Greg Roberts
With Glenn Scherf. Relatively little time was spent birding, but Park Territorial de la Riviere Bleue (PT) was visited on 15/8, and again on 17/8 in the company of Yves Letocart, the park supervisor who has worked with the Kagu for 20 years. The Monts Koghis (M) were visited on 19/8. Base was a hotel at Anse Vata in Noumea. I visited New Caledonia previously in 1987. * denotes lifer.
Roussette [New Caledonian Flying-Fox] (1 at PT).
White-faced Heron, Rufous Night-Heron, Swamphen, Buff-banded Rail, Silver Gull, Crested Tern, Wild Turkey, Ring-necked Pheasant, *Kagu (1 on 15/8 at PT near Grand Kaori; family of 4 including two adults, a sub-adult and a chick, on 17/8 at PT near Refuge des Ornithologues), Osprey, Whistling Kite, Swamp Harrier, Brown Goshawk (regular at Kuendu Bay, Noumea), *White-bellied Goshawk (1 at M), Brush Cuckoo, Shining Bronze-Cuckoo, Sacred Kingfisher, White-rumped Swiftet, Glossy Swiftlet, Indian Turtle-Dove, White-throated Pigeon, New Caledonian Imperial-Pigeon [Notu] (calling commonly at PT; 4 seen), Rainbow Lorikeet, Red-crowned (New Caledonian) Parakeet (1 at PT), *Horned Parakeet (2 singles at PT), Fan-tailed Gerygone (common), Yellow-bellied Robin (common at PT), New Caledonian Striped Fantail (common at PT), Grey Fantail, New Caledonian Flycatcher (1 at PT), Rufous Whistler, New Caledonian Whistler (common), Silver-eared [Dark-brown] Honeyeater (common), New Caledonian Friarbird (common), New Caledonian Myzomela (common), Barred Honeyeater (common at RT), *Crow Honeyeater (1 at PT, taped in by Yves Letocart), Melanesian Cuckoo-shrike (common), *New Caledonian Cuckoo-shrike [Mountain Greybird] (several heard, 1 seen at PT), Southern Shrikebill (1 at PT), Silvereye, Green-backed White-eye (common), Red-throated Parrot-Finch (common at PT), Common Waxbill, House Sparrow, Chesnut-breasted Mannikin, Red-vented Bulbul, Indian Mynah, Striated Starling, White-breasted Woodswallow.
50 species.