25 December 1998 - 7 February, 1999
By Greg Roberts, Australia
With Glenn Scherf for the first four weeks, the following itinerary was followed.
25/12/98. Arrived Buenos Aires. Overnight residencia at Ezeiza, near airport.
26/12. Drove to SAN CLEMENTE DEL TUYU via Chascomus in BUENOSAIRES province. Overnight San Clemente.
27/12. Visited PUNTA RASA and Mundo Marino near town. Overnight San Clemente.
28/12. Visited Reserve Campos del Tuyu, 12km west of San Clemente, and Punta Rasa. Overnight San Clemente.
29/12. Drove to Magdalena. Birded marshes at ATALAYA. Overnight Magdalena.
30/12. Drove to Buenos Aires. Flew to Ushuaia, TIERRA DEL FUEGO. Overnight Ushuaia.
31/12. Visited the Martial Glacier, the municipal dump and Tierra del Fuego National Park. Overnight USHUAIA.
1/1/99. Visited Tierra del Fuego National Park, boat-trip to penguin colony near Harberton in the Beagle Channel. Overnight Ushuaia.
2/1. Drove to RIO GRANDE. Overnight Rio Grande.
3/1. Visited Estancia Maria Behety, west of Rio Grande. Overnight Rio Grande.
4/1. Visited Cabo Penas, south of Rio Grande. Drove to Ushuaia, stopping at Garibaldi Pass. Overnight Ushuaia.
5/1. Visited Martial Glacier and Tierra del Fuego National Park again. Overnight Ushuaia.
6/1. Flew to Buenos Aires. Overnight Buenos Aires.
7/1. Buenos Aires.
8/1. Drove to OTAMENDI Reserve, then to Colon in ENTRE RIOS province. Overnight Colon.
9/1. Visited EL PALMAR National Park. Drove to Gualeguaychu. Overnight Gualeguaychu.
10/1. Visited PUERTO BOCO. Overnight Gualeguaychu.
11/1. Birded CEIBAS, Otamendi Reserve and Parana Delta en route to Buenos Aires. Overnight Buenos Aires.
12/1. Flew to IGUAZU in MISIONES province. Overnight Hotel Los Orquideas.
13/1. Visited Garganta Del Diablo, El Timbo track, and main waterfall boardwalk, in Iguazu National Park. Overnight Los Orquideas.
14/1. Sendero Macuco trail, Iguazu. Overnight Los Orquideas.
15/1. Sendero Macuco. Overnight Los Orquideas.
16/1. Forest behind Los Orquideas, Sendero Macuco. Overnight Hotel International in national park.
17/1. Main waterfall boardwalk and Sendero Macuco. Overnight Hotel International.
18/1. Sendero Macuco. Overnight Hotel International.
19/1. Sendero Macuco in morning. Flew to Buenos Aires.
19/1-22/1. Buenos Aires, with a visit on 21/1 to COSTANERA SUR reserve.
22/1. Flew to CORDOBA. Drove to Dean Funes, overnight.
23/1. Drove to San Jose de las Salinas, Frias in Santiago del Estero province, and TAFI DEL VALLE in Tucuman province, birding along the way in chaco and yungas. Overnight Tafi del Valle, first stop in NORTH-WEST ANDES region.
24/1. The puna at EL INFIERNILLA birded before driving to CACHI in Salta province via Cafayete along a dreadful road. Overnight Cachi.
25/1. Drove to SALTA via Rio Tin Tin and Los Cardones National Park. Overnight Salta.
26/1. Visited EL CALDERA (yungas mountains between Salta and Jujuy), the reservoir near El Carmen (Carneiga Dam) in Jujuy province, and RIO YALA before driving to HUMAHUACA, overnight.
27/1. Drove to ABRA PAMPA, then to LAGUNA POZUELOS. Overnight Abra Pampa.
28/1. Wetlands near Abra Pampa birded before driving to Jujuy via Humahuaca and Tumbay, birding along the way, including another visit to Rio Yala. Overnight Jujuy.
29/1. Drove via San Pedro to Libertador San Martin. Visited CALILEGUA National Park. Overnight Libertador.
30/1. Calilegua National Park. Overnight Libertador.
31/1. Drove to J.V. GONZALEZ in Salta province via Palma Sola. Overnight Gonzalez.
1/2/99. Birded chaco at kms 14 and 17 north-east of Gonzalez. Heat and insects made conditions difficult. Overnight Gonzalez.
2/2. Drove via Metan and Tucuman to Va Ojo de Agua in Santiago del Estero province, overnight.
3/2. Drove via San Jose in Cordoba province, Dean Fumes and Cruz del Eji to Mina Clavero, Cordoba province, overnight.
4/2. Birded PAMPA DE ACHALA. Overnight Icho Cruz.
5/2. Stayed at home of Hernan Casanas near LA CUMBRE.
6/2. Visited Capilla del Monte. Overnight Carlos Paz.
7/2. Flew from CORDOBA to Buenos Aires, then to Australia.
Common names follow James Clements’ 1991 checklist, as amended at the time of writing. *denotes lifer. C = Common. U = Uncommon. ‘Iguazu’, ‘Calilegua’ and ‘El Palmar’ refer to the national parks of those names. ‘North-west Andes’ refers to the region generally between Tafi del Valle and Laguna Pozuelos. The general term ‘chaco’ refers to that habitat visited in various places between Cordoba and J.V. Gonzalez. ‘Yungas’ refers to the forest of that name between the road to Tafi del Valle and Calilegua National Park. ‘Eastern wetlands’ refers to the wetlands of Buenos Aires and Entre Rios provinces. ‘Tierra del Fuego’ refers to the province of that name (Isla Grande). The failure to list specific localities means the species was seen at more than three sites.
Magellanic Penguin (common in Beagle Channel on breeding island),
*Gentoo Penguin (2 adults and 1 large young in middle of Magellanics’ colony),
*Greater Rhea (1 at Reserve Campos del Tuyu), Lesser Rhea (small party at Laguna Pozuelos),
*Tataupa Tinamou (1 behind Hotel Los Orquideas), *Solitary Tinamou (1 in Iguazu),
*Ornate Tinamou (1 at Laguna Pozuelos; 1 between Humahuaca and Abra Pampa),
*Brushland Tinamou (small nos near J.V. Gonzalez; 1 roadside between San Jose de las Salinas and Fria), *Andean Tinamou (1 at El Infiernilla),
*Spotted Tinamou (C - El Palmar, Puerto Boco and roadside in Cordoba province), Darwin’s Tinamou (heard near La Cumbre), *Quebracho Crested-Tinamou (small nos near J.V. Gonzalez),
White-tufted Grebe, Great Grebe, Pied-billed Grebe,
Black-browed Albatross (C in Beagle Channel), Sooty Shearwater (C in Beagle Channel),
*Magellanic Diving-Petrel (8 in Beagle Channel), Southern Giant-Petrel,
Olivaceous Cormorant, Rock Cormorant (C in Beagle Channel), Imperial Common (C around Tierra del Fuego),
White-necked Heron, Whistling Heron, Rufescent Tiger-Heron (1 at Puerto Boco),
*Fasciated Tiger-Heron (1 along river below Tafi del Valle),
Great Egret, Cattle Egret, Snowy Egret, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Striated Heron,
Wood Stork, Maguari Stork (C in Entre Rios and Buenos Aires provinces),
Black-faced Ibis (C in Tierra del Fuego), White-faced Ibis, Bare-faced Ibis,
Roseate Spoonbill (small nos at Punta Rasa),
Chilean Flamingo (C - Punta Rasa,; around Abra Pampa and Laguna Pozuelos),
*Andean Flamingo (C around Abra Pampa and Laguna Pozuelos),
*Puna Flamingo (C around Abra Pampa and Laguna Pozuelos),
Southern Screamer (C at Ceibas; small nos Buenos Aires province),
Comb Duck (1 at J.V. Gonzalez), Fulvous Tree-Duck, White-faced Tree-Duck,
Coscoroba Swan, Black-necked Swan,
*Kelp Goose (1 in Beagle Channel; 1 on Ushuaia foreshore),
*Upland Goose (C in Tierra del Fuego), *Ashy-headed Goose (C in Tierra del Feugo),
*Ruddy-headed Goose (1 15km north of Rio Grande; pair near Estancia los Flamingos, west of Rio Grande), *Andean Goose (C around Abra Pampa and Laguna Pozuelos),
Crested Duck (C in Tierra del Fuego and around Abra Pampa), Chiloe Wigeon, Brown Pintail,
Speckled Teal, Cinnamon Teal, *Puna Teal (U around Abra Pampa and Laguna Pozuelos),
Silver Teal, Rosy-billed Pochard, Torrent Duck (pair on Rio Yala),
*Flightless Steamer-Duck (C in Beagle Channel), *Flying Steamer-Duck (C in Beagle Channel; U in Tierra del Fuego Nat Park),
Brazilian Duck, *Ringed Teal (pair at Puerto Boco), *Andean Duck (pair on Carneiga Dam),
*Lake Duck (C at Costanera Sur),
*Andean Condor (1 in Tierra del Fuego Nat Park; 1 between Tafi del Valle and Cafayete; 1 at Pampa de Achala), Black Vulture, Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture (1 in Iguazu),
Black-chested Buzzard-Eagle (C in Tierra del Fuego and north-west Andes),
Swallow-tailed Kite (U in Calilegua and Iguazu), White-tailed Kite, Plumbeous Kite (C in Iguazu), Snail Kite, Long-winged Harrier (U but widespread), Cinereous Harrier (U but widespread),
*Grey-bellied Goshawk (1 juvenile at Iguazu), *Rufous-thighed Hawk (1 at Iguazu),
Roadside Hawk, White-tailed Hawk, Swainson’s Hawk, Red-backed Hawk (U in Tierra del Fuego and north-west Andes), *Puna Hawk (1 at Laguna Pozuelos; 1 near Ambra Pampa),
Short-tailed Hawk, Savannah Hawk (1 near J.V. Gonzalez),
*Mountain Caracara (U around Abra Pampa and Laguna Pozuelos),
*White-throated Caracara (6 at Ushuaia municipal dump), Crested Caracara, Chimango Caracara,
*Spot-winged Falconet (3 near La Cumbre, called in with tape by Hernan),
Aplomado Falcon (U but widespread), American Kestrel,
*Chaco Chachalaca (C around J.V. Gonzales, and en route to Metan),
*Dusky-legged Guan (1 at El Caldera), *Rusty-margined Guan (1 in Iguazu),
Limpkin, *Giant Wood-Rail (C at Ceibas and Puerto Boco), Grey-necked Wood-Rail,
*Slaty-breasted Wood-Rail (1 at Iguazu), Plumbeous Rail (seen 6 times in Buenos Aires province), Rufous-sided Crake (1 at Atalaya), *Red-and-White Crake (1 near Belen de Escobar in Parana Delta), *Paint-billed Crake (1 near Tumbay in roadside marsh),
*Giant Coot (small nos Laguna Pozuelos), *Slate-coloured (Andean) Coot (C in north-west Andes), Red-gartered Coot, White-winged Coot, Red-fronted Coot, Common Gallinule,
*Black-legged Seriema (1 on track near J.V. Gonzalez at midday- others heard in vicinity),
Red-legged Seriema (heard only - along Salta-Jujuy road and near San Pedro),
Wattled Jacana, American Oystercatcher, Magellanic Oystercatcher (C in Tierra del Fuego), Blackish Oystercatcher (U on Ushuaia foreshore),
*Andean Avocet (2 near Abra Pampa), White-backed Stilt, Southern Lapwing,
*Andean Lapwing (U around Laguna Pozuelos and along Cachi-Salta road),
*American Golden Plover (C around San Clemente), Tawny-throated Dotterel (groups near Rio Grande and along Cachi-Salta road), *Two-banded Plover (C in Tierra del Fuego and at Punta Rasa), *Puna Plover (4 at Laguna Pozuelos), Semi-palmated Plover,
*Magellanic Plover (3 around pool 10km west of Estancia Maria Behety, ie 28km west of Rio Grande),
Greater Yellowlegs, Lesser Yellowlegs, Solitary Sandpiper, Spotted Sandpiper, Baird’s Sandpiper, White-rumped Sandpiper, Hudsonian Godwit (C at Punta Rasa), South American Snipe, Wilson’s Phalarope, Turnstone,
Least Seedsnipe (C in Tierra del Feugo), Snowy Sheathbill (U in Beagle Channel),
*Southern Skua (U in Beagle Channel), *Chilean Skua (C in Beagle Channel and around Ushuaia),
Dolphin Gull (C in Tierra del Fuego), *Olrog’s Gull (35 at roost at Mundo Marino), Kelp Gull,
*Andean Gull (U at Carneiga Dam and Laguna Pozuelos), Grey-hooded Gull, Brown-hooded Gull, *Snowy-crowned Tern (C at Punta Rasa), Common Tern, South American Tern (C in Beagle Channel), Black Skimmer (U at Punta Rasa),
Pale-vented Pigeon, Picazuro Pigeon, *Spot-winged Pigeon (C in Entre Rios and in chaco), Rock Dove, Eared Dove, Picui Ground-Dove,
*Black-winged Ground-Dove (C at El Infiernilla), *Bare-eyed Ground-Dove (C at El Infiernilla), *Golden-spotted Ground-Dove (C around Laguna Pozuelos),
White-tipped Dove, *White-faced Dove (small nos at El Caldera and in Calilegua),
Grey-fronted Dove (U at Iguazu),
*Golden-collared Macaw (2 in Calilegua), *Mitred Parakeet (C in yungas), *Blue-crowned Parakeet (party near J.V. Gonzalez), White-eyed Parakeet (C at Iguazu),
*Burrowing Parrot (C between Cafayete and Cachi), *Austral Parakeet (3 between Ushuaia and Rio Grande), Monk Parakeet, *Green-cheeked Parakeet (C at El Caldera and in Calilegua), *Maroon-bellied Parakeet (C around Iguazu), *Grey-hooded Parakeet (U along Cachi-Salta road; between Jujuy and Tumbay; and at Pampa de Achala),
*Mountain Parakeet (C - near Cachi and between Tumbay and Laguna Pozuelos),
*Blue-winged Parrotlet (C around Iguazu), *Pileated Parrot (U in Iguazu), *Scaly-headed Parrot (C in Iguazu and yungas), *Blue-fronted Parrot (6 near J.V. Gonzalez),
*Tucuman Parrot (small party in Calilegua),
Dark-billed Cuckoo (U but widespread), *Pearly-breasted Cuckoo (1 in Iguazu), *Ash-coloured Cuckoo (1 near San Jose de las Salinas), Greater Ani, Smooth-billed Ani,
Guira Cukoo, Squirrel Cuckoo,
Barn Owl, Burrowing Owl, Short-eared Owl (1 near Abra Pampa), Tropical Screech-Owl (heard only near La Cumbre and Icho Cruz), *Little Nightjar (small nos near J. V. Gonzalez), Rufous Nightjar (1 near Calilegua),
White-collared Swift, *Great Dusky Swift (C in Iguazu), *Ashy-tailed Swift (U around Iguazu and in north-west Andes), *Andean Swift (U but widespread in north-west Andes),
*Scale-throated Hermit (2 in Iguazu), *Planalto Hermit (2 in Calilegua),
*Red-tailed Comet (C and widespread in various habitats from Cordoba north),
*Blue-tufted Starthroat (1 in El Palmar; several near J.V. Gonzalez), Sparkling Violetear (U along Cachi-Salta road and near Humahuaca), *White-vented Violetear (1 near Tafi del Valle), *White-throated Hummingbird (1 at Punta Rasa),
*White-bellied Hummingbird (small nos in Calilegua), *Violet-capped Woodnymph (small nos in Iguazu), Speckled Hummingbird (1 at El Caldera), *Plovercrest (1 at Hotel Los Orquideas), Glittering-bellied Emerald, *Gilded Sapphire (C - Atalaya, Ezeiza and Iguazu),
*Slender-tailed Woodstar (U at El Caldera and in Calilegua), *Giant Hummingbird (1 near Humahuaca),
Black-throated Trogon (1 in Iguazu), *Surucua Trogon (6 in Iguazu), *Blue-crowned Trogon (1 near San Pedro),
Ringed Kingfisher, Amazon Kingfisher, Green Kingfisher,
*Rufous-capped Motmot (1 in Iguazu),
*Chesnut-eared Aracari (small nos around Hotel Los Orquideas), *Toco Toucan (C around Iguazu), *Red-breasted Toucan (1 near Hotel Los Orquideas; 2 in Iguazu),
*Rusty-breasted Nunlet (2 in Iguazu), *Spot-backed Puffbird (pairs near Metan and near San Jose de las Salinas),
Camp Flicker, *Andean Flicker (U but widespread in north-west Andes),
*Golden-breasted Woodpecker (C and widespread), *Blond-crested Woodpecker (4 in Iguazu),
*Yellow-fronted Woodpecker (C around Iguazu), *White-fronted Woodpecker (pair 30km south of Cachi), *Checkered Woodpecker (pair at Atalaya; 1 near J.V. Gonzalez), *White-spotted Woodpecker (C in Iguazu), Dot-fronted Woodpecker (heard only in Calilegua),
*Ochre-collared Piculet (C in Iguazu), *White-barred Piculet (1 near Palma Sola; 1 near Dean Fumes), Lineated Woodpecker, *Cream-backed Woodpecker (4 near Palma Sola),
*Robust Woodpecker (4 in Iguazu; 1 at Hotel Los Orquideas),
*Magellanic Woodpecker (3 in Tierra del Fuego Nat Park),
*Great Rufous Woodcreeper (1 near J.V. Gonzalez), *White-throated Woodcrepper (1 in Iguazu), *Scimitar-billed Woodcreeper (1 at Ceibas; 1 near Metan),
Narrow-billed Woodcreeper, *Lesser Woodcreeper (1 in Iguazu),
*Thrush-like Woodcreeper (1 in Iguazu), Olivaceous Woodcreeper (C around Iguazu; 1 near Tucuman),
*Rufous-banded Miner (2 on Cachi-Salta road), *Puna Miner (small nos between Abra Pampa and Laguno Pozuelos), Common Miner (small nos between Abra Pampa and Laguno Pozuelos, and along Cachi-Salta road), *Short-billed Miner (U behind coast south of Rio Grande),
*Buff-breasted Earthcreeper (3 at El Infiernilla),
*Rock Earthcreeper (4 along Cachi-Salta road; 3 between Humahuaca and Abra Pampa),
*Straight-billed Earthcreeper (2 between Humahuaca and Abra Pampa),
*Chaco Earthcreeper (1 near J.V. Gonzalez),
*Dark-bellied Cinclodes (C in Tierra del Fuego), *Grey-flanked Cinclodes (1 at Martial Glacier),
*White-winged Cinclodes (U at El Infiernilla and between Abra Pampa and Laguna Pozuelos),
Bar-winged Cinclodes (C and widespread), *Comechingones (Cordoba) Cinclodes (C at Pampa de Achala), *Olrog’s Cinclodes (C at Pampa de Achala),
Rufous Hornero, *Crested Hornero (C in chaco), *Brown Cacholote (C in chaco),
*Canebrake Groundcreeper (1 in Iguazu),
*White-eyed Foliage-gleaner (U in Iguazu), Buff-fronted Foliage-gleaner (U in Iguazu),
*Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner (C in yungas; 1 in El Palmar),
*Black-capped Foliage-gleaner (C in Iguazu), *Ochre-breasted Foliage-gleaner (C in Iguazu),
*Curve-billed Reedhaunter (1 at Otamendi),
Sulphur-bearded Spinetail (small nos Reserve Campos del Tuyu), Yellow-throated Spinetail (U at Ceibas and Puerto Boco), Pale-breasted Spinetail (U in chaco),
*Stripe-crowned Spinetail (U but widespread in chaco in Cordoba province),
*Sooty-fronted Spinetail (C in chaco; 2 at El Caldera), *Chotoy Spinetail (2 at Ceibas),
*Azara’s (Buff-browed) Spinetail (U at El Caldera and in Calilegua), *Rufous-capped Spinetail (2 in Iguazu), *Ochre-cheeked Spinetail (4 in Calilegua),
*Chicli Spinetail (U at Atalaya and Otamendi),
*Bay-capped Wren-spinetail (U at Punta Rasa, Atalaya and Otamendi),
Wren-like Rushbird (C in eastern wetlands), *Thorn-tailed Rayadito (C in Tierra del Fuego),
*Firewood-gatherer (U in San Clemente area and elsewhere in Buenos Aires province),
*Lark-like Brushrunner (C in chaco),
*Short-billed Canastero (C in chaco; small nos along Cachi-Salta road),
*Creamy-breasted Canastero (C between Abra Pampa and Laguna Pozuelos; small nos between Jujuy and Humahuaca),
Cordilleran Canastero (U but widespread in north-west Andes),
*Hudson’s Canastero (3 at Punta Rasa), *Austral Canastero (2 near Cabo Penas),
*Puna (Cordoba) Canastero (2 at El Infiernilla; 1 at Pampa de Achala),
*Tufted Tit-spinetail (1 at Ceibas; 1 near Dean Fumes), Plain-mantled Tit-spinetail (1 between Humahuaca and Abra Pampa), *Brown-capped Tit-Spinetail (C along Cachi-Salta road),
Common (Rufous-fronted) Thornbird (C near J.V. Gonzalez and at Carneiga Dam),
*Little Thornbird (1 near San Jose de las Salinas), Freckle-breasted Thornbird (U in eastern wetlands), *Streak-fronted Thornbird (2 between Humahuaca and Laguna Pozuelos),
*White-throated Treerunner (1 in Tierra del Fuego Nat Park),
*Sharp-billed Treehunter (1 in Iguazu), Streaked Xenops (C in Iguazu), Plain Xenops (U in Iguazu),
*Giant Antshrike (3 birds seen separately in Calilegua), *Tufted Antshrike (1 in Iguazu),
Great Antshrike (U in chaco), *Variable Antshrike (C - in Iguazu, El Palmar, Calilegua and at J. V. Gonzalez),
Plain Antvireo (C in Iguazu), *Rufous-winged Antwren (small nos in Iguazu),
*Black-capped Antwren (1 in Calilegua),
*Rufous Gnateater (1 in Iguazu),
*Short-tailed Ant-thrush (1 in Iguazu, others calling),
*White-throated Antpitta (1 in Calilegua, others calling),
*Crested Gallito (C near J.V. Gonzalez),
*Sandy Gallito (1 between Cachi and Rio Tin Tin, others calling),
*Olive-crowned Crescentchest (2 called in near La Cumbre with tape by Hernan),
*White-browed Tapaculo (1 at El Infiernilla),
*Crested Becard (U but widespread in yungas), *Green-backed Becard (2 in El Palmar),
*White-naped Xenopsaris (1 at Ceibas),
Blue Manakin (C in Iguazu),
Greenish Schiffornis (small nos in Iguazu),
*Black-billed Shrike-Tyrant (C at El Infiernilla),
*White Monjita (C and widespread), *Black-crowned Monjita (1 near La Cumbre),
*Fire-eyed Duicon (2 between Ushuaia and Rio Grande),
*Cinereous Ground-Tyrant (2 between Humahuaca and Abra Pampa),
*Cinnamon-bellied Ground-Tyrant (1 near Rio Grande), *Dark-faced Ground-Tyrant (C in Tierra del Fuego), *Rufous-naped Ground-Tyrant (4 at Pampa de Achala),
*Ochre-naped Ground-Tyrant (2 at Martial Glacier),
*Andean Negrito (small nos around Laguno Pozuelos and near Humahuaca),
*White-browed Chat-Tyrant (C between Cachi and Salta), Spectacled Tyrant, Black Phoebe,
Long-tailed Tyrant (1 at Hotel Los Orquideas), *White-winged Black-Tyrant (C in north-west Andes), *Andean Tyrant (2 in Calilegua), *Cinereous Tyrant (1 near San Jose de las Salinas), Variegated Flycatcher, Streaked Flycatcher,
*Black-backed Water-Tyrant (U at Ceibas and Costanera Sur),
Sooty Tyrannulet (U in eastern wetlands), Many-coloured Rush-Tyrant (U - San Clemente and Otamendi), Cattle Tyrant, *Yellow-browed Tyrant (1 near Tumbay), Great Kiskadee,
Boat-billed Flycatcher, *Three-striped Flycatcher (1 behind Hotel Los Orquideas),
Tropical Kingbird, Fork-tailed Flycatcher, *Sirystes (C in Iguazu),
*Crowned Slaty Flycatcher (C in chaco and in El Palmar),
*Rufous Casiornis (two 30km south of Cachi), Brown-crested Flycatcher, Dusky-capped Flycatcher (U in yungas), *Swainson’s Flycatcher (1 in El Palmar),
Smoke-coloured Pewee (U in yungas), Euler’s Flycatcher,
*Southern Scrub-Flycatcher (U - near Palma Sola and J.V. Gonzalez), *Suiriri Flycatcher (1 at Otamendi; 1 near Jujuy), Cinnamon Flycatcher, Bran-coloured Flycatcher,
*Large-headed Flatbill (1 in Iguazu), Yellow-olive Flycatcher, *Russet-winged Spadebill (1 in Iguazu), *Drab-breasted Pygmy-Tyrant (1 in Iguazu), *Ochre-faced Tody-Flycatcher (U - Iguazu and Calilega), Pearly-vented Tody-Tyrant (U - J.V. Gonzalez and Carneiga Dam),
*Eared Pygmy-Tyrant (small nos in Iguazu),
*Southern Bristle-Tyrant (2 in Iguazu), *Bay-ringed Tyrannulet (1 in Iguazu), *Sao Paulo Tyrannulet (1 in Iguazu), *Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet (2 in Iguazu; widespread in yungas), Yellow Tyrannulet (U in Iguazu), *Tawny-crowned Pygmy-Tyrant (1 at Puerto Boco), *Bearded Tachuri (1 in El Palmar), Vermilion Flycatcher, Warbling Doradito (C in eastern wetlands),
*Subtropical Doradito (1 between Cafayete and Cachi; 1 between Cachi and Salta),
*Greater Wagtail-Tyrant (C in chaco), White-crested Tyrannulet, *White-bellied Tyrannulet (two 20km south of Cachi), Tufted Tit-Tyrant (U - Tierra del Fuego; between Cachi and Salta),
White-throated Tyrannulet (C in Calilegua), *Highland Elaenia (1 in Calilegua),
Yellow-bellied Elaenia, *Slaty Elaenia (2 with young at El Caldera),
*White-crested Elaenia (C in Tierra del Fuego; 3 in Calilegua), Small-billed Elaenia, *Grey Elaenia (2 in Iguazu), Sepia-capped Flycatcher (1 in Iguazu), Southern Beardless Tyrannulet (U but widespread), *Sclater’s Tyrranulet (C at El Caldera and in Calilegua),
*Grey-hooded Flycatcher (2 in Iguazu), *Southern Antpipit (1 in Iguazu),
*White-tipped Plantcutter (C and widespread), Barn Swallow, Cliff Swallow,
Southern Martin, Grey-breasted Martin, Brown-chested Martin, White-rumped Swallow,
*Chilean Swallow (C in Tierra del Fuego), White-winged Swallow (U at Iguazu),
Blue-and-white Swallow, *Black-collared Swallow (1 in Iguazu), Southern Rough-winged Swallow, *Tawny-headed Swallow (40+ near lake 20km north of Salta),
*Plush-crested Jay (C in north),
*Rufous-throated Dipper (1 at Rio Yala),
*Sedge (Grass) Wren (2 at Punta Rasa), House Wren, Mountain Wren (C in yungas),
Chalk-browed Mockingbird, White-banded Mockingbird,
*Brown-backed Mockingbird (C between Abra Pampa and Tumbay),
Glossy-black Thrush (U in Calilegua), Rufous-bellied Thrush, Creamy-bellied Thrush,
Pale-breasted Thrush (U in Iguazu), White-necked Thrush (2 in Iguazu), *Austral Thrush (C in Tierra del Fuego), *Andean Slaty-Thrush (1 at El Caldera),
*Chiguanco Thrush (C in north-west Andes),
*Short-billed Pipit (3 at El Infiernilla), *Hellmayr’s Pipit (2 at Pampa de Achala),
*Correndera Pipit (C - Buenos Aires province, Tierra del Fuego, Abra Pampa),
Masked Gnatcatcher, *Creamy-bellied Gnatcatcher (1 in Iguazu),
Red-eyed Vireo, Rufous-browed Peppershrike (1 at El Caldera), House Sparrow,
Two-banded Warbler (U in yungas), Golden-crowned Warbler, Masked Yellowthroat,
*Brown-capped Redstart (C in north-west Andes and Cordoba province), Tropical Parula, Bananaquit,
Chesnut-vented Conenbill (C in Iguazu), Slaty Flowerpiercer (2 between Cachi and Salta),
Blue Dacnis, Swallow-Tanager (4 in Iguazu), Golden-rumped Euphonia, Purple-throated Euphonia, Violaceous Euphonia, *Chesnut-bellied Euphonia (3 in Iguazu),
Guira Tanager (U in Iguazu), Common Bush-Tanager, *Green-headed Tanager (U in Iguazu and aroound Hotel Los Orquideas), Magpie Tanager (3 in Iguazu), *Black-goggled Tanager (C in Iguazu), *Ruby-crowned Tanager (small nos in Iguazu), White-lined Tanager,
*Diademed Tanager (1 in El Palmar), *Sayaca Tanager (C and widespread), Fawn-breasted Tanager (U in yungas), Red-crowned Ant-Tanager (C in Iguazu), (Lowland) Hepatic Tanager (individuals near J.V. Gonzelez , Palma Sola and Tucuman), *Blue-and-yellow Tanager (C and widespread), *Rust-and-yellow Tanager (1 in Calilegua), *Orange-headed Tanager (U - Calilegua and near San Pedro),
*Golden-billed Saltator (C and widespread), *Green-winged Saltator (1 in Iguazu),
Greyish Saltator, Red-crested Cardinal, *Yellow-billed Cardinal (2 at Costanera Sur),
*Black-backed Grosbeak (C in north-west Andes),
*Yellow-striped Brush-Finch (1 below Tafi del Valle), *Stripe-headed Brush-Finch (C in yungas),
*Fulvous-headed Brush-Finch (C in yungas), *Saffron-billed Sparrow (U - El Caldera; near San Pedro; Calilegua), *Yellow-bridled Finch (3 at Martial Glacier),
Ultramarine Grosbeak (2 in El Palmar), Blue-black Grassquit, *Dull-coloured Grassquit (2 between Cachi and Salta), Double-collared Seedeater, *Lined Seedeater (1 near San Pedro; 1 near Palma Sola), *Marsh Seedeater (1 at Puerto Boca), *Chesnut Seedeater (5 in El Palmar),
*Band-tailed Seedeater (U between Cachi and Salta), Plain-coloured Seedeater (C - between Cachi and Salta; El Infiernello), Common Duica-Finch (U near Cachi), Misto Yellow-Finch,
Saffron Finch, *Bright-rumped Yellow-Finch (C at Abra Pampa), *Greenish Yellow-Finch (C in north-west Andes), *Puna Yellow-Finch (small nos between Abra Pampa and Laguna Pozuelos),
Patagonian Yellow-Finch (U in Tierra del Fuego), *Band-tailed Sierra-Finch (U at El Infiernello), Plumbeous Sierra-Finch (C in north-west Andes), *Ash-breasted Sierra-Finch (C in north-west Andes), *Grey-hooded Sierra-Finch (C between Cafayete and Salta), *Black-hooded Sierra-Finch (C between Humahuaca and Laguna Pozuelos), Mourning Sierra-Finch (C in north-west Andes), *Tucuman Mountain-Finch (3 at El Infiernello; 1 between Cachi and Salta),
*Black-crested Finch (U - near San Jose de las Salinas and near Metan),
*Red-crested Finch (C in north), *Stripe-capped Sparrow (C in chaco), Rufous-collared Sparrow, Grassland Sparrow, Long-tailed Reed-Finch (C in eastern wetlands),
*Rusty-browed Warbling-Finch (C in yungas), *Rufous-sided Warbling-Finch (2 with young 30km south of Cachi), Black-and-rufous Warbling-Finch (C in eastern wetlands),
*Black-and-chesnut Warbling-Finch (1 near Carlos Paz; 1 near La Cumbre),
*Black-capped Warbling-Finch (C in north), *Ringed Warbling-Finch (C in Cordoba chaco), Many-coloured Chaco-Finch (C in chaco), Great Pampa-Finch (C, including western race),
*Black Siskin (C - between Cachi and Salta; between Humahuaca and Abra Pampa),
*Thick-billed Siskin (2 between Abra Pampa and Laguna Pozuelos), Hooded Siskin,
Black-chinned Siskin (C in Tierra del Fuego),
Crested Oropendola (U - Calilelgua), *Golden-winged Cacique (U - between Cachi and Salta; Calilegua), Red-rumped Cacique (C in Iguazu), *Solitary Cacique (2 near J.V. Gonzalez),
*Chopi Blackbird (C around Iguazu), *Austral Blackbird (3 in Tierra del Fuego),
Epaulet Oriole, *Screaming Cowbird (C and widespread), Shining Cowbird,
Bay-winged Cowbird, *Unicoloured Blackbird (2 at Puerto Boco), *Chesnut-capped Blackbird (C at Puerto Boco), Yellow-winged Blackbird, *Brown-and-yellow Marshbird (C in eastern wetlands), *Scarlet-headed Blackbird (1 at Puerto Boco; 1 between Ceibas and Buenos Aires), White-browed Blackbird (C in eastern wetlands), Long-tailed Meadowlark (U in Tierra del Fuego),
589 total. 286 lifers.
Patagonian Fox, Wild Hare, Tapiti, Southern Sea-Lion, Guanaco (U - Tierra del Fuego; between Cachi and Salta), Vicuna (C around Laguna Pozuelos), *Red Brocket Deer (1 in Iguazu), *South American Coati (40+ in one group in Iguazu), *Brown Cappuchin Monkey (U in Iguazu and Calilegua), Azara’s Agouti (U in Iguazu), Guianan Squirrel, Guinea pigs - Cavia pamparum in pampas and Galea musteloides in north).
13 total. 7 lifers.