Thrapsano lake (maps 6a and 6b). Drive from Iraklion, past Knossos. 12
km after the archeological site turn left to Kastelli and, well before this city,
right to Voni and Thrapsano. In the village, follow the main road until the
church. Turn left just before the church and follow the sign to Kastelli. 200
m after the exit, turn left on a large road and drive this road until the lake
(Glossy Ibis, Squacco Heron, Little Egret, Spotted Sandpiper, Hobby,
Eleonora's Falcon, Bee-eater, Red-throated Pipit, Black-headed Wagtail,
Sedge Warbler, Little Bittern, Wiskered Tern...
Annotated Species Lists
Abbreviations: f = female ; m = male ; Max = maximum
During this three weeks, we saw 127 species (or races). Many of
these species are eastern European species. We did not see Rüppell's
Warbler or Black-headed Bunting.
Birds (except Chukar!) are tame; this is extraordinary for a
Mediterranean land where hunters are numerous!
The most common species are Chaffinch, Italian Sparrow,
Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Blackbird, Sardinian Warbler, Great Tit, Crested
Lark, Swallow, Stonechat and European Black Swift.
(Numbers in brackets are the number of observations for the species).
- Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis (5). Kournas, Ierapetra lakes & Agia
reservoir. At Georgioupoli lake, a pair feeding 1 young, 30/04 et 05/05.
- Black-necked Grebe Podiceps nigricollis (1). 1, Ierapetra lake, 26/04.
- Cory's Shearwater Calonectris diomedea (2). 12, Stomio bay, 02/05
& 3 Limni Hersonisou, 06/05.
- Shag Phalacrocorax aristotelis desmaresti (2). 2, 02/05 Stomio bay &
1, 03/05 Phalassarna.
- Little Bittern Ixobrichus minutus (4). 1 m, 28/04 east of Plakias; 2 m. &
2 f., 01/05 Agia reservoir; 1 f., 07/05 Thrapsano lake & 1 f., 08/05
Aposelemis mouth.
- Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax (5). 1 j., Lasithi 22/04; 2 flying in
for the night 24/04 Kato Zakros; 1 j. 28/04 Agia Galini, 30/04 Kournas and
08/05 Aposelemis mouth.
- Squacco Heron Ardeola ralloides (11). Seen on the shores of every lake
and river mouths. Max. 5, 01/05 Kisamos and 07/05 Aposelemis mouth.
- Little Egret Egretta garzetta (16).Seen near all the waters. Max. 5,
01/05 Kisamos and 07/05 Aaposelemis mouth.
- Grey Heron Ardea cinerea (8). 2 arriving from the sea, 26/04 Kato
Zakros. A party of 17, 09/05 Thrapsano.
- Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus (2). 1, 01/05 in a small wetland in
Kisamos; 1, 09 & 10/05 Thrapsano.
- Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber (2). 1 young, 24/04 & 08/05
- Garganey Anas querquedula (3). 3 on 01/05 at Agia reservoir and
a pair on 07 and 10/05 in Thrapsano.
- Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus (2). 1, 21/04 mounts Jouchtas and
01/05 Kisamos.
- Lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus (1). 2 imm. 28/04 Kourtaliotiko
- Griffon Vulture Gyps fulvus (14). Seen in all the mountains. Small
colony in the Selinari gorge with 2 youngs at nest 08/05. Max. 15, 07/05
above Krassi (west Lasithi).
- Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus (3). 01/05, f. at the Tavronitis and
Agia reservoir. 1, Phalassarna 03/05.
- Montagu's Harrier Circus pygargus (2). 1 f. 23/04 Agios Georgios
(Lasithi) et 2 m. imm. 29/04 near Frangokastello.
- Buzzard Buteo buteo (34). Common. Pair displaying 21/04 Gonies. 1
with a Lacerta trilineata 08/05 Selinari gorge. Pair breeding 08/05
- Long-legged Buzzard Buteo rufinus (1). Adult 23/04 east of Nikifordion,
Lasithi, with Griffon Vultures.
- Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos (3). Pair 28/04 Kourtaliotiko gorge;
1, 07/05 above Krassi and 2, 08/05 Selinari gorge.
- Kestrel Falco tinnunculus (16). Widespread. Nests in Kato Zakros
gorge 25/04 and 27/04 Festos and Gortys archeological sites.
- Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus (10). Numerous migrants 23/04
to 09/05. Max. 4, 23/4 Agios Georgios and 26/04 Gangales.
- Hobby Falco subbuteo (2). 1, 07 & 10/05 Thrapsano.
- Eleonora's Falcon Falco eleonorae (5). 04/05 Rethymnon beach;
06/05 Ideo cave and 10/05 Mounts Jouchtas, Thrapsano and Knossos.
- Peregrine Falco peregrinus brookei (1). Pair with nest, 25/04 Kato
Zakros gorge.
- Chukar Alectoris chukar (3). 1 singing 28/04 Moni Prevelli; 1
singing 02/05 in Hrissoskalitissa and pair 06/05 road to observatory.
- Quail Coturnix coturnix (1). 1 singing Agios Georgios 23/04.
- Pheasant Phasianus colchicus (1). 1 singing 08/05 near Aposelemis
mouth. Probably an introduced bird.
- Little Crake Porzana parva (1). 3 m. 01/05 Agia reservoir.
- Moorhen Gallinula chloropus (9). Seen at all the lakes and rivers.
Max. more of 50, 01/05 Agia reservoir.
- Coot Fulica atra (5). ca 50 Ierapetra lake 26/04; 21, 30/04 Kournas; 2
Agia reservoir 01/05. At Georgioupoli lake, a pair seen building a nest.
This species is an occasional breeder in Crete.
- Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus (6). Elounda, Ierapetra,
Agia reservoir and Thrapsano.
- Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius (7). 2, 02/05 Elafonisi. All
other data from north coast at river mouth (Kisamos, Platanes, Aposelemis)
or on beach (Elafonisi, Rethymnon, Metohi). Pair displaying 08/05
Aposelemis mouth.
- Ringed Plover Charadrius hiaticula (2). 2, 07 & 08/05 Aposelemis
- Little Stint Calidris minuta (7). Kisamos, Agia reservoir, Thrapsano
(7, 07/05), Aposelemis mouth.
- Temminck's Stint Calidris temminckii (4). 1 Kisamos 01 & 02/05; 3
then 2, 07 and 08/05 Aposelemis mouth.
- Ruff Philomachus pugnax (5). 2,Lasithi 22/04. 1 m. Kisamos 02/05. 1
f. Aposelemis mouth 07/05. 7, 09 and 10/05 Thrapsano.
- Snipe Gallinago gallinago (1). 1, 30/04 Kournas.
- Spotted Redshank Tringa erythropus (1). 1, 09/05 Thrapsano.
- Redshank Tringa totanus (2). 1 Aposelemis mouth 07 and 08/05.
- Greenshank Tringa nebularia (4). Kournas, Kisamos and Platanes
- Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus (2). 1 Analipsi 26/04 and
Thrapsano 10/05.
- Wood Sandpiper Tringa glareola (11). Seen at all the lakes and river
mouths. Max. 17, 07/05 Thrapsano.
- Common Sandpiper Actitis hypoleucos (19). Widespread. Seen at all
the lakes and river mouths. Max. 9, 24/04 Elounda.
- Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus (6). 1, 24 and 25/04 Kato
Zakros (imm.), 26/04 Ierapetra lake and 07, 09 and 10/05 Thrapsano (ad.).
- Audouin's Gull Larus audouinii (1). 1 subadult 25/04 Kato Zakros
- Yellow-legged Gull Larus cachinnans (26). Widespread. Max. 150,
26/04 Ierapetra lake.
- Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus (3). 1 Thrapsano 09 and 10/05.
2 Iraklion harbour 10/05.
- Black Tern Chlidonias niger (1). 13 Ierapetra lake 26/04.
- White-winged Black Tern Chlidonias leucopterus (2). 2 Ierapetra lake
26/04 and 3 Kournas lake 30/04.
- Rock Dove Columba livia (6). Wild birds seen Kato Zakros and
Kourtaliotiko gorge, Vrondissi, Fodele and Agia Galini cliffs. In the latter
site, there are also feral birds
- Wood Pigeon Columba palumbus (8). 3 singers Lasithi 22/04 and 1
another south Anogia 06/05. Pair displaying 23/04 Dikteo cave, Lasithi.
Also seen: mounts Jouchtas, Skordilo and Paleocastro.
- Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto (6). Not widespread. Common
in Xania, Rethymnon, Iraklion and Knossos. Also seen in Kamilari.
- Turtle Dove Streptopelia turtur (14). Numerous migrants. 12 arriving
from the sea 24/04 Kato Zakros and 6 in Hrissoskalitissa 02/05. Singers
02/05 Kisamos and 07/05 Thrapsano.
- Cuckoo Cuculus canorus (1). 1, 30/04 Kournas.
- Scops Owl Otus scops (4). 3 singers night 20 to 21/04 at Knossos.
Also Agios Georgios 23/04, Kato Zakros 25/04 and Kamilari (2 ind.)
- Black Swift Apus apus (22). Widespread. Very common in the cities.
- Alpine Swift Apus melba (12). Seen in all the gorges. Colony in the
cliff above the sea at Agia Galini.
- Kingfisher Alcedo atthis (2). 1, 26/04 Kato Zakros and 28/04 Agia
- Bee-eater Merops apiaster (8). Not very common. Max. 24, 02/05
- Roller Coracias garrulus (1). This bird is rare in Crete. 1, 09/05
- Hoopoe Upupa epops (4). Late on 27/04 Gortys.
- Wryneck Jynx torquilla (4). All data (5 ind.) from Lasithi 22 and
- Short-toed Lark Calandrella brachydactyla (6). 6 migrants 29/04
Frangokastello and 1, 05/05 Rethymnon beach. 4 singers 23/04 Lasithi. 2
singers 07 and 08/05 Aposelemis mouth. Pair displaying, west of Limni
Hersonisou 07/05.
- Crested Lark Galerida cristata (24). Widespread, very common.
- Woodlark Lullula arborea (11). Widespread on hills and mountains. 6
pairs on 4 km, Omalos plateau (1 feeding young at nest). Not seen below
200 m.
- Sand Martin Riparia riparia (7). Numerous migrants between 26/04
and 08/05.
- Crag Martin Ptyonoprogne rupestris (8). In small number in gorges
and cliffs.
- Swallow Hirundo rustica (27). Widespread and common. Numerous
migrants 29/04 Frangocastello.
- Red-rumped Swallow Hirundo daurica (2). 3 collecting mud near
Kaloniktis 03/05 and 3 on 06/05 Livadia.
- House Martin Delichon urbica (15). Numerous migrants 26/04 to
05/05. 2 pairs building nest 23/04 Agios Georgios.
- Richard's Pipit Anthus richardi (1). 1, 29/04 near Frangokastello is
the 8th record for Crete.
- Tawny Pipit Anthus campestris (3). 2, 29/04 Frangokastello; 1, 02/15
Hrissoskalitissa. 7 (5 singers) in a 4 km walk, 01/05 Omalos plateau.
- Tree Pipit Anthus trivialis (19). Widespread and common migrant.
- Red-throated Pipit Anthus cervinus (5). 1, 29/04 Frangokastello; 2,
01 then 3, 02/05 Kisamos; 1, 07/05 Aposelemis mouth and 1 same day
- Yellow wagtail
Motacilla flava flava (12). Common migrant. 17, 05/05 Askifos
Motacilla (flava) feldegg (8). 9, 24/04 Elounda. Seen at
Frangokastelo, Kisamos, Platanes, Askifos, Aposelemis river and
Thrapsano. Pair (male singing) 08/05 near Aposelemis mouth.
Motacilla flava thunbergi (3). Elounda, Kisamos and Askifos.
- White Wagtail Motacilla alba (9). Not widespread. Only on the
- Winter Wren Troglodytes troglodytes (16). Common and widespread
in hills and mountains, in rocky and dry areas.
- Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos (5). Heard only 24/04 to 01/05.
- Winchat Saxicola rubetra (12). Common migrant. 11, 05/05 Askifos
- Stonechat Saxicola torquata (29). Very common breeder.
- Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe (7). Common in mountains near Anogia.
Some pairs above the Lasithi.
- Black-eared Wheatear
Oenanthe hispanica melanoleuca (14). Widespread in rocky areas,
from sea level to 1400 m.
Oenanthe hispanica hispanica (1). 1 male Stomio bay 02/05.
- Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius (16). Common in gorges and
cliffs, sometimes in villages (Paleocastro). 11 singers on 3 km in Kato
Zakros gorge. Pairs feeding youngs 27/04 Moni Vrondissi, 06/05 Ideo cave
and Platanes river.
- Blackbird Turdus merula (38). Common and widespread
- Cetti's Warbler Cettia cetti (28). Common near water. Sometimes in
drt areas (mounts Jouchtas). 6 singers on 500 m Aposelemis river. Very
abundant Kournas lake.
- Fan-tailed Warbler Cisticola juncidis (2). 1 singer 01/05 Tavronitis
and 08/05 Ammoudara.
- Sedge Warbler Acrocephalus schoenobaenus (4). Migrants between 01
and 10/05 Kournas, Agia reservoir, Thrapsano and Aposelemis river (4 on
- Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus (6). Seen along the riparian
forests. More than 30 on 500 m stretch (!!) 07/05 along Aposelemis river, but only
5 here 08/05.
- Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus (11). More
widespread but less common than the previous species.
- Olivaceous Warbler Hippolais pallida elaeica (6). Frequent Migrant.
2 singers 30/04 Kournas lake; 1 in olive trees 02/05 Hrissoskalitissa;
singers 04 and 06/05 Platanes river, 05/05 Georgioupoli lake and 07/05
Aposelemis river.
- Olivetree Warbler Hippolais olivetorum (1). 1 26/04 Kato Zakros.
- Icterine Warbler Hippolais icterina (1). 1, 30/04 Kournas lake.
- Subalpine Warbler Sylvia cantillans (2). 1, 25/04 Kato Zakros 1 f.
05/05 Askifos.
- Sardinian Warbler Sylvia melanocephala (38). Very common up to
1700 m. More than 12 singers on 1 km along dirt road in mounts
- Whitethroat Sylvia communis (3). 2, 23/04 Lasithi; 1, 25/04 Kato
Zakros and 2, 02/05 Hrissoskalitissa.
- Garden Warbler Sylvia borin (1). 1, 02/05 Hrissoskalitissa.
- Blackcap Sylvia atricapilla (1). 1, 21/04 Agia Irini aqueduct.
- Wood Warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix (2). 1, 24/04 Kato Zakros and
3, 27/04 Gortys.
- Willow Warbler Phylloscopus trochilus (6). Seen in small number in
riparian forests.
- Spotted Flaycatcher Muscicapa striata (25). Widespread. Pair
building a nest 06/05 near Livadia.
- Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis (2). 2 males 24/04 Kato
Zakros. 1 f. 28/04 Moni Prevelli.
- Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca (7). A few migrants.
- Blue Tit Parus caeruleus calamensis (22). Widespread breeder.
- Great Tit Parus major (32). Widespread below 1000 m.
- Golden Oriole Oriolus oriolus (10). Frequent Migrant in riparian
forests. 4, 27/04 Gortys. 4 arriving from sea 02/05 Hrissoskalitissa.
- Woodchat Shrike Lanius senator (13). Numerous 24/04 in the east of
L. s. senator: 1, 24/04 Elounda, 1, 02/05 Hrissoskalitissa and
L. s. badius: 1, 23/04 Lasithi.
- Jay Garrulus glandarius (2). 1, 24/04 Lasithi and 1, 01/05 Nea
- Chough Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax (4). On the Lasithi, 20 Ambelos
Pass and 36 Kato Metohi 22/04; 2 Dikteo cave 23/04. Numerous between
Anogia and the observatory 06/05.
- Jackdaw Corvus monedula soemmerringii (6). Colonies at Agia Irini
aqueduct and in Kourtaliotiko gorge. Seen in the city of Mires, Festos
archeological site and Paleocastro village.
- Hooded Crow Corvus corone sharpii (36). Common and widespread.
- Raven Corvus corax (21). Widespread. Nest with youngs 25/04 Kato
Zakros gorge.
- Italian Sparrow Passer (domesticus) italiae (49). Very common and
widespread, also at great distance of human installations. We have not seen
the House Sparrow Passer domesticus.
- Spanish Sparrow Passer hispaniolensis (2). Moni Prevelli 28/04
and Kisamos 01/05, perhaps not full Spanish but intermediate between
italiae and hispaniolensis.
- Tree Sparrow Passer montanus (1). Not common in Crete. 1, 07/05
- Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs (49). Very common and widespread. 17
singers over 3 km Lasithi.
- Serin Serinus serinus (7). Not common, seen Lasithi, Kamilari, Moni
Prevelli, Nteres, Prases and Agia reservoir.
- Greenfinch Carduelis chloris (42). Widespread and common. Not
seen above 900 m.
- Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis (32).Widespread and common. Not
seen above 900 m.
- Linnet Carduelis cannabina (15). Seen on hills and mountains.
Some on the north coast.
- Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella (1). 1 male seen 22/04 at Kato
Metohi (Lasithi) is the 2nd record for Crete.
- Cirl Bunting Emberiza cirlus (6). Lasithi, Omalos and Livadia area.
- Ortolan Emberiza hortulana (3). 1 then 2 singers Moni Prevelli 28
and 29/04. 1 singer Plakias 29/04.
- Corn Bunting Miliaria calandra (10). Very abundant on Lasithi with
38 ind. (26 singers) over 3 km. Common Askifos, but not seen Omalos.
Common near Frangokastello.
- Eastern Hedgehog Erinaceus concolor (6). Plaka, Ierapetra, Mires,
Plakias, Vulgaro and Aposelemis mouth.
- Greater white-toothed Shrew Crossidura russula (1). Hrissoskalitissa.
- Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus (1). Near Geropotamos mouth and Festos.
- Ship Rat Rattus rattus (1). Kisamos.
- Weasel Mustela nivalis (4). Kamilari, Prases, Hrissoskalitissos and
mounts Jouchtas.
- Beech Marten Martes foina (2). Agios Georgios and Drapanias.
- Badger Meles meles (1). Hrissoskalitissa.
Only 3 species in Crete.
- Green Toad Bufo viridis (3). East Plakias, Platanas. Limni Hersonisou.
- Common Tree-Frog Hyla arborea (5). Abundant on Lasithi and Kato
Zakros. Also Thrapsano, Agia reservoir and Moni Prevelli.
- Marsh Frog Rana ridibunda (6). Common Kournas, Georgioupoli,
Thrapsano and Aposelemis mouth. Some near Agia Irini (above Knossos)
and east Plakias.
- Stripe-necked Terrapin Mauremys caspica (4). Abundant Thrapsano
and Georgioupoli lakes and Agia reservoir. Some near the Aposelemis
mouth. Very shy.
- Balkan Green Lizard Lacerta trilineata (15). Common and
- Erhard's Wall Lizard Podarcis erhardii (2). Kakopetros gorge and
- Balkan Whip Snake Coluber gemonensis (3). Festos, Askifos, and
- Dice Snake Natrix tessellata (1). 1 young Metohi (Limni Hersonisou).
1 - Knossos area
2 - Lasithi plateau
3 - Elounda old salt pans and area
4 - Kato Zakros area
5 - Analipsi
6 - Ierapetra lake
7 - Festos area
8 - Agia Galini
9 - Plakias area
10 - Frangokastello
11 - Georgioupoli area
12 - Agia reservoir
13 - Omalos plateau
14 - Kastelli/Kisamos area
15 - Hrissoskalitissa
16 - Rethymnon area
17 - Askifos plateau
18 - Environs de Livadia
19 - Mountains south Anogia
20 - Aposelemis mouth
21 - Thrapsano lake
Tachybaptus ruficollis X X XX
Podiceps nigricollis X X
Calonectris diomedea X X X
Phalacrocorax aristotelis X XX
Ixobrichus minutus X X X XX
Nycticorax nycticorax X X X X X X
Ardeola ralloides X X XX X X XX
Egretta garzetta X XX X XX XX X XX
Ardea cinerea X X X X X X
Plegadis falcinellus X X X
Phoenicopterus ruber X X
Anas querquedula X X X
Pernis apivorus XX X
Gypaetus barbatus X X
Gyps fulvus XXXX X X XX
Circus aeruginosus X X X
Circus pygargus X X X
Buteo buteo XXXX XX X X XX X XXX
Buteo rufinus X X
Aquila chrysaetos X XX X
Falco tinnunculus XXX XXXX XX
Falco vespertinus X X XXX X X
Falco subbuteo X X
Falco eleonorae XX X X X
Falco peregrinus X X
Alectoris chukar X X X X
Coturnix coturnix X X
Phasianus colchicus X X
Porzana parva X X
Gallinula chloropus X X X XX XX
Fulica atra X X XX
Himantopus himantopus X X X X X
Charadrius dubius X XXX X
Charadrius hiaticula X X
Calidris minuta X X X XX
Calidris temminckii X X X
Philomachus pugnax X X X XX
Gallinago gallinago X X
Tringa erythropus X X
Tringa totanus X X
Tringa nebularia X X X X
Tringa ochropus X X
Tringa glareola X X X XX X X XX
Actitis hypoleucos X XXX XXX X X X XX
Larus ridibundus X X X X
Larus audouinii X X
Larus cachinnans XX XXXXXXXXXX XXX XX
Chlidonias hybridus X X
Chlidonias niger X X
Chlidonias leucopterus X X X
Columba livia X X XXX
Columba palumbus XXX X
Streptopelia decaocto XX X X
Streptopelia turtur X X X X X X XX X X
Cuculus canorus X X
Otus scops XXX X X
Apus melba X XXXXXX X X X
Alcedo atthis X X X
Merops apiaster X X X XX X
Coracias garrulus X
Upupa epops XX X
Jynx torquilla X X
Calandrella brachydactyla X X X X X
Galerida cristata X XXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXX
Lullula arborea X XX X X X X X
Riparia riparia X X X X X XX
Ptyonoprogne rupestris X XX XX X
Hirundo rustica XXX XXXXXXX XXX X XX
Hirundo daurica X X
Delichon urbica XXX XXX XX XXX
Anthus richardi X X
Anthus campestris X X X X
Anthus trivialis XXX XX X X X X XXXX
Anthus cervinus X X X XX
Motacilla flava feldegg X X X X XX XX
Motacilla f. flava X X XXX XX X XX
Motacilla f. thunbergi X X X X
Motacilla alba X XX XX
Troglodytes troglodytes X X X X X XXX
Luscinia megarhynchos X X X
Saxicola rubetra X X XXXXX X X X
Saxicola torquata XXXX X XXXXXXXXX XX X
Oenanthe oenanthe X X X XX
Oenanthe h. hispanica X X
Oenanthe his. melanoleuca X X X X X X X
Monticola solitarius X XXX XXX XXXX X
Cettia cetti XX X XXX XX X X X XX
Cisticola juncidis X
Acrocephalus schoenobaenus X XX XX
Acrocephalus scirpaceus X X X X X
Acrocephalus arundinaceus X XX X XX X X
Hippolais pallida X X XX X
Hippolais olivetorum X X
Hippolais icterina X X
Sylvia cantillans X X X
Sylvia communis X X X X
Sylvia borin X X
Sylvia atricapilla XX
Phylloscopus sibilatrix X X X
Phylloscopus trochilus XXX X X X
Muscicapa striata XX X XXXXX XXXXXX X
Ficedula albicollis X X X
Ficedula hypoleuca X X X X X
Parus caeruleus XXX X XXXXXXX XX XX
Oriolus oriolus XXX X XX X X X X
Lanius senator X XX XX XX X X
Garrulus glandarius X X
Pyrrhocorax pyrrhocorax X X X
Corvus monedula XX X X
Corvus corone sharpii XXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XX
Corvus corax XXXXX X XX XXX X
Passer domesticus italiae XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Passer hispaniolensis X X X
Passer montanus X X
Serinus serinus X X X X
Carduelis cannabina XXX X X X X X XXX
Emberiza citrinella X X
Emberiza cirlus X X X X
Emberiza hortulana X X
Miliaria calandra X X XX XX
Bufo viridis X X X X X
Hyla arborea X X X X X X
Rana ridibunda XX X X XX
Mauremys caspica X XX XX
Lacerta trilineata X X XX X
Podarcis erhardii X X
Coluber gemonensis X X X
Natrix tessellata X
Erinaceus concolor X X X X X
Crocidura russula X X
Oryctolagus cuniculus X X
Rattus rattus X X
Mustela nivalis XX X X
Martes foina X X
Meles meles X X
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This page served with permission of the author
by Urs Geiser;;
Marh 1, 1999