This report details a birding trip in Micronesia between 10th Feb – 6th Mar 2002. In total, I saw 35 out of about 40 Micronesian endemics.
For more information on specific islands, check:
And, for the Species link - check HERE.
Transport between the islands is only feasible on a short trip by plane and Continental Micronesia (Air Mike) is the only carrier between the islands. This lack of competition precludes cheap flights. I lost of a time trying to organise the flights through UK and Hawaii travel agents. I finally discovered that the best option was to contact Continental directly. There are air pass deals available which might work out cheaper for multi-island travel than buying scheduled flights, but be aware that the deals available from the US offices were different to those available from the UK. I was advised to phone the UK free phone number after 21:00, so I would be connected through to a US agent who was aware of the air pass deal I had. Once the final changes were made, the UK office issued my tickets.
My route was Hawaii - Guam – Palau – Yap – Guam – Saipan – Guam – Truk (Chuuk) – Pohnpei – Hawaii and the total cost of my flights was around 1100 pounds. It might be possible to get a cheaper price if flying in from the Philippines, but the timetable of the rest of my round the world trip precluded that option for me.
A variety of options were used for ground travel, but hired cars were only needed on Saipan and Rota: taxis were sufficient on the other islands.
I was in Micronesia for about 25 days. By concentrating solely on birding, it would be possible to reduce the duration of the trip with about 2 weeks (flights permitting) being the absolute minimum. However, as I was not in a hurry and also spent several days diving, I opted for the longer trip duration. I ended up having to take a conservative approach to planning due to the limited birding information available.
Costs and Other Travel Considerations
For anybody used to Asian or backpacking travelling, Micronesian prices will come as a shock, as I found no budget accommodation in the region. It would work out cheaper for 2 or more people travelling together as all hotel rooms I stayed in could accommodate 2-4 people. Overall, few things were cheap on the islands. The US dollar is used through the islands and English is widely spoken. Although Mosquitos were encountered in a number of locations, there is no problem with Malaria. The only health problem I had was a particularly bad dose of food poisoning in Palau.
Reports and Acknowledgements
I was unable to find much information on birding in Micronesian to base the trip on. My trip was largely based on advice from Guy Dutson who had visited most of the islands over a couple of visits and who was a great source of help. I have added some brief notes from Guy to supplement my observations. Thanks also to Bill Raynor for advice on birding Pohnpei and putting me up for the night and to Tina de Cruz for advice on birding Saipan, Rota and Tinian.
I also had a couple of reports from the internet covering birding trips by Peter Lonsdale (Pohnpei) and Fer-Jan de Vries (Palau). I found the Micronesia section of Wheatley’s book to be of limited use in the region. The ‘Birds of Hawaii and the Tropical Pacific’ field guide was sufficient for identifying the birds seen.
A cassette tape of Bird Recordings of Micronesia will be available from me around the end of 2002. For further information, please contact me by Email at
Guy Dutson Brief notes of Micronesia trips in 2000
and 2001
Peter Lonsdale Pohnpei (24-26 Jan 99)
Fer-Jan de Vries Palau (22 Dec 94-4 Jan 95)
Nigel Wheatley Where to Watch Birds in Australasia
& the Pacific
Throughout this report, I have used capitals to demote Micronesian endemic species and lower case for non-endemics.
I stayed in Koror at the New Koror Hotel ($33 – tel
680 - 488 1159) in the center of the main town of the independent state
of Palau. I took the local boat from Koror to Peleliu ($4 – which leaves
Mon/Thurs @12:00 and returns Weds/Sat). Apparently, it’s also possible
to get to Peleliu other days using the dive boats (try organising via the
dive operators in Koror). I returned back to Koror on a dive boat ($37)
organised by Peleliu Divers. The islands are scenic with a large amount
of tree cover on steep limestone islands. The population seems to be centred
on the capital and a few other small towns.
I stayed at Wenty’s Guesthouse and as pre-booked was met at the quay ($20). They can provide meals, but I had to buy drinks etc from shops in town. A kitchen is available for those who wish to self-cater. The more expensive Storyboard Beach Resort nearby is the main dive operator (Peleliu Divers) for the island ( 680 – 345 1058).
Walking South out of town from Wenty’s leads quickly into an area of secondary forest and scrub. Birding along the roadside and exploring a few side tracks, produced 8 of the single island endemics within the first mile (PALAU SWIFTLET, GIANT WHITE-EYE, PALAU FANTAIL, MORNINGBIRD, PALAU BUSH-WARBLER, PALAU FRUIT-DOVE, PALAU FLYCATCHER, DUSKY WHITE-EYE), in addition to the more widespread Micronesian endemics (MICRONESIAN STARLING, CAROLINE ISLANDS WHITE-EYE, MICRONESIAN MYZOMELA). Most of these species were easily and commonly found in a days birding: the only exception being DUSKY WHITE-EYE, which I only saw once. Despite a lot of looking, I saw no sign of PALAU GROUND DOVE around this area as indicated by Wheatley. Further exploration of the forests around the Japanese Gun might be more successful.
I hired a bicycle from Wenty’s on the following day and explored the rest of the island: it is less than one hour easy cycle to the southern end. There is some good forest on side dirt tracks into the forest heading to the beach near to the Japanese war HQ and shrine (marked on all the local maps of the island) and about 30 minutes by bicycle from town. I saw 3 MICRONESIAN MEGAPODES and heard one more whilst cycling along these tracks. Otherwise, I saw a similar selection of species to the first day.
The final day, I spent diving just two, Blue Corner and Virgin Blue Hole, of the many superb dive sites in the vicinity of Peleliu with Peleliu Divers. These sites are also possible to access from Koror, but with more travelling involved. Due to food poisoning in Koror, I had no opportunity to explore the Rock islands and other sites close to Koror or do any additional diving there after returning from Peleliu.
Additional comments from Guy Dutson
I didn’t manage any serious birding, just short walks from Koror town and a couple of short trips to the Rock Islands. Most of the endemics are relatively common in any forest; the less common species are all mentioned below. The best site that I found close to Koror was just over the South-west causeway to the first island - there is a Mobil filling station, go to the rear Mobil sign next to a small wharf, a trail starts about 6m from this sign, over a rocky cleft, along a wide ledge, then inland for about half a mile through good forest. I saw PALAU BUSH-WARBLER here (commonly heard, not so easy to see), and heard many PALAU OWLS. I saw a probable MICRONESIAN KINGFISHER here; the only other that I saw was at the airport. At a short trail through mangroves further down the road to the Nikko Hotel, I saw 2 PALAU GROUND DOVES in flight, but I guess that this was luck. I had excellent views of PALAU GROUND DOVE on one of the Rock Islands, just behind the building on ‘Margie’s beach’. I also heard MICRONESIAN MEGAPODE here, but I had insufficient time to see it. The MEGAPODE can also be seen on Ulong Island, which requires a chartered boat visit. Ron Leidich is the only birder on Palau (; based in Sam’s Tours); he would be able to arrange trips to Ulong. GIANT WHITE-EYE requires a boat trip to its specific islands, but I managed flight-views from the dolphin centre. Nicobar Pigeons fly overheard in small numbers every morning, as did a Grey-faced Buzzard, possibly the first for the Pacific? I never saw or heard MORNINGBIRD.
Yap is part of the Fedarated States of Micronesia, FSM, which also includes the island states of Truk (Chuuk), Pohnpei and Kosrae. I stayed at the Ocean View Hotel ($44) in the capital, Colonia, conveniently located close to the expensive Mantaray Hotel (, which is the main dive centre on Yap. I ate at the Mantaray, as only hot drinks were available at the Ocean View.
By walking North of the town for several miles along the main road and then taking the dirt side road to Fanil, I saw the 3 single island endemics in scrubby secondary habitat and gardens (PLAIN WHITE-EYE (very common), TRUK MONARCH (1 seen), YAP (OLIVE) WHITE-EYE (only 1 pair seen on Fanil road)). MICRONESIAN STARLING and MICRONESIAN MYZOMELA were both common.
On the second day, I took a taxi ($4) to South of airport and explored the secondary scrub along the dirt road and side tracks. I saw 2 WHITE-THROATED GROUND DOVES (sometimes split from Saipan birds as WHITE-HEADED GROUND DOVE). In addition, I saw PLAIN WHITE-EYE (common), TRUK MONARCH (several) and 1 of the endemic race of Cicadabird. You can either arrange for the taxi to pick you up again or hitch back into town. I saw a small flock of Tufted Ducks on the main reservoir North of the airport.
In the late afternoon, I took the taxi again to some forest about 1 mile along the first left hand turning after passing the sports centre ($10 and $10/hr of waiting time). This was about 8-10 miles North of Colonia. One MICRONESIAN IMPERIAL PIGEON was seen and several others heard calling from the forest, but I didn’t explore the forest.
The final day, I spent diving with the Mantaray Divers and saw 2-3 Manta Rays as well as a good selection of other reef fish.
Additional comments from Guy Dutson
The three endemics and WHITE-HEADED GROUND DOVE are relatively common in forest, best seen in mature scrub with big trees. The Dove can be seen flying across roads anywhere, such as around the airport. The best forest appeared to be just north of Colonia, but I didn’t get into it. Two small pools close to the airport were good for Yap vagrants (Little Egret, Teal, Wigeon, Whiskered and White-winged Terns). Check out a map or walk South of the airport, take the first left / East turn to the old airport, the first pond is down a track to the left or visible from walking left along the old airport. The other pond is further down the main road about 300m beyond this old airport road, just visible through the bushes on a sharp corner. The main reservoir, between Colonia and the current airport, was birdless.
Saipan is part of the North Marianas islands and is a Commonwealth island of the US. The result is it has become very americanised as well as being turned into a gambling/shopping island for rich Japanese. Therefore, little of the culture and identity of 30 years ago remains according to one of the locals I spoke to. However, the endemic birds are still there and not too hard to see once you have some good info on the sites.
Getting around on Saipan really needs a car or at minimum a motorcycle. Car hire is not cheap, especially if hiring from the main firms. The cheapest way to travel around is to organise a car via your hotel. I stayed at the Paradise Hotel ($38.50,, tel 670-234-8224) for a very good room in the main town, Gorapan. Ask for an airport pickup (which is cheaper than a taxi). I hired a car at reduced rates via the hotel at $45/day inc. fully collision damage waiver: one day was sufficient to see the key birds on Saipan.
The main birding sites are at the north end of the island. Drive on the main road North of Gorapan until you reach La Fiesta mall. A right turn just after the mall leads uphill and shortly reaches a junction with a big blue water tank. On both visits, I saw WHITE-THROATED GROUND DOVE flying over in this area. This species is fairly easily seen for a Ground Dove and was encountered on several other occasions flying over high while driving around on the island, often in secondary habitat close to areas of population etc.
Taking the right turning, leads up to the old radar station. There is a trail on a sharp right hand bends after a mile or two. A short drivable dirt track leads off for 50m to a parking area and the start of a footpath, the Hadderantanki trail. Birding is good along this trail or by continuing on foot along the drivable track. Both GOLDEN and BRIDLED WHITE-EYES are common in this area (as they appear to be by continuing along the metalled road to the radar station or in the rest of the Marpi Commonwealth forest). Also, Collared Kingfisher, Rufous Fantail, MICRONESIAN STARLING and MICRONESIAN MYZOMELA are commonly seen. Several MARIANA FRUIT-DOVES were heard calling and one was seen well after following up on the calls. Calls appear very similar to my ears to the other Fruit-Doves in the Pacific. MARIANA FRUIT-DOVES were also encountered in a number of other locations in the islands flying around in a similar manner to the Ground Dove.
The left hand turning at the blue tank is a dirt road, which follows the forest edge North for several miles, before exiting in the Marpi Commonwealth forest. Apparently, this area has several pairs of NIGHTINGALE REED WARBLERS, but they are difficult to locate if not singing.
Continuing North into the Marpi Commonwealth forest, which is reasonably well signposted, I followed signs for the Bird Lookout and caves going South along the Eastern side of the forest. The Bird Lookout overlooks an island with a colony of Common (Brown) Noddys. Continuing South along the drivable dirt track, there is a clear view over cliffs to the right of the track where several GUAM SWIFTLETS were seen flying high, but not close. I finally heard and obtained very good views of a NIGHTINGALE REED WARBLER further along the track.
Apparently, MICRONESIAN MEGAPODES are fairly easily seen near the Korean War memorial in the park, by walking into the forest in this area, but I didn't have time to look. To the West of this memorial, is a cliff where both Red-tailed and White-tailed Tropicbirds were seen.
This island was visited for one day. I booked my return flight with Pacific Island Aviation (subsidiary of North Western) for $140, through a travel agent in Gorapan. I used the same travel agent to arrange an overnight stay at the Coral Garden Hotel and rental car package for $67.50, in the main town of Song-Song in the South of the island. Planes fly several times/day. After picking up the car at the airport, I saw a pair of MARIANAS CROWS by the roadside where the road first reaches the coast and drops down close to sea level on the way to Song-Song. Apparently, the best site to see this species is the Seabird colony, marked on local island maps to the East of the airport. I spent one hour in early evening and didn't see any, but perhaps spending longer or visiting at a better time of day would help. General birding on Rota produced WHITE-THROATED GROUND DOVE, MARIANA FRUIT-DOVE, MICRONESIAN STARLING and MICRONESIAN MYZOMELA.
The Seabird colony is a large Red-footed Booby colony, with a few Brown Boobys and Great Frigatebirds also present. Apparently, GUAM RAIL has been introduced into this area in small numbers, but I am not sure of the best place to look for these birds. I couldn't locate any trails into the forest. For those with a historical interest, there is an interesting Latte stone quarry, which is believed to be about 3000 years old.
The other main bird of note on the island is the Rota race of BRIDLED
WHITE-EYE, which is a potential split for the future. This is restricted
to a few locations in the Sabana plateau and is going to need local help
to locate. One of the best locations is Stan Taisacan's ranch, which is
marked on the local maps. Stan has a nature trail, but visitors are advised
to contact Stan in advance. I tried turning up on spec in mid afternoon
to find the place empty and the trail closed. Returning early the next
morning, Stan was still nowhere to be found, although his 4WD was there.
The result I missed the bird. Stan can be contacted by Email/phone (,
The main reason for visiting Tinian is TINIAN MONARCH. This is apparently a common and easily seen species across most forested habitats on the island. Having just returned from Rota, I chose to fly with the Freedom Air flight from the main airport on Saipan. A return day trip costs $55 and flights nominally leave every 30 minutes as long as there is more than one person ready to fly on the 15 minute flight. Due to the frequency, it’s not possible to pre-book your flight time. Planes only fly during daytime hours. Alternatively, its possible to take a fast-cat from North of Gorapan. This takes longer and goes three times/day during daylight hours (and three times at night).
TINIAN MONARCH was easily seen on the airport road approach road and I saw eight birds in the first 300m of light forest. Pishing works extremely well on this species. Apparently, there is a good trail in the Southern of the island near to the town, which is also a good site for the Monarch. General birding around the airport also produced MARIANA FRUIT-DOVE, BRIDLED WHITE-EYE, MICRONESIAN STARLING and MICRONESIAN MYZOMELA.
Additional comments from Guy Dutson
I visited Saipan, Rota and Tinian with Gary Allport in 2000. In summary, Rota requires local help to see the endangered Rota BRIDLED WHITE-EYE and MARIANA CROW. Saipan MICRONESIAN MEGAPODES are difficult (try at Suicide Cliff) and NIGHTINGALE REED WARBLERS are difficult when not singing. GUAM SWIFTLETS are best seen from the ridge inland of the town on Saipan and may need specific local directions. MARIANA FRUIT-DOVE, WHITE-THROATED GROUND DOVE, TINIAN MONARCH, GOLDEN WHITE-EYE and Saipan/Tinian BRIDLED WHITE-EYES are widespread.
Continental airlines name for this group of islands surrounded by a outer protecting coral reef is Truk, but the locals seem to prefer Chuuk. This is an expensive island for visitors, with no particularly cheap accommodation. It might be possible to stay in one of the hotels by the airport for $50-60/night. I stayed at the Truk Stop Hotel ( in the main town of Weno on the island of Moen, which has the advantage of a newly opened dive facility as a bonus. I negotiated a reduced price of $63 (down from the normal $70 +tax).
As a result of the protected anchorage within the atoll, it was the main Japanese naval base outside of Japan, until the US attacked it. In two days the US planes sunk/destroyed about 45 ships (nearly all freighters), as well as a warship, a submarine and lots of planes. As a result it is a divers paradise with plenty to see underwater.
Weno is an uninspiring and dirty small port town, with small boats going to all of the surrounding islands. CAROLINE ISLANDS SWIFTLET is commonly found flying over Weno and MICRONESIAN STARLING and MICRONESIAN MYZOMELA are easily seen. I explored a small patch of forest at the Japanese Gun. This is easily reached by taxi. If the driver doesn't know the route, then drive towards the airport from the Truk Stop (about 1km) until a right turn by the Court of Justice. Continue for a few hundred metres to the T junction and turn right (Agriculture office is about 30m up on the left hand side): this is the cross-island road. Continue along this road until the right turning for the hospital. Turn right and continue past the hospital to the end of the road, where an overgrown track leads for 100m to the Japanese Gun. Birding in the area of the Japanese Gun produced Crimson-crowned Fruit-Dove, CAROLINE ISLAND SWIFTLET, OCEANIC FLYCATCHER and CAROLINE ISLAND WHITE-EYE.
OCEANIC FLYCATCHER and CAROLINE ISLAND REED WARBLER were also seen once each around Weno and the Truk Stop Hotel, respectively. Several of each species, were also seen during a brief walk into some secondary forest on Dublan Island during a surface interval on a diving day.
The outer island of Tol South is the place to visit to see TRUK WHITE-EYE
and TRUK MONARCH. This is about one hour by speedboat. However, arranging
access was difficult and it was nearly a week before I was able to get
there (a tropical storm passing through in this period didn’t help access).
I arranged the trip with John Sound, director of the Agriculture office,
having unsuccessfully waited for several days for Ischmael Mikel to try
and organise it. I was charged $28 for fuel and a further $75 for boat
hire (the boat having to come from Tol South to collect me). It is worth
contacting John as he is hoping to organise bed and breakfast accommodation
on the island (nothing currently exists). Alternatively, it might be cheaper
to try and find a boat in the harbour from Tol South and arrange a ride
back and try and arrange accommodation on arrival. However, if intending
to visit the island, I would strongly recommend you ensure you have guides
who know the way to the high forest on the island. It seems that few people
visit the hill beyond their plantations. I was originally told my boatman
knew the way into the forest: he didn’t. All he knew was how to get to
the next village by boat, where I obtained permission from the village
chief and police chief to visit the forest. I was given guides who successfully
walked up the obvious wide landslide that had occurred a couple of days
earlier due to the tropical storm. As soon as we reached the top of the
landslide (200m asl), the guides didn’t know how to get into the forest
or get higher. As a result, I failed to get high enough to see TRUK WHITE-EYE.
I saw one CAROLINE GROUND DOVE in the plantations by the landslide and
a further two birds in the mangroves along with brief views of TRUK MONARCH.
Also seen on Tol South were Crimson-crowned Fruit-Dove, CAROLINE ISLAND
Additional comments from Guy Dutson
To see TRUK WHITE-EYE, a local contact must arrange guides to Mt Winipot on Tol Island. I organised my trip through Joe Kono in the government forestry dept and Ischmael Mikel in community forestry. They arranged for Edmund Isaik to transport me by motor-canoe and guide me up the mountain. It turned out that Edmund had never been up the mountain despite living one km away, but he was a good sport and acceded to my wish to climb it. We climbed the North-west ‘face’ which was challengingly steep, probably dangerous in wet weather. Ascending from the South would be far easier (and also provide important information on forest extent and quality at this end) if it can be arranged. TRUK MONARCH was seen or heard in just three closed-canopy patches of forest from mangrove to summit, best detected by its loud pitta-like call (local name = Uwaw). TRUK WHITE-EYE (local name = Nimesounupwin) was seen as low as 150 m, but only common above 300 m. I also saw four MICRONESIAN IMPERIAL PIGEONS (probably the last of this endemic subspecies) and two CAROLINE GROUND DOVES on the summit of Winipot. The Ground Dove is (fortunately) more common here than on Pohnpei, and I saw another two between mangroves and overgrown agro-forest near Edmund’s house on Tol and one on the capital island of Weno.
On Weno, the scattered trees around the Japanese gun and an overgrown track up to the ridge, had a CAROLINE GROUND DOVE and the common CAROLINE ISLAND REED WARBLER and OCEANIC FLYCATCHER (I couldn’t see any habitat on the south of the island suitable for TRUK MONARCH). The road alongside the airstrip has a concrete drainage ditch which had a range of waders including a Ruff, but the highlight was a Little Whimbrel on the grass.
Finally it was onto the island of Pohnpei, which was the last Micronesian island I was visiting. This is an old volcanic island with narrow reef surrounding it. I stayed at the South Park Hotel in Kolonia ($42.50), which overlooks mangroves, a bay and the ridge of Sokehs Rock. Birding from the hotel restaurant produced White-tailed Tropicbirds, White (Fairy) Terns, POHNPEI LORIKEET and GREY WHITE-EYE along with the familiar MICRONESIAN STARLING and MICRONESIAN MYZOMELA.
On the walk into town to meet up with Bill Raynor, I saw CAROLINE ISLAND REED WARBLER. I had the opportunity to do a bit of birding out of town that afternoon with Bill, as he visited a couple of sites to deliver some conservation reports. The first stop was the Pohnpei College where MICRONESIAN KINGFISHER was heard and the introduced Hunstein’s Munia was seen. At the FSM Government offices, I saw both MICRONESIAN KINGFISHER and POHNPEI FLYCATCHER.
I spent the night staying with Bill and his family in South East Pohnpei and Bill arranged for his son, Ali, to guide me along one of the nearby forest trails through the Fern forest to about 350m asl. This was an enjoyable morning’s birding and produced the following species: POHNPEI LORIKEET (common), MICRONESIAN KINGFISHER (1 seen), POHNPEI FLYCATCHER (common), POHNPEI FANTAIL (common), LONG-BILLED WHITE-EYE (1 pair), GREY WHITE-EYE (common), Hunstein’s Munia (common in roadside grass/scrub). In the afternoon, I visiting Nan Madol before returning to Kolonia. This is an interesting site to visit, being an 1100 AD political, religious and social centre. It looks like something a Mayan site in terms of incredible construction feats and city structure by early peoples.
Additional comments from Guy Dutson
I asked Mark Kostka (home = 320-3683; works at TNC
320-4267, and Conservation Society of Pohnpei 320-5409;
to guide me into the mountains. We took an easy route through good forest,
perhaps not enough cloud forest for a shot at POHNPEI MOUNTAIN STARLING,
but a route where Mark believes he has seen the starling. We saw 9 LONG-BILLED
WHITE-EYES above 450 m – listen for a clearer, stronger call than the other
white-eyes. Other Pohnpei endemics were fairly common, but no Cicadabirds,
REED WARBLER was not seen on this walk, but was seen at a number of places
in the lowlands, especially in wet thickets of reeds or secondary scrub.
I didn’t find any good walks from Kolonia; perhaps try the ridge walk to
Sokehs Rock. I took a kayak tour to Nan Madol from the Village restaurant
($50), which was a good way of seeing this impressive site.
The order and Latin names follow Clements, but some English names have
been amended.
Red-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon rubricauda
3 at cliffs, Marpi Commonwealth forest, Saipan.
White-tailed Tropicbird Phaethon lepturus
Seen in low numbers usually flying over forest on Peleliu, Yap, Saipan & Pohnpei.
Red-footed Booby Sula sula
100+ seen at Seabird colony, Rota.
Brown Booby Sula leucogaster
3 seen at Seabird colony, Rota.
Little Pied Cormorant Phalacrocorax melanoleucos
Up to 20 seen daily, Peleliu.
Great Frigatebird Fregata minor
10 seen at Seabird colony, Rota.
Eastern Reef Heron Egretta sacra
Up to 10 seen Peleliu. Also singles, Weno & Tol South & Pohnpei.
Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis
2 seen most days, Peleliu & Yap. 15 seen at airport, Weno.
Rufous Night Heron Nycticorax caledonicus
Seen in low numbers on Peleliu, Weno & Tol South.
Yellow Bittern Ixobrychus sinensis
2 seen most days, Peleliu & Yap.
Wigeon Anas penelope
5 seen in old water tank, near Division of Fish and Wildlife, Gorapan, Saipan.
Tufted Duck Aythya fuligula
Flock on 9 on main reservoir between airport & Colonia, Yap.
Micronesian Scrubfowl Megapodius laperouse Endemic
3 seen & 1 heard, forest near Japanese War HQ & Shrike, Peleliu.
Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus Intro
Up to 12 seen in forest, Peleliu. Also seen in low numbers in forest on Yap, Saipan & Rota.
Buff-banded Rail Gallirallus philippensis
3 seen on most days, Peleliu.
Moorhen Gallinula chloropus
3 seen, Peleliu. 3 ads and 2 juvs seen in old water tank, near Division of Fish & Wildlife, Gorapan, Saipan.
Pacific Golden Plover Pluvialis fulva
Up to 50 commonly seen on all islands in Micronesia, especially airports and beaches.
Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus
Seen in low numbers on Peleliu, Rota & Tol South.
Common Sandpiper Actitus hypoleucos
Seen daily in low numbers on Peleliu & Yap.
Tattler sp. Heterosceles sp.
Singles seen, but not specifically identified on Saipan & Weno.
Turnstone Arenaria interpres
12 seen, Peleliu airstrip. 15 seen, Rota airport. Up to 6 seen on Weno.
Pacific Gull Larus XXX
2 seen between Peleliu and Koror.
Black-headed Gull Larus ridibundus
3 in Koror harbour.
Crested Tern Sterna bergii
10 seen between Peleliu and Koror. 1 Truk lagoon.
Black-naped Tern Sterna sumatrana
10 seen between Peleliu and Koror. 3 by Mantaray hotel, Yap.
Bridled Tern Sterna anaethetus
6 seen between Peleliu and Koror.
Whiskered Tern Chlidonias hybridus
3 in Koror harbour.
Common Noddy Anous stolidus
Commonly seen throughout Micronesia, both at sea and over forests. Highest numbers included 200 between Peleliu and Koror and 100+ Bird lookout, Marpi Commonwealth forest, Saipan.
White Tern Gygis alba
Up to 20 commonly seen throughout Micronesia, both at sea and over forests.
Javan Turtle Dove Streptopelia bitorquata Intro
Seen in forested areas in low numbers on Saipan, Rota & Tinian.
Nicobar Pigeon Caloenas nicobarica
2 singles seen in flight, Peleliu.
Caroline Islands Ground Dove Gallicolumba kubaryi Endemic
3 seen (1 in plantations & 2 in mangrove edge) on Tol South.
White-throated Ground Dove Gallicolumba xanthonura Endemic
2 of the race sometimes split off as White-headed Ground Dove seen in secondary forest South of the airport on Yap. Up to 2 seen daily usually in flight on Saipan & Rota.
Crimson-crowned Fruit-dove Ptilinopus porphyraceus
3 by Japanese Gun, Weno & 8 on Tol South. Also, commonly found around Kolonia & very commonly found in Fern forest, Pohnpei.
Palau Fruit-dove Ptilinopus pelewensis Endemic
Up to 10 seen & more commonly heard daily in forest habitats on Peleliu.
Mariana Fruit-dove Ptilinopus roseicapilla Endemic
Seen & heard in low numbers around Marpi Commonwealth forest & other parts of Saipan. Seen while travelling on Rota. Several heard in light forest by airport, Tinian.
Micronesian Imperial Pigeon Ducula oceanica Endemic
1 seen and 2 heard, forest north of sports centre, Yap.
Pohnpei Lorikeet Trichoglossus rubiginosus Endemic
Seen in low numbers around South Park Hotel & FSM Government offices, Kolonia & commonly found in Fern forest, Pohnpei.
Palau Swiftlet Aerodramus pelewensis Endemic
Up to 80 seen daily over Koror and Peleliu.
Guam Swiftlet Aerodramus bartschi Endemic
2 over Marpi Commonwealth forest, Saipan.
Caroline Islands Swiftlet Aerodramus inquietus Endemic
Up to 20 seen daily over Weno and Tol South. Up to 70 seen daily over Pohnpei.
Micronesian Kingfisher Todirhamphus cinnamominus Endemic
1 heard, Kolonia college, 2 seen, FSM government offices & 1 in Fern forest, Pohnpei.
Collared Kingfisher Todirhamphus chloris
Up to 15 seen, Peleliu. Also up to 6 seen, Marpi Commonwealth forest, Saipan. 15 seen daily, Rota.
Swallow Hirundo rustica
Seen in low numbers over Koror & Weno.
Cicadabird Coracina tenuirostris
1 female seen in secondary forest South of the airport on Yap.
Palau Bush-warbler Cettia annae Endemic
Up to 8 seen & 20 heard daily in secondary forest South of Wenty’s Guesthouse, Peleliu.
Nightingale Reed Warbler Acrocephalus luscinia Endemic
1 seen, Marpi Commonwealth forest, Saipan.
Caroline Reed Warbler Acrocephalus syrinx Endemic
1 seen, Truk Stop Hotel, Weno, 2 seen in secondary forest, Dublan island & 5 seen Tol South. 1 seen, Kolonia, Pohnpei.
Palau Fantail Rhipidura lepida Endemic
Up to 15 seen daily, in secondary forest South of Wenty’s Guesthouse, Peleliu.
Rufous Fantail Rhipidura rufifrons
8 seen in roadside secondary scrub, North of Colonia, Yap. Up to 15 seen, Marpi Commonwealth forest, Saipan and Rota. 2 seen in light forest by airport, Tinian.
Pohnpei Fantail Rhipidura kubaryi Endemic
15 in Fern forest, Pohnpei.
Truk Monarch Metabolus rugensis Endemic
1 in mangroves, Tol South.
Yap Monarch Monarcha godeffroyi Endemic
1 seen in roadside secondary scrub, North of Colonia, 5 seen in secondary forest South of the airport, 1 seen, forest north of sports centre, Yap.
Tinian Monarch Monarcha takasukasae Endemic
8 seen in light forest by airport, Tinian.
Palau Flycatcher Myiagra erythrops Endemic
Up to 6 seen daily, in secondary forest South of Wenty’s Guesthouse, Peleliu.
Pohnpei Flycatcher Myiagra pluto Endemic
2 seen, FSM government offices and 10 seen in Fern forest, Pohnpei.
Oceanic Flycatcher Myiagra oceanica Endemic
1 Weno town, 2 Japanese Gun, Weno, 5 seen Dublan island & 6 Tol South.
Morningbird Colluricincla tenebrosa Endemic
Up to 8 seen daily, in secondary forest South of Wenty’s Guesthouse, Peleliu.
Bridled White-eye Zosterops conspicillatus Endemic
Up to 50 seen, Marpi Commonwealth forest, Saipan. 8 seen in light forest by airport, Tinian.
Caroline Islands White-eye Zosterops semperi Endemic
4 seen, in secondary forest South of Wenty’s Guesthouse, Peleliu. 4 Japanese Gun, Weno, 2 seen Dublan island & 8 Tol South. 6+ seen, Fern forest, Pohnpei.
Plain White-eye Zosterops hypolais Endemic
Up to 20 seen daily in all secondary forest sites visited, Yap.
Dusky White-eye Zosterops finschii Endemic
2 seen, in secondary forest South of Wenty’s Guesthouse, Peleliu.
Grey White-eye Zosterops cinereus Endemic
Seen in low numbers at South Park Hotel & Kolonia college and 6+ seen in lowlands en route to Fern forest, Pohnpei.
Yap White-eye Zosterops oleagineus Endemic
1 pair seen in roadside secondary scrub on dirt road to Fanil, North of Colonia, Yap.
Long-billed White-eye Rukia longirostra Endemic
2 seen at 350m, Fern forest, Pohnpei.
Golden White-eye Cleptornis marchei Endemic
20 seen, Marpi Commonwealth forest, Saipan.
Giant White-eye Megazosterops palauensis Endemic
Up to 15 seen & 10 heard daily in secondary forest South of Wenty’s Guesthouse, Peleliu.
Micronesian Myzomela Myzomela rubratra Endemic
Commonly seen in all secondary habitats throughout Micronesia.
Black Drongo Dicrurus macrocercus Intro
Up to 80 seen daily, Rota.
Mariana Crow Corvus kubaryi Endemic
2 seen, road airport to Song-song, Rota.
Micronesian Starling Aplonis opaca Endemic
Commonly seen in all secondary habitats throughout Micronesia.
Tree Sparrow Passer montanus Intro
Seen in low numbers around towns & other human habitation on Yap, Saipan, Rota & Tinian.
Blue-faced Parrotfinch Erythrura trichroa
3 seen on Tol South.
Scaly-breasted Munia Lonchura punctulata Intro
Up to 25 seen in secondary scrub, Yap.
Chestnut Munia Lonchura atricapilla Intro
Up to 25 seen in Peleliu. 2 seen, Marpi Commonwealth forest, Saipan.
Hunstein's Munia Lonchura hunsteini Intro
16 seen, Kolonia college & 8 in roadside grass en
route to Fern forest, Pohnpei.