Flamborough Head is noted as an excellent site for viewing pelagic birds. Since it projects 6 miles out into the North Sea, it is one of the top sites on the east coast for sea-watching. There are several sites that provide excellent birding (most of which we didn't visit). Click Here for a map identifying the best locations. The lighthouse is the best place for sea-watching for migrant and vagrant pelagic birds, whereas the other locations tend to attract passerine migrants in the spring and fall. 
We were in this area very briefly, and only had a cursory look through the scope for passing pelagic birds, being distracted by the birds nesting on the cliffs themselves, and the rafts of Guillemots bobbing on the waves below, with an occaisional Black Guillemot mixed in. 
Distant gulls soared around the cliffs, making the air ring with their cries. Barn Swallows hawked over the golf course and and the bushes were alive with Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Linnets and House Sparrows. After a leisurely tea, we headed off for Bempton Cliffs.
Running Total - 71 Species, 52 lifers

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On to Bempton Cliffs
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