ECUADOR 29 January - 4 March, 2000

by Greg Roberts

With Glen Ingram. We have previously done numerous trips unguided, but opted for a guide this time. The difficulty was deciding who to go with. We chose Bird Ecuador, which offered a reasonable price for the services rendered. You pay a lot for the better known expatriate guides, but if you’ve done your homework, it may not be worth it. Our Ecuadorian driver/guide, Juan Carlos Calvachi, is on a learning curve, but knows most of the birds and their calls. The trip is divided into three sections. Juan Carlos was with us in southern and northern Ecuador. In Amazonia at Yuturi, we had a sharp-eyed native Indian guide, Jaime Grefa.

We recorded 806 species, with no visits to the coast or major wetlands, using the taxonomy in Clements’ Birds of the World: A Checklist (1991, with amendments). The total is higher with splits in An Annotated List of the Birds of Mainland Ecuador (Ridgely et al, 1998). Twenty-seven species had not been seen previously by us but were heard only.

*denotes lifer. Abbreviations in parenthesis following are used in the list. [] denotes species not yet split in Clements.


29 January. PM - BOSQUE PROTECTOR CERRO BLANCO, GUAYAQUIL (G). Dry lowland deciduous forest. Overnight Guayaquil.

30 January. AM - Cerro Blanco. PM - Drive from Guayaquil to Pinas via Naranjal and Machala. Wet grasslands.

31 January. PINAS (P). Choco forest at 900m along the Buenaventura trail .

1 February. AM - Pinas. PM - Drive to Catamayo.

2 February. AM - CATAMAYO. Dry shrubbery on rocky slopes, wet grassy areas at 1400m. PM - Drive to MACARA (M) via Cariamanga, UTUANA (U), Sozoranga and Sabianga.

3 February. Macara area. Dry lowland deciduous forest with a visit to cloud forest at Quebrada Yaguana, near Sozoranga (1500m).

4 February. AM - Macara, Sozoranga, Utuana (2400m, cloud forest). PM - Drive to Loja.

5 February. CAJANUMA (C) section of Podocarpus National Park. Montane cloud and elphin forest, 2600-3100m..

6 February. AM - Cajanuma. PM - Drive To Zamora, stopping at forest at Rio San Francisco (1800m) and Sabanilla (1500m).

7-8 February. BOMBUSCARO (B) section of Podocarpus National Park. Foothill forest 950-1200m.

9 February. AM - Drive to Loja, concentrating on forest patches near Zamora 1000-1200m. Late PM - Cajanuma.

10 February. Drive to Cuenca via Saragua (2800m), ACANAMA (A ), and Ona. Concentrated on cloud forest at Acanama, 3100m.

11 February. AM - LAS CAJAS (L) Recreation Area (4000-4200m). Polylepis groves, paramo, lakes. PM - Drive to Gualaceo.

12 February. GUALACEO-LIMON road (GL). Cloud and elfin forest, paramo (2800-3350m). Overnight Gualaceo.

13 February. Drive to Quito via Ingapirca, Laguna Colta and Ambato.


14 February. Flight to Coca. Boat to YUTURI LODGE (Y) via Panacocha along Rio Napo.

15-20 February. Yuturi. Lowland terra firme and varzea rainforest, oxbow lakes, river backwaters, islands in Rio Napo, canopy tower.

21 February. Return to Quito.


22 February. AM - PAPALLACTA PASS (PP). Paramo 4300m. PM - Drive to SAN ISIDRO (S) via Papallacta Village, the Alder Forest and Baeza.


23 February. Cloud forest of San Isidro at 1900m.

24 February. HUACAMAYOS RIDGE (H), 1700-2300m, where the traditional track has been extended recently to reach lower altitudes. Overnight San Isidro.

25 February. LORETO ROAD (LR). Foothill forest and disturbed areas, 700-1200m. Late PM - Drive to Archidona.

26 February. AM - TENA (T), riverside forest remnants at 400m. PM - Drive to ALINAHUI (AL), lowland rainforest and Rio Napo island near Jatun Sacha.

27 February. AM - Alinahui. PM - Drive to Quito.

28 February. AM - YANACOCHA (YC), paramo and elfin forest at 3500m. PM - Drive to TANDAYAPA (TY), cloud forest at 1900m, via Nono-Mindo road.

29 February. Trails of Tandayapa, where we were joined by Iain Campbell, manager of the highly recommended,- new Tandayapa Lodge.

1 March. AM - BELLAVISTA (BL), cloud forest at 2150m. PM - Drive to Mindo.

2 March. PEDRO VICENTE MALDONADO (PVM), choco patches at 400m. A brief afternoon stop on the return to Mindo at Los Bancos.

3 March. AM - Mindo area. PM - Drive to Quito.

4 March. Depart.



Great Tinamou (Y - 1 seen, several heard),

*Little Tinamou (Y - 1 seen, several heard; heard at PVM),

*Undulated Tinamou (Y - 2 seen, others heard; AL - 1 seen),

*Bartlett’s Tinamou (Y - 1 seen, others heard),

Cinereous Tinamou (Y - heard only),

*Silvery Grebe (2 at PP),

Neotropic Cormorant, Anhinga, Yellow-billed Pintail, Andean Duck (4 at CL; 2 at PP),

Speckled (Andean) Teal (2 at CL), Torrent Duck (1 near S),

Cocoi Heron, Great Egret, Snowy Egret, Cattle Egret, Striated Heron,

Agami Heron (1 at Y), Rufescent Tiger-Heron (1 at Y), Boat-billed Heron (1 at Y),

King Vulture (1 on Rio Napo), Turkey Vulture,

Greater Yellow-headed Vulture (common along Rio Napo), Osprey,

Swallow-tailed Kite (Common - P, Y, AL, PVM), Pearl Kite (2 at G),

Snail Kite (common between G and Naranjal), Grey-headed Kite (1 at PVM),

*Slender-billed Kite (2 at Y),

Double-toothed Kite (1 at B), Plumbeous Kite (common at PVM and along Rio Napo),

Barred Hawk (1 at P), Plain-breasted Hawk (1 at U; 1 at YC),

*Semi-collared Hawk (1 at B),

*Slate-coloured Hawk (1 along Rio Napo; 1 at Y),

*Grey-backed Hawk (several at P),

Savannah Hawk (2 near G), Great Black-Hawk (several at P), Harris’s Hawk, Roadside Hawk,

*White-rumped Hawk (2 at S),

Variable (Puna) Hawk (1 at L; 1 at PP), Black-and-chesnut Eagle (1 at C),

Red-throated Caracara (several at Y), Black Caracara (several along Rio Napo; 1 at B),

Yellow-headed Caracara (several at Y), Crested Caracara, Mountain Caracara (2 at A),

*Carunculated Caracara (1 at L),

Barred Forest-Falcon (heard at Y), Collared Forest-Falcon (1 at G),

*Slaty-backed Forest-Falcon (1 at AL),

Laughing Falcon (1 at Y), American Kestrel, Bat Falcon (2 at Y),

*Speckled Chachalaca (2 at Y, others heard; 1 along Rio Napo; heard at AL),

*Bearded Guan (6 at C; 1 near Saragua),

Spix’s Guan (common at Y), Wattled Guan (calling at S),

*Sickle-winged Guan (2 at P; 1 at S),

*Salvin’s Curassow (2 at Y),


Rufous-fronted Wood-Quail (P - heard only),

Dark-backed Wood-Quail (TY - heard only),

Rufous-breasted Wood-Quail (Loja-Zamora road - heard only),

*Blackish Rail (1 between T and AL),

Andean Coot (common at Laguna Colta), Grey-necked Wood-Rail (several at Y),

White-throated Crake (calling at Mindo),

Sungrebe (1 at Y),

*Grey-winged Trumpeter (1 found by imitating call at Y),

Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe (2 in the snow at PP),

Wattled Jacana, Greater Yellowlegs, Spotted Sandpiper, Southern Lapwing,

Pied Plover (several along Rio Napo), Collared Plover (1 on Rio Napo island),

Andean Gull (several between Cuenca and Gualaceo),

Yellow-billed Tern (common along Rio Napo), Large-billed Tern (2 along Rio Napo),

Rock Pigeon, Band-tailed Pigeon, Pale-vented Pigeon, Ruddy Pigeon (several at Y and at PVM),

*Plumbeous Pigeon (1 at P; several at TY and B),

*Dusky Pigeon (2 at PVM),

Ruddy Ground-Dove (several at T),

*Ecuadorian Ground-Dove (common in south-west),

*Croaking Ground-Dove (common in south-west),

Blue Ground-Dove (AL - several on Rio Napo island; heard at G), Eared Dove,

*Ochre-bellied Dove (1 at Quebrada Yaguana),

White-tipped Dove (common in south-west and Andes in north-west),

*Pallid Dove (1 at PVM),

Grey-fronted Dove (common at Y and at AL), Ruddy Quail-Dove (several at Y),

*White-throated Quail-Dove (1 at S; calling elsewhere in high Andes),

*Blue-and-yellow Macaw (regular at Y),

*Red-bellied Macaw (common at Y),

Chesnut-fronted Macaw (1 at Y; 2 at PVM), Military Macaw (1 on LR),

*Red-masked Parakeet (common at P [El Oro not seen]; flocks in M region; 1 at G),

White-eyed Parakeet (several along Rio Napo),

*Dusky-headed Parakeet (common along Rio Napo),

*Maroon-tailed Parakeet (several along Rio Napo; common at PVM),

*White-breasted Parakeet (one group of 3 and 1 single at B, others calling),

*Pacific Parrotlet (common in western lowlands and around Catamayo),

*Grey-cheeked Parakeet (common in south-west),

*Cobalt-winged Parakeet (common in eastern lowlands),

Black-headed Parrot (common at Y), Blue-headed Parrot (common along Rio Napo),

*Rose-faced Parrot (1 at PVM),

Red-billed Parrot (common in Andes), Speckle-faced Parrot (several at S, H),

*Bronze-winged Parrot (several at P and PVM),

Red-lored Amazon (1 at G), Yellow-crowned Amazon (several along Rio Napo),

Orange-winged Amazon (common at Y and along Rio Napo),

Mealy Amazon (common along Rio Napo), Festive Parrot (calling at Y),

*Scaly-naped Amazon (several at S, H and GL),

Squirrel Cuckoo, Striped Cuckoo (2 at PVM),

*Little Cuckoo (1 at PVM),

Smooth-billed Ani, Groove-billed Ani, Greater Ani (common at Y and along Rio Napo),

Hoatzin (common at Y),

Tropical Screech-Owl (heard at AL and Archidona),

Tawny-bellied Screech-Owl (heard at AL and Y), Cloud-forest Screech-Owl (heard TY),

Rufescent Screech-Owl (heard at TY), White-throated Screech-0wl (heard at S),

Crested Owl (heard at Y), Spectacled Owl (heard at Y), Mottled Owl (heard at S),

*Black-and-white Owl (1 at P),

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl (heard at Y), Andean Pygmy-Owl (heard YC),

*Peruvian (Pacific) Pygmy-Owl (1 at M; 2 between Pinas and Catamayo),

*Rufous-banded Owl (2 at S),

Grey (Common) Potoo (Y - 2 seen, many heard), Andean Potoo (heard S),

*Long-tailed Potoo (Y - 1 at day roost),

*Rufous-bellied Nighthawk (several at S),

*Sand-coloured Nighthawk (common at Y),

Pauraque (common),

*Scrub (Anthony’s) Nightjar (1 near Catamayo),

White-collared Swift, Chesnut-collared Swift, Band-rumped Swift (several at PVM),


Short-tailed Swift (including several so-called Tumbes Swifts near Sozoranga),

Grey-rumped Swift (common on LR; several [West Ecuadorian] in south-west lowlands),

Neotropical (Fork-tailed) Palm-Swift (common in eastern lowlands), White-tipped Swift (BL),

Rufous-breasted Hermit (1 at Y), Band-tailed Barbthroat (heard at PVM),

*Pale-tailed Barbthroat (common at Y),

*White-whiskered Hermit (several at P),

*Tawny-bellied Hermit (2 at TY),

Green Hermit (several at B), Long-billed (Great-billed) Hermit (several at Y),

Little (Black-throated) Hermit (2 at AL), Reddish Hermit (1 at Y),

*Grey-chinned Hermit (1 on LR; 1 at T),

*Straight-billed Hermit (several at Y),

*White-tipped Sicklebill (1 at P),

*Green-fronted Lancebill (1 at B),

Brown Violetear (2 on LR), Green Violetear (common at B), Sparkling Violetear,

Black-throated Mango (2 near T), Spangled Coquette (1 above Zamora; seen by GI only),

*Wire-crested Thorntail (several on LR),

*Green Thorntail (several at PVM),

[*Western Emerald] (common at TY),

Fork-tailed Woodnymph (several at Y),

*Green-crowned Woodnymph (several at PVM),

[*Emerald-bellied Woodnymph] (several at P),

*Violet-bellied Hummingbird (1 at PVM),

*Olive-spotted Hummingbird (Y- several on Rio Napo island),

Glittering-throated Emerald (several above Zamora; T and LR),

*Andean Emerald (several at TY),

*Amazilia Hummingbird (common in south-west),

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (several at P, TY), Speckled Hummingbird (common in Andes),

*Purple-bibbed Whitetip (1 near TY),

*Ecuadorian Piedtail (several at B),

*Black-throated Brilliant (1 at Y),

*(Gould’s) Jewelfront (1 at Y),

*Fawn-breasted Brilliant (several at S, TY, BL),

Green-crowned Brilliant (1 at Los Bancos), Violet-fronted Brilliant (1 above Zamora; 1 on LR),

*Empress Brilliant (1 below BL),

*Chimborazo (Ecuadorian) Hillstar (2 at L),

Giant Hummingbird (1 near Ingapirca), Wedge-billed Hummingbird (calling at TY),

*White-tailed Hillstar (1 on LR),

*Shining Sunbeam (common in Andes above 2500m),

Mountain Velvetbreast (common at C),

*Great Sapphirewing (1 at YC),

*Brown Inca (1 at P; 2 at BL),

Collared Inca (common at C and S), Bronzy Inca (several at S),

*Buff-winged Starfrontlet (several at C, YC, GL),

*Rainbow Starfrontlet (several at C, U),

*Sword-billed Hummingbird (1 at C),

*Buff-tailed Coronet (common at TY and B),

*Chesnut-breasted Coronet (1 at C),

*Amethyst-throated Sunangel (1 on Loja-Zamora road at 1800m),

*Tourmaline Sunangel (1 at S),

[*Flame-throated Sunangel] (several at C, A),

*Purple-throated Sunangel (common at U and C),

*Gorgeted Sunangel (several at BL),

Glowing Puffleg (common above 2000m in south),

*Sapphire-vented Puffleg (1 at L; 2 at Y),

*Golden-breasted Puffleg (2 at Y),

Booted Racket-tail (common in foothills and mid-elevations; race addae in east),

*Black-tailed Trainbearer (several near Quito),

*Green-tailed Trainbearer (several near Quito and on Loja-Zamora road),

*Violet-throated Metaltail (1 at L),

*Viridian Metaltail (several at C, GL - race albigularis - and PP),

*Neblina Metaltail (several on GL),

Tyrian Metaltail (common at C, A and PP),

*Blue-mantled Thornbill (common at L),


*Rainbow-bearded Thornbill (common at L and GL),

Long-tailed Sylph (common at S),

*Violet-tailed Sylph (several at P, BL),

Purple-crowned Fairy (1 at PVM), Black-eared Fairy (1 at Y),

*Purple-throated Woodstar (2 at P),

*Short-tailed Woodstar (1 near M),

*White-bellied Woodstar (1 near Quito),

*Crested Quetzal (1 in Alder Forest),

*Golden-headed Quetzal (1 at S; 1 near Mindo; others heard),

(Northern) Violaceous Trogon (2 at G),

White-tailed Trogon (1 [*Western] at PVM; 2 (Amazonian) at Y),

Collared Trogon, Masked Trogon, [*Ecuadorian] Black-tailed Trogon (several near M),

Ringed Kingfisher, Amazon Kingfisher, Green Kingfisher,

American Pygmy Kingfisher (common at Y),

*Green-and-rufous Kingfisher (3 at Y),

Broad-billed Motmot (heard at Mindo),

Rufous Motmot (several at PVM and P),

Blue-crowned Motmot (2 at G),

[*Highland Motmot] (1 at H),

*Chesnut (White-eared) Jacamar (several at Y),

Yellow-billed Jacamar (several at Y), Rufous-tailed Jacamar (2 at PVM),

*Coppery-chested Jacamar (1 at B),

*Great Jacamar (1 at Y),

*Purplish (Bronzy) Jacamar (several at Y),

White-necked Puffbird (1 at Y),

*White-chested Puffbird (1 at Y),

*Black-streaked Puffbird (1 at B),

*Brown Nunlet (1 at Y),

*Black-fronted Nunbird (common at Y),

White-fronted Nunbird (several at Y),

Swallow-wing (several along Rio Napo),

*Scarlet-crowned Barbet (Y - several on Rio Napo island),

*Orange-fronted Barbet (several at PVM),

Black-spotted (Gilded) Barbet (common at Y), Red-headed Barbet (several at P and near Mindo),

*Lemon-throated Barbet (common at Y; 2 on LR),

*Toucan Barbet (several at BL and near Mindo),

Chesnut-tipped Toucanet (2 at B), Emerald Toucanet (several on Loja-Zamora road),

Golden-collared Toucanet (calling at Y),

*Crimson-rumped Toucanet (several at P and near Mindo),

*Pale-mandibled Aracari (several at P, near Mindo and at PVM),

*Many-banded Aracari (several at Y),

*Lettered Aracari (several at Y),

*Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan (4 at BL),

*Grey-breasted Mountain-Toucan (8 at C),

*Black-billed Mountain-Toucan (several at S and H),

*White-throated Toucan (common at Y),

*Yellow-ridged (Channel-billed) Toucan (several at Y),

*Choco Toucan (several at PVM),

*Olivaceous Piculet (1 at PVM),

*Lafresnaye’s Piculet (several at B),

*Ecuadorian Piculet (1 at G; 1 near M),

*Spot-breasted Woodpecker (Y - 2 on Rio Napo island),

*Crimson-mantled Woodpecker (several at C, S, H, BL),

*Chesnut Woodpecker (several at Y),

*Ringed Woodpecker (2 at Y),

Scale-breasted Woodpecker (heard at Y), Cream-coloured Woodpecker (several at Y),

Lineated Woodpecker, Yellow-tufted Woodpecker, Black-cheeked Woodpecker,

Smoky-brown Woodpecker, Golden-olive Woodpecker (widespread),

*Little Woodpecker (1 at Y; 1 at T),

*Red-stained Woodpecker (Y - 1 on Rio Napo island),

*Red-rumped Woodpecker (1 at PVM),

*Scarlet-backed Woodpecker (several at G and M),

*Guayaquil Woodpecker (several at P and PVM),


*Powerful Woodpecker (2 at H; 1 at TY, 1 at BL),

Crimson-crested Woodpecker (C at Y and AL),

*Stout-billed Cinclodes (several at L),

Bar-winged Cinclodes (common at L and PP),

*Pale-legged (Pacific) Hornero (common in western lowlands),

*Lesser Hornero (Y - 1 on Rio Napo island),

Andean Tit-Spinetail,

Azara’s (Elegant) Spinetail (widespread in Andes), Slaty Spinetail (several at P),

*Dark-breasted Spinetail (several on LR and at Y on Rio Napo island),

*Plain-crowned Spinetail (common at Y and AL on Rio Napo islands),

*Black-faced (Blackish-headed) Spinetail (several near M),

*Rufous Spinetail (several at C, A, H),

*Ruddy Spinetail (1 at Y),

*White-browed Spinetail (several at U),

*Red-faced Spinetail (2 at TY),

*Line-cheeked Spinetail (several at P and U),

*White-chinned Thistletail (2 at PP),

*Mouse-coloured Thistletail (several at A and GL),

*Many-striped Canastero (1 at L),

*Equatorial Greytail (1 on LR),

*Orange-fronted Plushcrown (several at AL),

Pearled Treerunner (common in Andes), Spotted Barbtail (2 at TY),

*Rusty-winged Barbtail (1 at H; 1 at TY),

Streaked Tuftedcheek (1 at S; 1 at U),

*Pacific Tuftedcheek (1 at P),

*Chesnut-winged Hookbill (1 at Y),

*Rufous-necked Foliage-gleaner (2 at U),

*Scaly-throated Foliage-gleaner (several at P and TY),

Montane Foliage-gleaner (common on Loja-Zamora road, B and S),

*Rufous-rumped Foliage-gleaner (1 above Zamora),

Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner (several at B),

*Rufous-tailed Foliage-gleaner (1 at Y),

Buff-throated Foliage-gleaner (1 near Mindo), Cinnamon-rumped Foliage-gleaner (1 at Y),

*Brown-rumped Foliage-gleaner (1 at Y),

*Henna-hooded Foliage-gleaner (2 at G; 2 near M),

*Striped Treehunter (1 below BL),

*Streak-capped Treehunter (2 at TY),

*Uniform Treehunter (1 at P),

*Slender-billed Xenops (1 at B; 1 at Y),

Plain Xenops (several at P), Streaked Xenops,

Tawny-throated Leaftosser (Y - 1 seen, others heard),

Plain-brown Woodcreeper (several at Y), Olivaceous (Greyish) Woodcreeper (several at B),

Wedge-billed Woodcreeper,

*Cinnamon-throated Woodcreeper (2 at Y),

*Long-billed Woodcreeper (several at Y),

Strong-billed Woodcreeper (1 near Mindo), Black-banded Woodcreeper (2 at Y),

Straight-billed Woodcreeper (several at Y), Tyrannine Woodcreeper (1 at TY; seen by GI only),

*Striped Woodcreeper (2 at Y),

*Ocellated Woodcreeper (2 above Zamora),

Buff-throated Woodcreeper (common at Y), Spotted Woodcreeper (several at P and near Mindo),

Streak-headed Woodcreeper, Montane Woodcreeper, Red-billed Scythebill (1 at G),

Fasciated Antshrike (2 at Y), Barred Antshrike (Y - 2 on Rio Napo island),

Great Antshrike (several at P),

*Collared Antshrike (common in south-west lowlands),

*Chapman’s Antshrike (1 near Catamayo; 2 at U),

*Lined Antshrike (several at T, LR and above Zamora),

*Castelnau’s Antshrike (Y - 2 on Rio Napo island),

*White-shouldered Antshrike (1 at Y),

*Uniform Antshrike (several at P),

*Plain-winged Antshrike (2 at Y; 1 at AL),

Mouse-coloured Antshrike (several at Y),

*Spot-winged Antshrike (2 at Y),

*Russet Antshrike (2 at PVM; 1 at B),


Plain Antvireo (several at G),

*White-streaked Antvireo (2 at B),

*Bicoloured Antvireo (2 at H),

Dusky-throated Antshrike (several at Y), Cinereous Antshrike (common at Y),

*Pygmy Antwren (2 at Y),

*Short-billed Antwren (common at Y),

*Stripe-chested Antwren (several at T),

*Plain-throated Antwren (common at Y),

*Foothill Antwren (1 at B),

*Rufous-tailed Antwren (1 at Y),

White-flanked Antwren (several at Y), Slaty Antwren (several at P), Grey Antwren (several at Y),

*Banded Antbird (1 at Y),

Dot-winged Antwren (several at PVM),

*Long-tailed Antbird (1 at S, others heard),

*Grey Antbird (2 at Y),

Dusky Antbird (2 at PVM),

*Blackish Antbird (1 above Zamora),

*Black Antbird (1 on LR),

*White-backed Fire-eye (1 on LR),

*Black-faced Antbird (1 at Y; 1 at AL),

*Spot-winged Antbird (1 at AL),

*Silvered Antbird (1 at Y),

Chesnut-backed Antbird (2 at PVM),

*Esmeraldas Antbird (1 at PVM),

*Plumbeous Antbird (2 at Y, others heard),

*Sooty Antbird (several at Y),

*Immaculate Antbird (1 near Mindo; heard TY),

*Black-throated Antbird (several at Y),

*Grey-headed Antbird (1 at U),

*Bicoloured Antbird (several at Y),

*Lunulated Antbird (1 at Y),

*Reddish-winged Bare-eye (1 at Y),

*Dot-backed Antbird (2 at Y),

*Scale-backed Antbird (2 at Y),

*Hairy-crested Antbird (1 at Y),

Short-tailed Antthrush (2 at B), Noble (Striated) Antthrush (heard at Y),

*Rufous-capped Antthrush (1 at Y),

Black-faced Antthrush (several at Y), Barred Antthrush (heard at H),

*Rufous-breasted Antthrush (1 near Mindo, others heard),

Undulated Antpitta (1 at C seen by GI only, others heard), Rufous Antpitta (heard C, YC),

*Ochre-striped Antpitta (1 at Y, others heard),

*Chesnut-naped Antpitta (1 at C, others heard; heard A),

Chesnut-crowned Antpitta (1 at U; heard commonly in Andes), Moustached Antpitta (heard TY),

White-bellied Antpitta (heard at S), Yellow-breasted Antpitta (heard at TY),

Watkins’ Antpitta (heard M), Scaled Antpitta (heard TY), Ochre-breasted Antpitta (heard TY),

*Tawny Antpitta (common at L, GL, PP),

*Thrush-like Antpitta (2 at Y, others heard),

*Chesnut-crowned Gnateater (1 at B),

*Rusty-belted Tapaculo (1 at Y),

*Ash-coloured Tapaculo (2 at C; 2 at A; others heard),

*Unicoloured Tapaculo (1 at U, others heard; heard A, GL),

*Blackish Tapaculo (1 at YC, others heard);

*Equatorial Rufous-vented Tapaculo (1 on Loja-Zamora road at 1700m, others heard),

*Narino Tapaculo (2 at TY, others heard),

*Spillmann’s Tapaculo (1 at H; heard TY, BL),

*Chusquea Tapaculo ( 1 at C, others heard),

*Paramo (Andean) Tapaculo (1 on GL, others heard),

*Ocellated Tapaculo (1 at A, others heard; heard C, H, YC),

*Ashy-headed Tyrannulet (1 at S; 2 near TY),

*Tawny-rumped Tyrannulet (1 at BL),

Golden-faced (Loja) Tyrannulet (several at P), Black-capped Tyrannulet,

*White-lored Tyrannulet (AL - 1 on Rio Napo island),

*Mouse-coloured (Tumbes) Tyrannulet (1 at G),


Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet, Yellow-crowned Tyrannulet (several at Y),

Yellow Tyrannulet (1 at P), Forest Elaenia (2 at Y), White-crested Elaenia (common in Andes),

*Pacific Elaenia (3 between Catamayo and U),

*Sierran Elaenia (1 on GL),

White-throated Tyrannulet (common at higher elevations), White-banded Tyrannulet,

*Rufous-winged Tyrannulet (several at P, M),

*White-tailed Tyrannulet (common at U; several at S, H),

*Sulphur-bellied Tyrannulet (1 on GL),

*River Tyrannulet (Y - 1 on Rio Napo island),

Torrent Tyrannulet (2 above Zamora),

*Lesser Wagtail-Tyrant (Y - 1 on Rio Napo island),

Tufted Tit-Tyrant (several at A),

*Agile Tit-Tyrant (several at A, GL),

Tawny-crowned Pygmy-Tyrant (common near M and Catamayo),

*Streak-necked Flycatcher (several at S, TY, BL),

Olive-striped Flycatcher, Slaty-capped Flycatcher,

*Rufous-breasted Flycatcher (1 at S),

Marble-faced Bristle-Tyrant (several at S, TY), Variegated Bristle-Tyrant (several at B),

*Spectacled Bristle-Tyrant (1 at B),

*Rufous-headed Pygmy-Tyrant (several at C, S),

*Scale-crested Pygmy-Tyrant (widespread in foothills and mid-elevations),

*Double-banded Pygmy-Tyrant (several at AL),

*Ringed Antpipit (1 at Y),

*Rufous-crowned Tody-Tyrant (2 at S),

*White-eyed Tody-Tyrant (several at Y),

*Black-headed Tody-Flycatcher (1 at PVM),

Common Tody-Flycatcher, Yellow-olive Flycatcher (2 at P),

*Pacific Flatbill (1 at PVM),

*Rufous-tailed Flatbill (1 at Y),

Olivaceous Flatbill (heard at Y),

*Fulvous-breasted Flatbill (1 at H),

[*Pacific Royal-Flycatcher] (1 at G),

*Cinnamon Tyrant (Manakin) (1 at Y),

Ruddy-tailed Flycatcher (1 at Y), Cinnamon Flycatcher,

*Ornate Flycatcher (common in foothills),

Black-tailed Flycatcher (1 at G),

*Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher (1 at P),

Flavescent Flycatcher (2 at BL; 1 at S),

*Handsome Flycatcher (2 at S),

*Orange-crested Flycatcher (1 at PVM),

Bran-coloured Flycatcher (several at P and LR),

*Olive-chested Flycatcher (1 above Zamora),

Eastern Wood-Peewee, Western Wood-Peewee, Smoke-coloured Peewee,

Olive-sided Flycatcher (1 at B), Tropical (Tumbes) Peewee (several near M),

*Grey-breasted Flycatcher (1 at G; 1 near Sozoranga),

Fuscous Flycatcher (several at Y on Rio Napo island), Black Phoebe, Vermilion Flycatcher,

Brown-backed Chat-Tyrant (several at L, GL, YC), Slaty-backed Chat-Tyrant (2 on GL),

*Rufous-breasted Chat-Tyrant (several at C, A,

*Crowned Chat-Tyrant (1 at C),

*Drab Water-Tyrant (common along Rio Napo),

Streak-throated Bush-Tyrant (common at C),

*Smoky Bush-Tyrant (several at C),

Cliff Flycatcher (common on LR),

Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant (several at L and between Loja and Cuenca),

*Plain-capped Ground-Tyrant (common at L),

*Masked Water-Tyrant (1 between G and Naranjal),

Long-tailed Tyrant (1 at T), Bright-rumped Attila (1 at PVM; calling at Y),

*Cinnamon Attila (common at Y),

Greyish Mourner (several at Y), (Eastern) Sirystes (several at Y),

Dusky-capped Flycatcher (several at G, P), Short-crested Flycatcher (several at Y),

*Sooty-crowned Flycatcher (several at G, M),

Great Kiskadee, Lesser Kiskadee (common at Y), Boat-billed Flycatcher (2 at Y),

Social Flycatcher, Grey-capped Flycatcher, Rusty-margined Flycatcher (several at PVM),


*Lemon-browed Flycatcher (several at B),

Streaked Flycatcher (common in south-west), Golden-crowned Flycatcher (2 at P),

Variegated Flycatcher, Piratic Flycatcher (common at Y),

*Sulphury Flycatcher (1 at Y),

Eastern Kingbird (1 at B), Tropical Kingbird, Cinnamon Becard (several at PVM, P),

*Yellow-cheeked Becard (1 on LR),

*Black-and-white Becard (several at P, M),

*One-coloured Becard (several at P, M),

Black-tailed Tityra (several at Y), Masked Tityra, Black-crowned Tityra,

*Red-crested Cotinga (2 at U; 2 at C),

Green-and-black Fruiteater (several at S, BL),

*Scaled Fruiteater (1 at TY),

*Barred Fruiteater (1 at YC),

*Black-chested Fruiteater (1 at H),

*Fiery-throated Fruiteater (1 on LR),

*Cinereous Mourner (1 at Y),

Screaming Piha (common at Y),

*Olivaceous Piha (2 at H; 1 at TY),

*Dusky Piha (1 at S),

*Grey-tailed Piha (1 on LR),

*Purple-throated Cotinga (1 at Y),

Spangled Cotinga (several at Y),

*Plum-throated Cotinga (1 at Y),

*Black-tipped Cotinga (1 at PVM),

*Bare-necked Fruitcrow (several at Y),

*Amazonian Umbrellabird (2 at B; Y - 1 crossing Rio Napo),

*Black-necked Red-Cotinga (1 at Y, others calling),

Andean Cock-of-the-Rock (2 at B; 1 near BL; 1 near Mindo),

*Blue-rumped Manakin (3 at B),

Blue-crowned Manakin (common at Y), Wire-tailed Manakin (several at Y),

Golden-winged Manakin (several at TY, B), White-crowned Manakin (several at Y),

White-bearded Manakin (common at PVM; 2 on LR),

*Club-winged Manakin (1 at P, others heard; heard near Mindo),

*Green Manakin (1 at B),

*Orange-crested (Orange-crowned) Manakin (1 at Y),

*Dwarf Tyrant-Manakin (several at Y; 1 at AL),

Wing-barred Piprites (heard at Y),

*Greater Schiffornis (Varzea Mourner) (1 at Y, others heard),

*Turquoise Jay (several at S, BL, Alder Forest),

Beautiful Jay (heard near TY and BL), Green Jay (common in northern Andes),

*Violaceous Jay (common at Y, Rio Napo islands and AL),

*White-tailed Jay (2 at G; several near M),

Rufous-browed Peppershrike (common in south-west), Black-billed Peppershrike (heard at S),

*Slaty-capped Shrike-Vireo (1 on LR),

Red-eyed Vireo, Yellow-green Vireo (common at Y), Brown-capped Vireo (common in Andes),

*Dusky-capped Greenlet (2 at Y),

Lesser Greenlet (several at P, PVM),

*Olivaceous Greenlet (1 at B; 1 above Zamora),

*Andean Solitaire (1 at S; commonly heard at mid-elevations),

Black Solitaire (heard at TY), Slaty-backed Nightingale-Thrush (heard at U),

Swainson’s Thrush, Great Thrush, Glossy-black Thrush,

Chiguanco Thrush (common in southern inter-Andean valley),

*Pale-eyed Thrush (2 at S),

Black-billed Thrush (common in eastern lowlands), White-necked Thrush (1 at Y),

*Plumbeous-backed Thrush (several near M),

*Ecuadorian Thrush (common at G; several near Mindo),

*Lawrence’s Thrush (1 at Y, others heard),

*Hauxwell’s Thrush (1 at Y),

*Long-tailed Mockingbird (common in south-west dry areas),

Brown-chested Martin, Grey-breasted Martin, White-winged Swallow,

Brown-bellied Swallow (common in southern Andes),

Blue-and-White Swallow, Barn Swallow, Southern Rough-winged Swallow,

*Chesnut-collared Swallow (common in Sozoranga town),


Black-capped Donacobius (heard at T, AL),

Band-backed Wren (heard at PVM),

*Fasciated Wren (common in south-west),

*Thrush-like Wren (several at Y),

*Rufous Wren (several at C, S),

*Sepia-brown Wren (several on Loja-Zamora road),

Corayo Wren (heard on LR), Bay Wren (common in western foothills),

*Plain-tailed Wren (calling commonly above 2000m - several seen at C),

*Speckle-breasted Wren (several at G),

*Superciliated Wren (1 at G),

Southern House-Wren, Mountain Wren, Grass Wren (1 at A),

White-breasted Wood-Wren, Grey-breasted Wood -Wren, Long-billed Gnatwren (1 at AL),

Tropical Gnatcatcher (common in western lowlands),

*Slate-throated Gnatcatcher (1 at PVM), Tropical Parula,

Blackpoll Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler, Canada Warbler, Caerulean Warbler (1 on LR),

Olive-crowned Yellowthroat (several at TY), Masked Yellowthroat (several at P),

Slate-throated Whitestart (common at mid-elevations),

*Spectacled Whitestart (common above 1600m),

Three-striped Warbler, Black-crested Warbler, Russet-crowned Warbler,

*Three-banded Warbler (several at P, U),

*Citrine Warbler (several at C),

*Grey-and-gold Warbler (common at G, P, U, M),

Buff-rumped Warbler (singles at Y, B, PVM),


Blue-naped Chlorophonia (2 on LR), Chesnut-breasted Chlorophonia (2 at S),

*Yellow-collared Chlorophonia (flock near Mindo),

Golden-rumped Euphonia (several on LR),

Orange-bellied Euphonia, Thick-billed Euphonia,

*Orange-crowned Euphonia (several near M and at PVM),

*Rufous-bellied Euphonia (several at Y),

*White-lored Euphonia (2 at Y),

*Bronze-green Euphonia (1 at B),

*Cinereous Conebill (several near Quito, A),

*Blue-backed Conebill (several at C, S),

*Capped Conebill (several below PP and at S),

*Giant Conebill (1 at L),

*Tit-like Dacnis (several at L),

Bluish Flowerpiercer (common at S), Masked Flowerpiercer, White-sided Flowerpiercer,

*Deep-blue (Golden-eyed) Flowerpiercer (2 at H; 1 on LR),

*Glossy Flowerpiercer (common above 2000m),

*Black Flowerpiercer (common above 1800m),

Purple Honeycreeper, Green Honeycreeper, Blue Dacnis,

Black-faced Dacnis (common at Y),

[*Yellow-tufted Dacnis] (several at PVM),

*Scarlet-thighed Dacnis (2 at PVM),

*Scarlet-breasted Dacnis (1 at PVM),

Fawn-breasted Tanager (several at U), Saffron-crowned Tanager,

*Orange-eared Tanager (common at B, LR, above Zamora),

*Opal-crowned Tanager (common at Y),

Paradise Tanager (common in eastern lowlands), Spotted Tanager (common in eastern foothills),

*Green-and-gold Tanager (common at B),

*Rufous-throated Tanager (several at P and near Mindo),

Golden Tanager (common in Andes), Silver-throated Tanager (several at P, PVM),

*Emerald Tanager (1 at PVM),

*Golden-eared Tanager (several at B, LR),

*Flame-faced Tanager (several at H, TY, Mindo),

*Metallic-green Tanager (2 at TY),

Blue-necked Tanager (common at mid-elevations), Turquoise Tanager (several at Y),

*Masked Tanager (1 at B),

*Golden-naped Tanager (1 at TY),

*Grey-and-gold Tanager (2 at PVM),

Bay-headed Tanager, Beryl-spangled Tanager, Blue-and-black Tanager (common in Andes),

Black-capped Tanager (several at S), Golden-hooded Tanager (1 at PVM),


*Silver-backed Tanager (2 at U),

*Golden-crowned Tanager (several at A, GL),

*Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager (common above 2400m),

Lacrimose Mountain-Tanager (common at C), Buff-breasted Mountain-Tanager (several at C),

Blue-winged Mountain-Tanager (common in northern Andes),

*Hooded Mountain-Tanager (several at C),

*Masked Mountain-Tanager (3 on GL),

*Moss-backed Tanager (2 at Los Bancos),

Blue-grey Tanager, Palm Tanager, Blue-capped Tanager, Silver-beaked Tanager,

Blue-and-yellow Tanager (1 near Quito), White-shouldered Tanager (2 at AL),

*Masked Crimson Tanager (common at Y, AL),

*Yellow-rumped (Bright-rumped) Tanager (common in western lowlands),

*Vermilion Tanager (several at H),

Hepatic Tanager, Summer Tanager, Scarlet Tanager, White-winged Tanager (TY-Mindo area),

*Red-hooded Tanager (1 at C),

*Ochre-breasted Tanager (several at P, PVM),

*Flame-crested Tanager (several at B),

Tawny-crested Tanager (several at PVM),

*Scarlet-browed Tanager (several at PVM),

*Rufous-crested Tanager (1 at H),

Grey-headed Tanager (several at Y), Dusky-faced Tanager (several at PVM),

*Rufous-chested Tanager (common at U),

Guira Tanager (2 at PVM), Common Bush-Tanager (several at P, S),

*Ashy-throated Bush-Tanager (common in Andes),

*Yellow-throated Bush-Tanager (common in Andes),

*Short-billed (Yellow-whiskered) Bush-Tanager (several above Zamora at 1500m),

*Dusky Bush-Tanager (common at TY, BL),

*Grey-hooded Bush-Tanager (common at C, GL),

*Black-backed Bush-Tanager (several at GL),

*Black-capped Hemispingus (several at C),

*Superciliaried Hemispingus (several at C, below PP),

Oleaginous Hemispingus (several at C),

*Black-eared Hemispingus (several at U [Piura], S),

*Black-headed Hemispingus (several at C, GL),

*Grass-green Tanager (several at C, BL, A),

Magpie Tanager (common at Y), Swallow Tanager (several at P),

Plushcap (several at U, C, A),

Buff-throated Saltator, Greyish Saltator, Streaked Saltator (several near M, unstreaked),

*Black-winged Saltator (several at P, PVM),

*Black-cowled Saltator (2 at U),

*Yellow-shouldered Grosbeak (2 at Y),

Red-capped Cardinal (common in eastern lowlands), Lesser Seed-Finch (1 at B),

Southern Yellow-Grosbeak (common in Andes), Blue-black Grosbeak (1 at AL),

*Crimson Finch-Tanager (Crimson-breasted Finch) (common at G; several at P and M),

Blue-black Grassquit, Variable Seedeater (common in south-west), Yellow-bellied Seedeater,

*Parrot-billed Seedeater (several near Catamayo),

*Drab Seedeater (2 near Catamayo),

*Chesnut-bellied Seedeater (common in eastern lowlands),

*Chesnut-throated Seedeater (common between G and Naranjal and near Catamayo),

*Great-billed (Large-billed) Seedeater (1 between G and Naranjal),

Plain-coloured Seedeater (common at A, PP), Black-and-white Seedeater (several at P),

Saffron Finch, Plumbeous Sierra-Finch (common above 3000m),

Band-tailed Sierra-Finch (several near Catamayo),

Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch (several near Catamayo and in Sozoranga,)

*Slaty Finch (1 at BL),

*Pale-naped Brush-Finch (2 at GL),

*Rufous-naped Brush-Finch (several at C, S),

*Tricoloured Brush-Finch (1 at P),

*White-headed Brush-Finch (several near M),

*Bay-crowned Brush-Finch (several at U and near Sozoranga),

*White-winged Brush-Finch (several at TY),

*White-rimmed Brush-Finch (1 at H),

Chesnut-crowned Brush-Finch , Stripe-headed Brush-Finch (2 below U),


*Black-capped Sparrow (several at G, U, M),

Orange-billed Sparrow (several at P), Black-striped Sparrow (several at P),

Yellow-browed Sparrow (common in eastern lowlands), Rufous-collared Sparrow,

*Tumbes Sparrow (several near Catamayo),

Shiny Cowbird, Giant Cowbird (several along Rio Napo),

*Band-tailed Oropendola (1 at Y),

Crested Oropendola (common at Y),

Russet-backed Oropendola (common at Y and in eastern Andes),

Yellow-rumped Cacique, Scarlet-rumped Cacique (several at P),

[*Subtropical Cacique] (several at B, S),

*(Northern) Mountain Cacique (several at S),

*Ecuadorian Cacique (1 at Y),

Yellow-billed Cacique (calling at H), Oriole Blackbird (several at Y),

*Scrub Blackbird (common in western lowlands),

*Velvet-fronted Grackle (several at Y),

*Moriche Oriole (2 at Y),

[*Orange-backed] Troupial (several at Y),

*White-edged Oriole (several near M),

Yellow-tailed Oriole (common in south-west lowlands),

*Peruvian Meadowlark (common in south-west lowlands),

Hooded Siskin, Yellow-bellied Siskin (several at P),

*Olivaceous Siskin (several at B, above Zamora),

House Sparrow.

Lifers - 391 (398 after Ridgeley).


*Guayaquil Squirrel (common in south-west), *Northern Amazon Red Squirrel (several at B),

*Amazon Dwarf Squirrel (several at Y),

Central American Agouti (several at G), *Black Agouti (2 at Y), *Green Acouchy (1 at Y),

Brazilian Rabbit, Anderson’s Grey Four-eyed Possum (1 dead at T),

Brown-throated Three-toed Sloth (1 at dayrest, Y),

Tayra (several during day),

*Olingo (1 at TY),

Mantled Howler Monkey (heard G), Red Howler (heard at Y),

*Monk Saki Monkey (2 groups at Y),

*Common Squirrel Monkey (common at Y), Brown Capuchin Monkey (several at Y),

*White-fronted Capuchin Monkey (2 groups at Y), *Golden-mantled Tamarin (2 groups at Y),

*Saddleback Tamarin (2 groups at AL),

*Woolly Monkey (Y - 1 group on Rio Napo island; 1 group at H),

White-tailed Deer (1 at G).

Total 21 (12 lifers)



We stayed overnight in Santiago en route to and returning from Ecuador. On March 3, we made a brief visit to El Yeso Reservoir, in the Andes east of the capital.

Birds - Southern Lapwing, Eared Dove, Chimango Caracara, Austral Thrush, Rock Dove,

House Sparrow, House Wren, Dark-bellied Cinclodes, Andean Lapwing, Austral Blackbird,

Black-winged Ground-Dove, Common Duica-Finch (also seen on Easter Island),

*Greater Yellowfinch (common near reservoir),

*White-sided Hillstar (several near reservoir),

*Chilean Mockingbird (common).

Total 15 (3 lifers).

