10    .    3    .
Gallinago gallinago         Common Snipe            .    2    .    B    .
Calidris temminckii         Temminck's Stint        .    6    .   30    .
Philomachus pugnax          Ruff                    .   30   40   25    .
Himantopus himantopus       Black-winged Stilt      .    C    2   40    .
Recurvirostra avocetta      Avocet                  .    1    .    .    .
Burhinus oedicnemus         Stone Curlew           12    .    .    .    .
Glareola lactea             Little Pratincole       .    .    .    1    .

Larus argentatus            Herring Gull            .   10    .    .    .
Chlidonias hybrida          Whiskered Tern          .    .    .    C    .
Sterna aurantia             River Tern              .    .    . 50(Agra).
Pterocles exustus           Chestnut-b. Sandgrouse  .    2    .    .    .

Columba livia               Rock Dove               D    D    D    D    E
Strept. chinensis           Spotted Dove            .    .    5    1    .
S. decaocto                 Collared Turtle Dove    C    C    C    C    C
S. senegalensis             Laughing (Palm) Dove    B    C    C    C    .
S. tranquebarica            Red Turtle Dove         .   10    .    B    .
Treron phoenicoptera        Yellow-f. Green Pigeon  .    .    .    B    .

Psittacula krameri          Rose-ringed Parakeet    D    D    D    D    .
Ps. roseata                 Blossom-h. Parakeet     .    .   25    .    .

Clamator jacobinus          Pied-crested Cuckoo     .    2    .    .    .
Cuculus varius              Common Hawk-Cuckoo      .    2    .    .    .
Eudynamus scopolacea        Koel                    .    .    7    .    .
Centropus sinensis          Common Coucal           3    1    .    7    .

Otus bakkamoena             Collared Scops Owl      .    .    .    2    .
Bubo coromandus             Dusky Eagle-Owl         .    .    .    1    .
Ninox scutulata             Brown Hawk-Owl          .    .    .    1    .
Athene brama                Spotted Owlet           2    .    .    4    .
Asio flammeus               Short-eared Owl         .    1    .    .    .

Caprimulgus asiaticus       Indian Nightjar         .    .    .    1    .

Apus affinis                House Swift             B    D    .    D    .
Cypsiurus parvus            Palm Swift              .    .    B    .    .

Ceryle rudis                Pied Kingfisher         .    .    .    B    .
Alcedo atthis               Common Kingfisher       1    .    .    B    .
Halcyon smyrnensis          White-br. Kingfisher    3    5    C    B    .

Merops orientalis           Little Green Bee-eater  B    1    C    B    .
M. philippinus              Blue-tailed Bee-eater             4    .    .
C. benghalensis             Indian Roller           2    1    C    4    .
Upupa epops                 Hoopoe                  B    C    B    B    .

Tockus birostris            Common Grey Hornbill    .    .    .    1    .

M. haemacephalis            Coppersmith             3    .    .    2    .
Jynx torquilla              Wryneck                 1    2    .    1    .
Dinopium benghalense        Golden-b. Woodpecker    .    .    .    3    .
Dendrocopus moluccensis     Brown-capped Woodpecker .    .    .    1    .
D. mahrattensis             Mahratta Woodpecker     1    .    .    1    .

Eremopterix grisea          Ashy-crowned Finchlark  .    .    2    .    .
Ammomanus phoenicurus       Rufous-tailed Finchlark .    .    2    .    .
Calandrella cinerea         Short-toed Lark         .    4    .    .    .
Galerida cristata           Crested Lark            2   10    1    .    .
Alauda gulgula              Small Skylark           1    2    .    .    .

Riparia paludicola          Plain Sand Martin       6    D    C    C    .
Hirundo concolor            Dusky Crag Martin       C    .    .    C    .
H. fluvicola                Ind. Cliff Swallow      4    .    1    D    .
H. rustica                  Barn Swallow            C    D    C    D    .
H. smithii                  Wire-tailed Swallow     .    .    .    2    .

Motacilla alba              White Wagtail           B    C    .    B    .
M. flava                    Yellow Wagtail          C    5    C    B    .
M. citreola                 Citrine Wagtail         B    2    .    C    .
M. maderaspatensis          Large Pied Wagtail      .    .    1    2    .
Anthus cervinus             Red-throated Pipit      .    1    .    .    .
A. campestris               Tawny Pipit             1    .    5    .    .
A. hodgsoni                 Olive-backed Pipit      .    2    1    C    .
A. novaeseelandiae          Richard's Pipit         .    .    5    1    .

Pericrocotus flammeus       Scarlet Minivet         4    .    .    .    .
P. cinnamomeus              Small Minivet           .    .    .    2    .
Tephrod. poudicorianus      Common Woodshrike       .    3    .    7    .

Pycnonotus cafer            Red-vented Bulbul       C    C    C    D    B
P. jocosus                  Red-whisk. Bulbul       B    2    .    .    .
P. leucogenus               White-cheeked Bulbul    .    .    .    C    B

Lanius cristatus            Brown Shrike            .    1    .    .    .
L. excubitor                Great Grey Shrike       .    5    .    1    .
L. schach                   Rufous-backed Shrike    4   10    C    B    .
L. vittatus                 Bay-backed Shrike       2    5    .    4    .

Prunella himalayana         Himalayan Accentor      .    .    .    .   25

Luscinia calliope           Siberian Rubythroat     .    .    .    1    . svevica               Bluethroat              1    .    .    C    .
Copsychus saularis          Magpie-Robin            4    3    .    B    .
Phoenicurus ochruros        Black Redstart          5    5    2    B    .
Cercomela fusca             Brown Rock-Chat         6    .    2    4    .
Saxicola caprata            Pied Bush-Chat          1    3    3    6    .
S. torquata                 Stonechat               .    1    2    .    .
Oenanthe deserti            Desert Wheatear         .    3    .    .    .
Saxicoloides fulicata       Indian Robin            7    .    5    B    .
Myophoneus caeruleus        Blue Whistling Thrush   .    .    .    .    3
Turdus ruficollis           Black-throated Thrush   .    4    .    1    2
T. unicolor                 Tickell's Thrush        .    .    .    1    1

Acrocephalus dumetorum      Blyth's Reed Warbler    .    .    .    1    .
A. stentoreus               Clamorous Reed Warbler  .    .    .    3    .
Hippoleus caligata          Booted Warbler          .    .    .    1    .
Sylvia curruca              Lesser Whitethroat      3    C    .    C    .
S. hortensis                Orphean Warbler         .    .    .    4    .
Phylloscopus collybita      Chiffchaff              B    B    .    C    .
Ph. fuscatus                Dusky Warbler           .    .    .    1    .
Ph. humei                   Hume's Yell.-br. Warbler5   10    .    7    .
Ph. trochiloides            Greenish Warbler        .    .    1    4    .
Seicercus xanthocistus      Grey-hooded Warbler     .    .    .    .    2
Prinia subflava             Indian Prinia           2    C    .    B    .
Cisticola juncidis          Str. Fantailed Warbler  .    3    .    .    .
Orthotomus sutorius         Tailorbird              6    2    1    B    .

Ficedula parva              Red-breasted Flycatcher B    .    .    B    .
Culicipapa ceylonensis      Grey-headed Flycatcher  2    .    .    2    .

Chrysomme sinensis          Yellow-eyed Babbler     .    .    .    2    .
Turdoides caudatus          Common Babbler          B    .    .    7    .
T. malcolmi                 Large Grey Babbler      .    5    3    B    .
T. striatus                 Jungle Babbler          C    .    C    C    .

Aegithalos concinnus        Red-headed Tit          .    .    .    .    B
Parus major                 Great Tit               .    .    .    .    2

Sitta castanea              Chestnut-h. Nuthatch    .    .    .    1    .
Certhia himalayensis        Himalayan Treecreeper   .    .    .    .    2

Nectarinia asiatica         Purple Sunbird          B    4    .    B    .
N. zeylonica                Purple-rumped Sunbird   .    .    1    .    .
Zosterops palpebrosa        Indian White-eye        2    .    .    .    .

Acanthis flavirostris       Twite                   .    .    .    .   25
Leucosticte nemoricola      Hodgon's Mountain Finch .    .    .    .   10
Coccothraustes icterioides  Black-and-Y. Grosbeak   .    .    .    .    6

Lonchura punctulata         Spotted Munia           .    .    2    .    .
L. malabarica               White-throated Munia   50    3    5    C    .
Ploceus philippinus         Baya Weaver             C    .    .    B    .
P. manyar                   Streaked Weaver         C    .    .    B    .
P. benghalensis             Black-thr. Weaver       .    .    .    B    .

Passer domesticus           House Sparrow           +    +    +    +    +
P. hispaniolensis           Spanish Sparrow         .    .    C    .    .
Petronia xanthocollis       Yellow-thr. Sparrow     .    .    C    .    .

Sturnus contra              Pied Myna               B    C    C    .    .
S. pagodarum                Brahminy Myna           B    3    C    .    .
S. vulgaris                 Common Starling         C   60    .    .    .
Acridoterus tristis         Common Myna             D    C    C    D    C
A. ginginianus              Bank Myna               C    D    .    .    .

Dicrurus adsimilis          Black Drongo            6    6    C    C    .

O. oriolus                  Golden Oriole           .    3    1    1    .

Urocissa erythroryncha      Red-billed Blue Magpie  .    .    .    .    3
Dendrocitta vagabunda       Indian Treepie          1    .    .    5    .
Corvus macrorhynchos        Jungle Crow             1    .    2    .    C
C. splendens                House Crow              D    D    D    D    .

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